Pole pain comparison
After having a conversation with LucilleHighball about the difference between tattoo pain and pole pain, I'm interested in taking an informal survey of how pole pain stacks up against other pains. Basically, name some pole positions and tell how much they hurt the first time, and then list some other painful things you've experienced and how much they hurt on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest amount of pain and 10 the highest. With tattoos, and piercings it would be helpful if you could say where on the body it was
Here's mine for a sample:
stitches in eyebrow = 2
3" tattoo above hip bone on belly = 3
knee hold = 3
sprained thumb = 3
leg switches around pole = 4
stitches in thumb = 4
teddy = 4
very first hip holds = 4
superman = 5
foot hang on lyra = 5
yogini/rocketman = 5
rocketman drop = 5
horrible pole accident in yogini at Burning Man (two words: glitter paint) = 6
foot hang on lyra = 6
nipple piercing = 7
16" tattoos that wrap around the backs of my legs = 7
ladybits piercing = 7.5
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