Forums Discussions Pole: Seeking advice from girls with thick curly/frizzy hair

  • Pole: Seeking advice from girls with thick curly/frizzy hair

    Posted by CapFeb on October 30, 2012 at 3:18 pm

    So about…we'll say three months ago, I decided to get a perm done on my hair. Pretty much the worst decision of my life. It cuts out a lot of time getting ready for work, but not really because when I get home I spend about 20m picking out my hair as soon as I get out of the shower (I live in phoenix, we have no moisture). 

    I've never had curly hair. Ever. Like, my will curl only wet to dry, no curling iron on the planet will make it stay. So I wasn't expecting what I call "Pillow hair." Basically I'll go to do a shoulder mount, and I'll sweep my hair aside, and it's like moving pillow fluff. My hair is so fluffed together that it feels like a pillow if/when I brush it. If I don't brush it, it looks nice, but underneath the first two lairs of hair are little rats nests that I fear will have a cockroach family living in them one morning when I wake up. 

    Since my perm my each individuals hairs feel more coarse, much more dry, uh…I don't want to say "damaged" because I'm not seeing breakage. But it just feels dense. When I pole sometimes it causes complications–my hair at work is getting stuck in the bottom of the pole, and it never did pre-perm. I guess I'm just looking for a super conditioner/ultra moisturizing hair mask or an alternative to a flat-iron since I don't have $100 to spend on a flat iron that won't fry my hair. 

    Or any suggestions in general with how to keep up with this…mess. 

    Demi913 replied 10 years, 9 months ago 19 Members · 35 Replies
  • 35 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    October 30, 2012 at 3:28 pm

    Gah….about to leave work but have suggestions.  I used to have different treatments for my hair during the different stages of my perm.  I will get back once I get home.

  • Runemist34

    October 30, 2012 at 3:58 pm

    Hey CapFeb! I've had curly hair all my life, and it's taken a while for me to figure out how to make it work…

    So, first thing I'm gonna say… DON'T brush it! It creates a lot of issue for curly hair, results in epic frizz, and I found that it promotes tangles in the long run.

    Next- How often do you wash your hair? Like, with shampoo/conditioner? Because you'll probably want to not do that so often. I "wash" my hair about once a month, because of how dry it is, and what happens when I do wash it. I do, however, shower every day and get my hair wet- this allows me to reset it after sleeping on it, which also causes great frizziness.

    I do, however, highly recommend things like leave-in-conditioners. My hair LOVES them, and the thicker the better! Your hair may not need as much, or it may need more- it all depends!

    If you really feel you must de-tangle your hair, it's best to do it when it's wet. With your fingers. That's the very best way I've ever found, and I will never take a brush to my hair again, unless it's being styled up (which I can't do yet, it's too short!). I've had everyone and their dog tell me that if I do that for too long (no brushing, only with fingers, only when wet, etc.) I'll end up with dreadlocks. Well, it's been like five years, and no dreadlocks yet!

    Lastly, handle your hair as little as possible, especially when it's drying. Handling will also cause the hairs to come out of their little curls, and form frizz.

    Every curly-haired person is going to do something very different with their hair- I've even heard of some people needing to watch the PH balance of the conditioner they use!

    I've also taken to using a little gel in my hair- keeps everything staying nice, and keeps it DOWN when it's raining out (which it is all the time, because I live in BC). I've tried mousse, hair spray, and all sorts of other things… lots of them work, but I enjoy keeping it simple, and it works just as well as all the others. Little bit of gel when it's wet, then let it dry by itself, without fiddling with it.

    I wish you luck! Curly hair is a very different kind of creature than straight hair.

  • CapFeb

    October 30, 2012 at 4:19 pm

    see, I don’t want to brush it because of pillow hair. But I don’t want the rats nest tangles either. What leave in conditioners do you use specifically?

    Also; I guess I should mention, my hair isn’t super curly since the perm has fallen out….it’s more like Britney Spears from 2000. medium hair crimp/waves?

  • abcollins1

    October 30, 2012 at 4:50 pm

    I have naturally thick curly hair, cant say that ive had any issues poling with it, but im not very advanced yet.

    Anyways, i do a lot of the same R34 said. I only wash my hair about 2 times a week, though i have to wet my hair everyday to style it. I typically will use a very heavy conditioner everyday to help with the frizz. Once a week I use a claryifying shampoo to take out all of the buildup from all the products i use, and another time I will use a moisturizing/hydrating shampoo, because you dont need more volume with thick hair!

    I also use a leave in conditioner and use a curl definer spritz so control frizz and keep the curls curly.

