Forums Discussions Should Kids Use The Pole?

  • Should Kids Use The Pole?

    Posted by scubagirl on August 29, 2013 at 5:50 am

    I have a 10 yr old boy. I also have a pole at home. He has never seen me on it. To be honest, it's not up that often. I allowed my son to try climbing the pole and he also did a perfect corkscrew spin (so jealous!) with absolutely no instruction on my part. To be fair, when we were at the park a few weeks ago, he climbed the fireman pole and did spins with no true knowledge of what he was doing. The kids goof around on it at the playground all the time. My husband very quickly took the pole down stating that if kids find out at school that his mom has a pole and he climbs it, parents won't allow their kids to come over anymore. I get where he's coming from, but some of the other parents know that I pole dance for fitness and they're cool with it. Opinions?

    moonlitmare replied 11 years, 1 month ago 18 Members · 29 Replies
  • 29 Replies
  • cupcakejenea

    August 29, 2013 at 9:30 am

    My kids are 7 6 4..they all play on my pole..i don’t really see the harm in it esp if “we” are trying to change the way other veiw daughter (7) sees it as gymnastics and ballet all in one..we youtube comps a lot together ..she knows what tasteful and what’s not (in her eyes) boys are still small so the play fireman…o ya my daughter went to school and talked about turns out 3 of her classmates have a xpole in there home and they are all find that no matter what a parent does your kid is gping to find out..for me i take it as the opportunity to open that door as communication 🙂

  • Jacki C

    August 29, 2013 at 10:21 am

    I have a nine year old girl and a 5 year old boy.  I have a personal studio in the attic space of our home.  I'll be honest, I do worry what teachers or other parents might think, especially since moving into a smaller community.  And I'll also be honest in saying that it kinda ticks me off that I or any other poling parent would even have to worry.  When it comes down to it, I know that I am not doing anything to be ashamed of.  But that doesn't change the stigma that I believe non polers have of pole dancing which plays on the whole slut shaming mentality.  So I strike a balance, because I don't want to hide the fact that I pole, so I have conditioned the kiddos to tell people that I do pole fitness.  With emphasis on the word "fitness."  At that point, I'm out of the closet, and I figure if tongues waggle and assumptions are made about my sexuality based on the fact that I like to work out using a pole, then waggling tongues attached to people with poor logic skills are the type of people I don't want to waste my time on.  Because being judgemental does not make one correct, and we do have the power to not agree, and I refuse to make that agreement with people who really have no idea what they are talking about.  The sorry thing is your husband could be correct about the responses of other parents, and that's an unknown factor.  But probably what is going to happen is there will be a few who do that and there will be a few who don't care.  As I see it, it just weeds out people I don't want myself or my family to be around.  🙂

  • scubagirl

    August 29, 2013 at 10:56 am

    A lot of the moms I am friends with on Facebook, so they know and are really cool about it. They "get it". I have also stopped talking about my "dance" class and make sure I use the terms exercise and fitness. When he was climbing the pole, I made sure to tell him all the different muscles he was using and making stronger.  Thank you for your reply, Jacki C! 🙂

  • scubagirl

    August 29, 2013 at 11:06 am

    cupcakejenea- I like that you view it as a way to start communication.  As my hubby was putting the pole away, I thought "Am I perpetuating the stigma by putting it away? Does it make it seem bad or wrong to my son?" I don't see anything wrong with it, especially since he's only doing strength moves/conditioning. If any parents say anything to me, I will also use it as an opportunity to show people that the stereotype is so wrong. Thanks! 🙂

  • Veena

    August 29, 2013 at 11:23 am

    This is a common question here from moms. My answer is always YES! Kids LOVE playing on the pole!!! I have 4 boys and they all are allowed to use the pole. However, they have to ask my permission, and they cannot use it when I'm not around for safety reasons.  I even made a video with my kids a few years ago (they are much older now)

    I don't steer away from the sexual aspect of it, I don't think its necessary. I want my boys to have a healthy view on sexuality and I think that comes from not hiding that we are sexual beings. There is nothing dirty about wanting to feel sexy or think someone is sexy, it's normal!! I let my oldest boys watch Dancing with the stars and So you think you can dance and they have some very sensual (sexual as others might see it) dances on those shows. They understand that pole dance can be many things including sexy, just like any other style of dance. 

