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  • Fitness questions

    Posted by CloSmo on August 5, 2013 at 1:00 am

    Hi everybody!

    I have a question regarding pole dancing. Is it an effective weight loss/healthy body maker?

    I have tried lots of things to get me in a little better shape and I’ve lost 10 kilos this year- but still have another 20 or so to go. But my problem is I haven’t been able to find something I enjoy doing and doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable/stupid/fat that I want to stick to until I discovered Pole.

    I have a pole at home, 50mm Chrome, and have been doing the 30 Day Take Off and am on day 23, but I want to know whether I should try to incorporate some other sport as well.

    Before I was doing pole I was doing Zumba Wii a few days a week and resistence bands once a week and I enjoye that but I haven’t done that since starting the 30 Day Take off as I didn’t want to over do anything (I’m new to exercise).

    If anyone has an ideas, comments, opinions or (even better) results about pole dancing for this reason please let me know!

    Ps I eat okay. Could be better though. I gave up McDonald’s in January and as a result I eat very little take out and junk foods at the moment. Though u spose I could eat more veggies and fruit and drink more water.

    CrazyKosters replied 11 years, 2 months ago 15 Members · 33 Replies
  • 33 Replies
  • sassylina

    August 5, 2013 at 1:25 am

    pole is good strength training. But you also need cardio and of course your diet is important. It all goes hand in hand 🙂

  • chemgoddess1

    August 5, 2013 at 8:04 am

    Diet is 90% of weight loss.  I know many women who have lost and toned up JUST with pole, but you have to do it more than once a week and you have to push yourself.  I also would look to take a Zumba class instead of doing it at home as we will push harder in a class than by ourselves.

  • CloSmo

    August 5, 2013 at 8:41 am

    I’m not likely to function better in a Zumba class. A couple of reasons – I can’t afford it, I’d be embarrassed to go by myself, and I wouldn’t be able to track myself.

    The Zumba Wii game makes me want to get 5 stars, tracks calories, progress and weight loss. I also can do classes- there’s short, medium and a long class. Short class is about 30min

  • calipolepixie

    August 5, 2013 at 11:16 am

    I agree with Chem about diet being a huge part of weight loss. Exercise particularily cardio is also an important tool in weight loss. So if you can get treadmill time in, running, kickboxing and/or a live Zumba class in 3-4x a week, you will see better results.

  • smokinangel

    August 6, 2013 at 3:46 am

    Agree with everything previously said about diet. Also, drink LOTS of water.
    I actually push harder on cardio without an audience. If you Zumba on the Wii, do it. A heartrate monitor is a good bet, but the “talk test” works, too. It should be moderately hard to talk. For me, maybe 4-5 words per breath. Either way, consistency is your friend. Good luck!

  • Cliche

    August 6, 2013 at 1:25 pm

    I started paying attention to what I eat and bought my 45mm Titanium X-Sport for my home last summer.  I've lost 40 pounds!!!!  I do pole 5 days a week, I find I just respond to it so much more than anything else.  I know what you mean looking for the "thing" that you'll stick to.  My experience has really worked out.  Now, I'm at the point where I'm strong enough to incorporate other forms of dance, and I've joined a stripper gym that offers poling and other classes that I'm taking for floorplay and flexibility.  But poling by itself and eating right (for you) can work for weight loss.

  • Beccagirl

    August 6, 2013 at 2:11 pm

     CloSmo, I actually been wondering this question myself! I just started poling again and did the 30 day take off program, it was awesome 🙂 by the way 🙂 I been doing cardio in between time. But I can also eat better and trying to get into the habit. I told myself I can eat out once a week, so far so good, and i gone down on my pop 🙁 Which is better for me, in the long run. I do want to incorporate more stuff as well, but I agree I don't want to over due it, but since i never worked out constant in my life time, i figure i can do two hours of working out, helps me sleep better! I'm glad i'm not the only person on here who has been thinking the same question!! Keep up the good work

  • villainvixen

    August 6, 2013 at 3:57 pm

    Pole does work for weight loss. I lost 50 pounds. But, I did other things with it, mainly to build strength and endurance for pole. My first…I'd say 6 to 7 months, pole, diet change, and cardio had been working just fine. But I've met my threshold, I'm not losing anything anymore and I can't figure out what more I should be doing. 

