Forums Discussions Teaching yourself “flow”

  • Teaching yourself “flow”

    Posted by Runemist34 on May 6, 2013 at 1:39 pm

    Hey everyone!

    I know that this subject has been tossed around here a lot, but unfortunately, none of the threads really seem to do it for me- I can't seem to get the answer I need from them.

    I've struggled for a long time with trying to find "flow," or that illusive sexiness that I so desire with my dancing. I can get moves, sure, and I continue to work on more and more moves, even transitions and simple dancing. However, I don't seem to have that… umm, how do I even explain it? That sensual quality, the put-together-ness of a dance, the connection between dancer and music? Kind of all and none of those?

    I'm reminded of The Birdcage (if anyone has seen that movie!) where the flamboyant "maid" explains why he's not ever allowed in any of the shows: They're afraid of his "juatamaleness.(spelling??), my natural heat." I want THAT! lol

    So I suppose my question is… how do you teach yourself that? How is it taught in classes? I know some people have "sexy flow" classes, or something similar, in their pole dancing studios… what do those classes entail? There aren't any around here that I can take.

    My boyfriend suggested just taking a whole bunch of dancing classes- doesn't have to be pole dancing, just ANY dancing. I used to enjoy belly dancing, and he said I could start with that… and improve that which I'm looking to improve. What do you guys think?

    Runemist34 replied 11 years, 5 months ago 18 Members · 28 Replies
  • 28 Replies
  • Krista Bocko

    May 6, 2013 at 1:54 pm
  • Runemist34

    May 6, 2013 at 2:13 pm

    Sort of!

    I do freestyle a lot, but it never seems to get further than a few tricks… and I end up fairly grounded for the whole thing. Nothing but the most basic spins and poses, and almost no moves that require much strength. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with that! There are many more powerful moves that I could use with ease, but I never seem to do so. It's very… repetitive.

  • Dwiizie

    May 6, 2013 at 2:25 pm

    Do you ever feel genuinely sensual as you are dancing? I feel like my "mojo" is completely thrown off if I'm trying to remember moves, poses, ackwardly "trying" to be whatever sexy is. But if I FEEL sexy, and I allow that to burst through, and embrace it, that is when my dance is fluid and sensual. If I feel any shame of it, I can can kick it right out of my frame. Owning my space, myself. I do picture an audience of adoring beautiful people often lol. Put on the raunchiest song, musically or lyrically that you can think of, and dance with RIDDICULOUSLY suggestive, tacky, overtly sexual moves. Its a freeing experience. 

  • Cherished

    May 6, 2013 at 2:32 pm

    I'm not a natural dancer at all. I'm getting better with flow from repetition only. I've gotten into the habit of putting together mini combos of about 3 moves each during practice that I do over and over. Now when I do routines I kind of thread together those combos and the flow looks better because I'm so used to them. 


  • Cherished

    May 6, 2013 at 2:33 pm

    Oh also I do Rhiannon Nicole's online sexy flows which help very much

  • Runemist34

    May 6, 2013 at 2:37 pm

    Dwiizie: That… actually sounds like a fantastic idea 😉 I've felt sexy now and then while dancing, but… it comes and goes ;P I'll have to give that a try!

    Cherished: Could you send me a link to the online sexy flows? I love Rhiannan Nicole! And I've been thinking I should try to put a few moves together in my own way, and practice those… I suppose I've been being bad and putting it off, though. I'm going to kick my butt and get on it!


    May 6, 2013 at 2:50 pm

    Hi Runemist34-

    I'd like to point out a few different things so you have a few things to work on.

    First you say you want to work on that sensual side, "flow" ,and illusive sexiness. Sexiness is different for everyone. For example if you are doing a little dance for your partner, no special trick is really gonna floor him more than just being you. Smiles, everything long and drawn out-extrememly slow etc. You can use some props like gloves, a tie etc. to help you too. Try doing ONLY floorwork for a specific amount of time every week. Floorwork can be just as sexy as any power move you are thinking of on the pole! Connect with your music. Are you playing music that you can "feel". If you aren't into it, it might be time to switch it up. There are different moves I play to work out with pole than I'd play to do a sexy showcase too. 