    Jacki C I use to feel the way you do!! I would immediately say it was a good workout when talking to others about it!

    Now that I have matured in my pole journey, here's my take on it. I totally understand why many parents (and others) like to emphasis the "fitness" aspect of pole, because it's less awkward. You want to protect your kids and yourself from judgment. But, by not talking openly about the other sides of pole, like the fact that is can be sexy, are we possibly keeping that very stigma that many pole dancers worry about? Unless a person truly, ONLY, uses the pole for exercise (which some do and that's cool) I think we might be doing ourselves an injustice by playing the "I do it for fitness" card. Wouldn't it be great if everyone could be comfortable with their sexuality!!!!

    One last thing, I'm not say that poling just for the fitness is bad or wrong, not at all! I just don't want it to become the excuse we use to justify what we love..IF that love is Pole DANCE. If you do pole FITNESS, then yes, focus on what a great workout it is when you talk with others.

  • scubagirl

    August 29, 2013 at 11:42 am

    Thank you Studioveena! LOVE all your points! Definitely opened my eyes too! I guess I'm still a little uncomfortable with my son knowing I'm a sexual being. But I AM a sexual being and you're right…I want him to have a healthy view of sexuality too. I never had one growing up. Something I need to work on in myself for sure. I love the fitness aspect, but I love the sexy part of it too! I love being a woman, putting the stilettos on and dancing for my hubby! Thank you for opening my eyes (and mind)!

  • Veena

    August 29, 2013 at 12:15 pm

    In all honesty I wrote it as a reminder to myself too!! 🙂

  • PandalinaHooker

    August 29, 2013 at 3:50 pm

    Veena, I love that you made the association between the sensual movements of ballroom dance and pole dancing. What a wonderful way to look at it! It makes me think of all the women rushing to put their kids in Ballet or Jazz dance classes. Ballet dance has LOTS of adult-themed connotations (even though the movements may not seem sensual to us, the stories they tell are definitely not always kid stories!!), and Jazz used to be considered something reserved for uneducated, promiscuous people (not unlike stripping, and unfortunately the strong mainstream misconception of pole dancing still has the two in the same box)! And don't get me started on all of the sexual connotations of Latin/ballroom dancing!!! What an amazing way to put it in perspective!

  • Polewalker916

    August 29, 2013 at 6:53 pm

    Yes!!! I have a 12 yo boy and 2 yo girl, they both love it. My pole is right smack in between my kitchen and living room and stays up all the time. Honestly anyone who comes to our house (kids and adults) either don’t even notice it at all (which is weird to me) or just naturally gravitate towards it while in conversation. I watch them either lean, stretch, climb, or walk around it. Even my husbands grandma!! Unfortunately my sister in law doesn’t really like it, I am pretty sure she sees it as a stripper pole. To each their own but I have 6 nieces and nephews from my brother, 3 of them girls. She doesn’t mind the boys coming to sleep over (they are teens and not biologically hers) when I asked about my nieces she said she would only let them if they didn’t get on the pole. What she doesn’t seem to see is that they are already swinging around a pole at school, same thing. I hate the stigma. It’s not like I would give them a lesson and if I did it wouldn’t b sexual!! A fireman spin, they have probably already done it on the ‘fireman’ pole on the elementary playground. Anyhow, it’s terrible we even have to think about what other people will say/do/or/think. I think as long as its being used in an appropriate manner and safely, go for it kids 🙂

  • zzzzzz

    August 29, 2013 at 7:11 pm

    My oldest daughter is almost nine and I see it as a wonderful thing for her.  For the past year or so, she has been asking if she is too fat (nowhere close), turning down food, and standing sideways in front of the mirror, poking at her belly and sucking it in.  When I was trying to lose weight after having my second child, it got worse and other family members started voicing concerns about her body image and behaviors.  I have two poles, one in my room and the other in our family room, and she’s on one or the other all the time.  We’re using it to shift her focus from being “skinny” toward being strong.  She likes to show off her muscles and what she can do.