    I do brush my hair when wet because just doing it with my hands will not work on my hair. But I do have to have a specific type of brush to prevent damage. Once i get the tangles out, the brush doesnt touch my hair.

    With drying the hair, you either have to let air dry or blow dry using the diffuser ONLY! Just straight blow drying results in the curls separating, air drying is best but takes up to 2 hours with my hair.

    Also, as R34 said, DONT TOUCH!! Once its styled dont mess with it or the curls with just frizz.

    For products, I have found that the cheap ones do not work on my hair. My hair really does best with the better quality hair care products. I do not know why and i dont know if everyones hair is that way. I just noticed a huge difference with the products i use.

    For shampoo/conditioner i use Paul Mitchell, Redken or Aveeda.

    My curl definer is Bed Head Foxy Curls and when i want straight hair, i use a babyliss 2" flat iron (much less than 100 bucks and works just as good as the more expensive brands) and a product from SexyHair called Straight Sexy.

    Biolage makes a good hair mask conditioner that i like. Works really nicely on my hair.

  • Runemist34

    October 30, 2012 at 5:07 pm

    I currently use Lush products mostly, so their R & B leave in conditioner is great- however, it only comes in the little tubs, so… I can't use it too often, or things become expensive 😉

    That said, I don't personally notice a lot of difference between one brand and another, just the product really- like I said, the thicker the stuff is, the better, for me!

    The rats' nest thing will go away a little more as your hair becomes more moisturized. This is what often happens with curly hair- it's so dry, as opposed to straight hair which can get oily. Dry hair will tangle a lot easier, and a lot more, so try to keep your hair from getting overly dry! I also find that, if my hair is more dry, it is also more frizzy.

    And, having actual ringlets is not necessarily the way to tell if you have "curly" hair- there's a whole system out there for describing your particular type of curly hair, ranging from barely any wave to craaazzzy curly, like african-american hair!

  • Danielle Tillie

    October 30, 2012 at 6:20 pm

    The only brushing I ever do is right before I take a shower. I like to get all the knots out before the shower, but brushing afterwards just creates a frizzy mess. I only wash with actual shampoo once a week. Otherwise it’s just gentle head massage with conditioner. If you feel like you need to shampoo more often, baby shampoo is excellent. It doesn’t have the harsher chemical that dries out curly hair, sodium laureth sulfate, so you can use it freely. Plus it smells lovely! I never skimp on the amount of conditioner I use. I use a lot, covering every strand thoroughly, and leave it in for about 5 minutes before rinsing gently (leaving a tiny amount still in the hair, that wonderful silky feeling). I use a hair “lotion” for curly hair and a light dusting of finishing spray and let it air dry. My hair lotion is by Garnier Fructis. It’s light enough that it doesn’t weigh my hair down but infuses plenty of moisture. That’s all it comes down to. Moisture, moisture, moisture. 🙂

  • Lee lee

    October 30, 2012 at 7:07 pm

    It’s taken me all my life to learn how to care for my curly hair. What works for me, won’t necessarily work for you, but I’ll tell you anyways:

    – I only shampoo my hair once a week to get rid of build up or if I go swimming.

    – I do put conditioner in my hair, to “wash” it. Conditioner, when the scalp is scrubbed, will act as shampoo and clean any build up. This is the only time I will comb my hair (with either a wide tooth comb or my fingers). Never brush curly hair and don’t comb while dry.

    – I rinse with ice cold water (just by flipping my hair upside down). I will then add back some conditioner to work as a leave-in.

    – To style, I put a small amount of olive oil (yep, same stuff as found in the kitchen) in my hair. Curly hair needs to be moisturized. Some people use jojoba or almond oil instead. Followed by gel.

    – If you do not have time to air dry or are doing this overnight, wrap your hair in a microfibre towel or a flour-sack towel (can be found at WalMart). Regular towels will break up your curl pattern.

    It seems like a lot of work, but if I use more products on the first day, then I can get 2-3 days of nice looking curly hair without having to go through the process of washing it. I might add a little water to re-activate my gel.

    Any time someone asks me about taking care of curly hair, I always point them towards the following website. It’s done wonders for teaching me how to properly take care of my hair:

    Hope that helps!

  • Lee lee

    October 30, 2012 at 7:08 pm

    Oh, and I forgot to add that I only use sulfate-free and silicone-free products in my hair. Sulfate products will dry out your hair and silicone will coat it.