    Next, work on your transitions only. How are you getting up from the floor? This also can be just as sexy as a combo on the pole. Are you inverting? If you are, try doing as many things as you can after your warm-ups in your work outs and you'll build strength  each week to do more and more. I looked at a recent vid from me two years ago and could only do 1 or 2 moves before coming back down. If you are at this point, that is Perfectly OK. Don't beat yourself up! You will build more and more:) Try everything super slow from coming down on the pole, to inverting slow etc. Smile and remember to breathe. Have a good time with it. Let us know how it goes:) Maybe we can get into chat on Friday's and play together via webcam on here. I am a certified teacher through Pole Moves:) Veena also always offers great feedback. Good luck!

  • Cherished

    May 6, 2013 at 3:06 pm

    Here you go Rune  (go to classes/all classes/sexy flow

    There is a fee of 20 something per month but you have access to all the classes

  • Lina Spiralyne

    May 6, 2013 at 3:09 pm

    Regarding what you say about not seeming able to fit in strength moves in your freestyle, could you maybe try to change it by picking out let say two of such tricks (that you know you can do solidly) beforehand and decide for yourself that one of them have to be performed sometimes during the first half of the song and the second one during the second part of the song? And apart from that you can do whatever comes up in your mind. Just an idea 🙂

  • tacha666

    May 6, 2013 at 3:32 pm

    My friend and I have a fun game: we wrote down all moves we can do. Then we pick a song and one of us is freestyling to it. The other one picks a move from the list which has to be executed. It doesn’t have to be the next move, you can add just as many things in between as you like, but you have to do it before the song is over.
    That way you get to do moves you otherwise wouldn’t think of, and it helps to get stuck and not knowing what to do next. And it let’s you get creative while you dance!

  • Veena

    May 6, 2013 at 4:17 pm

    If you have the lessons you might want to try out the new Routines section. I've put things together including interesting arm and leg movements for you to follow. You'll really get a feel for how moves can flow from one to the other. The best thing you can do is, practice, practice, practice!!!

  • Paunobs

    May 6, 2013 at 6:33 pm

    For me i need to feel the song and get lost in it.but yes it is practice, i too feel like you and because i have next to no back bend I feel like i do not  look nice and slinky but i just keep doing the best i can. and dont compare, accepting your own style and movement is an important thing.;)


  • anngiern

    May 6, 2013 at 10:01 pm

    I agree with organic angel….just spend some time only doing certain things. I challenge my students to do a whole song with floorwork only. Or a pole dance with spins only or strictly aerial for 2+minutes. I have found that when you "limit" yourself then that is when you become creative!! You are forced to think outside the box because of the "limitations". That is the way I come up with new moves all the time 🙂


    Also taking other dance classes like modern, lyrical, etc…will definitely help. Those types of classes are all about flow.


    And Rihanna Nicoles sexy flow  lessons do rock. I subscribe to that as well. She truly does have some unique tranisitions and if you can take class with her in person you wont be disappointed. Every time I go to L.A. I take classes at her studio.


    And the best tip….you have to practice a few days a week. Even if its just sensual dance, wall moves and floorwork and no pole (in case you are physically tired). I highly encourage my students to dance in dark room with candles and red lights, turn your music WAY UP so you can hear and feel every beat. And don't go in with an agenda. Just marinade in the moment and enjoy yourself. It is very freeing and liberating.

  • katalyzed

    May 7, 2013 at 10:15 am

    I'm sort of in the same boat as you. I feel like the more you practice, the more you get a feel for what moves seamlessly follow other moves. I plan on actually writing a routine to a song in a few weeks. Maybe eventually I won't need to write it and it will just flow. Transitions and floorwork seem really important to grasp. There are a lot of good lessons here, and I was also checking out the February Floorwork Challenge videos for inspiration.

  • Runemist34

    May 7, 2013 at 1:03 pm

    Sawyer Venm: I have tried to record myself dancing, but it generally turns into a disaster. Between me being hyper-aware of the camera the whole time, and thus unable to relax and have fun while dancing, to my watching the video and being extremely critical of my body, my movements, and everything else that goes with those, I decided to avoid recording for a little while. My self-esteem just can't take it.

    Though I do understand the value of recording myself dance… I just can't seem to get past criticizing myself for what I look like to get to that point :/

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