Creative Differences
What do you do if your "creative style" is different then your teachers?
Yes, most of you would say "find a new teacher", but what if that wasn't an option….
I am a dancer through and through. I'm obsessed with timing, matching lyrics with movement instead of just "freestyling it". I'm not sexy or as we call it "selling it". I'm lyrical with pointed toes and all. I'm also fast and furious. Slow was never my speed in dance {hated ballet!} and for me to stop to just do a simple spin annoys me. I like my music fast and my moves dramatic. I'm an avalanche in a snow ball basically.
My teacher is the complete opposite. She is this Alethea sex kitten with flow and playfulness. She slithers and freestyles like she breathes. Her music is slow and melodic. Its amazing to watch really. I admire it.
But that's not me.So when it comes time to putting our minds together to put together stuff, like my performance piece, what SHE thinks and what i envision are two different things. And where it kills is that she can't quiet teach me what i think would fit. You know? She's a habitual "flow" person while I'm a "this lyric i want to do BAM BAM BAM!". She has the move knowledge though that i don't have. What i envision in my head i can't quiet pull out cause i don't know enough or how to exactly put it all together. And believe me, I've tried and it feels like creative insanity really. lol. Then i grow frustrated cause what is in my head doesn't come out right cause i can't seem to communicate it right. She tries to help but is easily influenced by her own style thus tries to teach me that. It doesn't fit. So we try again. Repeat. So I'm stuck.
Ideas? Thoughts?
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