  • chemgoddess1

    October 30, 2012 at 7:31 pm

    Alright….my power supply on my main computer fried during the storm last night.  When my hair was still a fresh perm this is what I needed to do.  First I always tried to repair whatever chemical damage was done by using the Ion 3 step emergency repair kit from Sally Beauty.  THis stuff works wonders for getting the pores closed again without stripping the curl.  Next I used Infusium conditioner in the shower (the stuff is super thick) and also their spray leave in conditioner once I got out.  Once a week I used a deep conditioner, I used to use Aussie 3 minute miracle but then changed to Beyong the Zone Last Call Hair Masque (Also a Sally product).  In order for my hair not to frizz I would use a dimethicone/silicone gloss AND hair gel.  I only used a wide tooth comb to get the tabgles out and then never touched my hair again.


    Later on in the perm I could go back to regular conditioners and then I would switch to Catwalk Curls Rock Amplifier.  Toiward the end of my perm the curls would really loosen and this stuff really kicked them up.  It was one of the best curl amplifier products I ever tried.



  • CapFeb

    October 30, 2012 at 9:38 pm

    @Danielle: That's pretty much what I do. I just don't want the clumps to be there when I'm out of the shower. So I lightly towel dry and then after I've tousled my hair (while it still damp) I lightly go through it with a wide toothed comb. 

    @Chem I just bought a new power supply like, 5 hours ago @_@ and that's still not the cause of my computer failure. But I was looking at the Aussie 3MM because I heard rave reviews about it on Youtube. Why did you switch to Beyond the Zone, out of curiosity? 

    From this I gather I just need to buy a really good leave in conditioner, stop washing my hair three times a week, and get a super hair masque. Thanks for all the help you guys :3

    Also; @Abcollins I'll definitely check out that flat iron….I'm just almost broke right now, so I don't want to pay a whole lot more than $40 for a flat iron. But I have been using Babyliss's hot rollers for years and I love them! Thanks for the suggestion 

  • luvlee

    October 30, 2012 at 9:56 pm

    I love all these ideas. I too have natural curly hair. I only wash it every 5 days or so. I use a dry shampoo inbetween washes. I like the Sexy Hair Concepts Big Sexy Hair one. I only detangle mine with my fingers or a large tooth comb after showering. Then I spray some Aquage sea salt spray all over it and let it dry or dry it with a diffuser. You only want to get the dampness out with the diffuser though. It will frizz if you dry it all the way. Argon oil is good too for thicker hair to stop frizz. Let me find a pic of my hair when I actually wear it curly.

  • OzarkSiren

    October 30, 2012 at 11:36 pm

    Aveda Damage Remedy, not the leave in one the one you put on after shampoo and rinse out.  It is awesome. My poor hair got fried with a bad color job and trying to get it corrected. The Damage remedy really helped. Good luck.


  • hookedonpole

    October 30, 2012 at 11:49 pm

    Agh, curly hair, the curse for me LOL  You probably can't tell in my pics and videos, but I have the ugly kind of curly hair.  The kinds that puffs out into cotton ball head.  I've had a phase or two in my adult life where I found the right kinds of product combination to get the cute curl, but then got the bright idea to do something different…big mistake!  Now I can't get that cute curly look back.

    For some time now, I went back to the old fashioned setting it with medium/large hair rollers and sitting under hair dryer to get the frizz out.  I found a beauty salon chair hair dryer on craigs list few years ago and love it!!!  Depending on length of hair determines how long under the dryer, but it would take just as long if I blew dried or flat ironed it to get frizz out, not to mention sore arms!

    This way I wash it about twice a week and use hot rollers in between to get some control.  Of course, humid weather or rain causes it to frizz, ugh.  Drives me nuts because I don't have good "poling" hair LOL  I still end up with a ploppy mop of hair on my head.  Maybe I'll try the curly look again or maybe not.

  • chemgoddess1

    October 31, 2012 at 7:20 am

    I was having a hard time finding the Aussie stuff for a while and Sally Beauty is everywhere.  Plus it seems like Sally's has the Beyond the Zone stuff on sale pretty much every month.  I used to buy hair color from Sally also so I was always at that store.

  • FeeDen

    October 31, 2012 at 9:00 am

    Low sulphate conditioners are great and I use John Frieda Frizz ease on my daughters curly hair, it calms it down and defines the curls.  I  use olive oil and leave it on her hair over night  it really works on Becky's hair .  We were having terrible knotting, matting and frizzing problems after swimming but I found great advice on the British Curlies web site it covers all curly hair from afros to wavy, and saved alot of tears, mine and Becky's ðŸ™‚                                                                   

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