Forums Discussions Ouch my hands hurt!!!!!

  • Saphyre

    January 8, 2014 at 4:28 pm

    This is part of the journey. When first starting, we all have a tendency to over grip. However, calluses are a normal part of poling and will exist whether or not you over grip.. If they are achy, try soaking them in Epsom salts. This will soften them up. Use a nice, emollient moisturizer afterwards. I have been poling for 2 years and my calluses are toughened up. On occasion, they will tear during a practice and I just put some neosporin on them to prevent bacteria from invading.

  • CrazyKosters

    January 8, 2014 at 4:36 pm

    I agree with saphyre, I have been poling for almost a year and at first I would get blisters, 9 on one hand at the same time :0! I quit getting blisters and now have 3 calluses that are pretty much permanent lol. I took a 2 month break and my first day back my callus came back immediately. Keep them moisturized and if it starts to open, take a few days off and work on floor work or something because it hurts when they rip open.

  • IrishOrla

    January 8, 2014 at 5:20 pm

    I never thought I’d get past the blistered hands but eventually it just stopped happening. Mine were awful they would seep and not repair, each week in pole class I would be restricted in what I could do just because of the blisters they were getting me down so much. Nearly 3 years later and it’s ended FINALLY! When I learn a new move that I keep doing over and over then I do get a bit of a bump but it’s nothing major and doesn’t effect me anymore 🙂 hooray for hard durable skin at last lol

    It will get better I promise 🙂

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