  • moonlitmare

    August 7, 2013 at 9:58 am

    That diet thing…yea its a killer.. There's really no denying it

    I've been poling ~6 months???

    I haven't "lost" anything but I haven't really "gained" either. I can say I definitely think I am stronger than I have ever been..People tell me I look better than last summer (8lbs lighter) because now I am tone. I was killing myself with dieting and running last summer. I got burned out. I know I need to add cardio again if I expect to lose any amount of weight noticeably in a short time but I like to pole better.  I don't have to force myself to pole but to "workout" I gotta beg myself all day.

    I figure it this way, something is always better than nothing. There's an eventuality with weight vs ability in this. As I want to advance I'll have to build the strength to be able to do the moves. The muscle gained will increase my metabolism by default I'll lose weight.

    I could be wrong. I only just started. We'll see. Good luck

  • kambrose

    August 7, 2013 at 12:54 pm


    you are definitely building muscle but you need to loose weight the right way.

    Try signing up with . I signed up with them a couple years ago and lost weight. They also have videos on youtube for you to do. I think with pole and this you will do so good!

  • CloSmo

    August 7, 2013 at 6:07 pm

    Villainvixen- what other things did you do??

  • CloSmo

    August 7, 2013 at 6:11 pm

    Thank you to everyone who has replied!

    I assumed there was some cardio involved – maybe my misconception came from the “dancing” part of the word.

    I’m big, so I assume for right now all I would really need to do would be pole but I would plateau pretty quickly. I guess short class of Zumba, pole and resistance bands it is.

    I was actually starting the couch to 5k- I stopped because it has been raining but I might start that up again.

  • CloSmo

    August 7, 2013 at 6:15 pm

    Moonlite- I was on Tony Ferguson but stopped that and increased all my exercise and started eating better. People keep saying I’ve lost more since I stopped TF (2 months ago) but there has only been a 2 kilo difference in that time so I assume toning up a little is helping (though my belly is still wobbly!), especially in my calves, I can notice my calves are more toned

  • poledanceromance

    August 7, 2013 at 10:20 pm

    Another personal perspective on diet. I can get to a place where I can work out enough to eat pretty much whatever I want. But I will be at the top end of my weight and rather soft looking. For me to be at the low end of my weight and lean looking, my diet has to be well under control. And for me being at the low end of my weight makes a difference in the impact I feel and the control I have in advanced inverted moves. Pole feels easier to me at 120-125 and leaner muscles than it felt at 140 and with bulkier muscles.

  • poledanceromance

    August 7, 2013 at 10:35 pm

    Also I think it’s important to have a balanced pole diet. This is how I plan my serious pole sessions and I think it’s a good flow:

    Warm up time- range of motion and muscle activation exercises. 10 minutes-1hour or more depending on how long and intense the pole session will be/what the goals are. (for me an hour+ warmup usually means back bending goals for my pole session and/or a multiple hours long pole session).

    After the warmup, a very intense, upbeat cardio pole freestyle. Spins, transitions, sweat.

    Pole moves. Working tricks. Practicing old tricks a few times, breaking down new tricks or executing them repeatedly to get them comfortable. Pole should be hot from the first freestyle.

    Strength drills. Sometimes the lines between the tricks work and drills get blurred for me and the meat of my session is a mix of the two. Don’t tire yourself out completely on strength drills before you work new pole tricks…just tossing that out there…bad things lol.

    Slower, controlled, lighter intensity cardio and flexy freestyle.

    Cool down stretching. If you want to do deep stretching…now is the time.

    Just a basic structure I think probably a lot of people use…

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