    My husband initially had the same concerns about how it might influence her as she goes into her teen years, and what other people might say.  When I got my first pole and put it up, I told her it was for dancing and exercise, and she immediately asked, “Like on ‘My Name is Earl?”  It wasn’t an easy or comfortable conversation, but I told her the truth.  I can tell she is trying to figure things out when we’re watching TV and a comment is made about women’s bodies, but I can’t shield her from that reality any more than I can prevent her from growing up.  What I CAN do is to help her be confident in her body and her sexuality so that as those pressures increase, her choices are made from a place of strength.  I don’t wear heels or do any booty moves in front of her, but I have seen her “grinding” on the pole and shaking her butt in the mirror, and I just let it go.


    As far as other parents are concerned, I agree with what Jacki C said above.  Those who are going to pass judgment without questioning their own prejudices are not the sort of people I want around my family.  If my daughter tells her friends, or if other parents see the poles in my house, I’m happy to discuss it if they are interested or have questions.  I don’t allow other people’s children to play on them (I don’t want to be held responsible if someone gets hurt), but our home reflects our interests, our values, and who we are.  We don’t try to offend, but unless it’s illegal or immoral we make no apologies for what we do here.

  • TansyRae

    August 29, 2013 at 8:35 pm

    I really can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said. My kids call it “moms exercise pole” and yes, its in our room because there is no where else to put it. They can’t play without permission and supervision but its amazing to see my legally blind 6 year old scramble to the top and be so determined to “Ill hold it, Mom. Im strong enough” because he wants me to go get my phone and take his picture….or my two year old who knocks on our door first thing on a Saturday morning in her cupcake jammies and comes running in to swing around, “fall” down and giggle. I swear, since its been up, I’ve spent more time supervising family play time, because even hubby gets in on it – and that man… He makes me jealous with how easily he can roll up and over into an inverted pike (one of these days I’m going to leave it on spin and see how he handles that….LMAO)…I’mgoing off on a tangent but I feel like my children are a reflection of me…if I think something is bad, so will they. If I react to some thing as shameful or embarrassing so will they….its like “curse” words – my kids understand that there are words Mommy might say (accidentally) that they are not allowed to say because it is not appropriate…but we don’t call them “bad” words – they are just “adult” words…If you are proud of your fitness and your talent then share it and teach a different, judgement free mentality in your home. The only thing I dont do around my kids is wear heels…because a)my daughter will try to put them on if I leave them out and I’m afraid she will hurt herself and b)most of the time I end up helping them do stuff and its hard enough to balance my own clumsy self while wearing them…let alone playing safety net to the most precious things in my world 🙂

  • CherryPop4u

    August 30, 2013 at 1:04 am

    Simply put I see nothing wrong with it! In fact my granddaughter is on mine all of the time she’s 6 years old! You just have to make sure that you introduce the pole to them in a non sexual way! It is exercise, dance, sport and entertainment! In fact her spins are better than mine! She knows that she’s a kid! And just like you don’t want your kids using foul language you have to teach them not to dance in a foul way! Bottom line kids should have fun! They hang, slid and jump off all kinds of poles at the park! What’s the difference? !!!

  • CrazyKosters

    August 30, 2013 at 2:54 am

    I think a lot of people let their kids use the pole and see nothing wrong with it and agree with the above posters and veena, more people need a better healthy view of sexuality instead if acting like its some sort of unnatural tendency that needs to be suppressed. I just posted a video I finally got around to editing today, its me and my friend with her kids (the youngest is 2) having a little pole jam.


  • CrazyKosters

    August 30, 2013 at 3:09 am

    I meant I agree lol

  • Dancing Paws

    August 30, 2013 at 12:46 pm

    I really don't see the problem with your kids using it and knowing it's there. It is what we make it. For you, it's a fitness pole, something to play on. That will be what your kid views it as. Not to mention it keeps your kid active, which is great!

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