Muscle spasms/twitches
I seem to be prone to developing an ongoing twitch in a particular muscle that sometimes lasts hours, sometimes days, sometimes weeks. It most often strikes in one of my eyelids – a little while ago, I sneezed really hard, and my eyelid wouldn't stop twitching for a month. I was ready to staple it in place!!! Grrr.
Sometimes I can tie it to a specific thing I did, like the sneeze, or a particular workout that really tired me out, and sometimes even orgasm can trigger some twitching for a while (this, I figure, is normal). But other times the twitches seem to crop up out of nowhere, and once they start, there's nothing I can do to make them stop, they just have to fade out in their own time — and drive me crazy in the meantime!
Right now I have an ongoing twitch in my left hand in the valley between my thumb and index finger – this is Day 3 of that particular twitch. Sometimes it will just spasm once, and sometimes it goes crazy, like someone is pushing a button rapidly in succession to make it spasm. And just this morning, I started getting another twitch on the inside of my left knee.
Whenever I've looked this up online, the best answer I can find is that this indicates a possible potassium deficiency. I just thought I'd put it out here because there are some really smart folks in this community who might be able to shed some additional light on this.
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