Forums Discussions Why You Should Sign-Up for StudioVeena Lessons

  • Why You Should Sign-Up for StudioVeena Lessons

    Posted by Just4Pole on January 9, 2014 at 10:17 am

    I started pole at a local studio one year ago. I am 55 years old and 30 lbs overweight. I would like to share a little of my pole life experience with you in this discussion. This post could also be titled, “don’t let this happen to you.”

    I have a background as a corporate computer trainer and consultant. I developed technical computer training materials way before computer classes even existed. That’s a lot of years.

    I wanted to try pole for a long time. Waited for friends to go with me, but alas, my friends thought I lost my mind. So, I went without them anyway. I can be quite determined once I decide to do something. Excited to take pole lessons, I signed up with the local studio and attended class most every day. I was able to climb the pole after one month. I was thrilled! The studio owner’s enthusiasm for her craft was infectious. The environment warm, welcoming and very supportive. This was a unique place for me as I was clearly much older than everybody else. I could easily be everybody’s mom. I loved the studio. A great escape at the end of a long day.

    Then, while doing a spin, I felt a “pop” in my chest. My first thought was, “that was weird.” But, I kept on going even with a little pain. That night the pain got worse, the next day even worse. I could not move my arm without excruciating pain. In fact, the pain was bad while not moving. I had never experienced anything like this before. Like a knife in the chest. Turns out I tore a chest muscle. First time in my life I felt there was “anything” behind the breast! (Who knew? LOL) The studio instructors were ah, “I don’t know…you probably did something.” (Looking back…that fact that there was a lack of knowledge regarding basic muscle anatomy should have been my first “sign.”) I finally spoke with a knowledgeable friend who told me that if I didn’t rest it for two weeks it would be much, much worse. I did. And, I was very sad because I missed pole and the studio.

    While recovering from my injury, I watched YouTube videos, surfed the internet, trying to feel like I was still connected to poling. I then discovered StudioVeena. And, OMG, a “lightbulb” went off in my head. How could I have been so stupid? I was starting to feel like an idiot. Why did I not question the studio owner about her background and the background of the instructors? I research everything else in my life. Sometimes perhaps a little too much . But, in the case of pole, I allowed the enthusiasm and hopes in my mind lead me to making a big mistake.

    I allowed myself to enter into a situation where I could seriously get hurt. I did get hurt, and I should have known better. Again, my enthusiasm clouded my better judgement. I jumped right into this studio without any idea of what was ahead of me, assuming that the instructors knew what they were doing. The instructors were good at poling of course (because I knew nothing).

    I’d rather not write about what my studio did wrong, but instead, what StudioVeena is doing right. And, she does it right in a huge way!

    There are studios, gyms, clubs, DVDs, that say they “teach” pole, but in my humble opinion, many only “show” you pole. I have traveled and studied at other studios, I have taken seminars from professionals. Yes, some are better than others. I even thought about taking lessons with two different instructors that have private studios in their home, but did not. Still no lessons plans, no agenda, no syllabus, etc. It is really just paid “pole play.”

    It is very, very clear to me that StudioVeena spends countless hours developing more than just video lessons. What they do is not easy. It takes a lot of time on their part. It is hard work. I have a very high appreciation and respect for what StudioVeena has created. StudioVeena is smart…smart…smart. They work hard and it shows.

    StudioVeena’s lessons provide education, information on injury prevention, and excellent workflow. A plan for progression, and most importantly, personal development. It is rare to find an educational website (even studio or gym for that matter) that is willing to take you step-by-step, from “A to Z.” A progression of steps upwards that returns personal improvement and reward.

    Now, do I sound like a commercial for StudioVeena? Maybe. I have never met them and have no affiliation with any business in the pole industry. But, I have been “watching” this website from the sidelines for the last six months or more. I purchased lessons immediately, even though I did not have a pole. Why? Because I was doing my research and I found it worth the personal investment.

    I was originally going to buy an X-Pole. But, I was so impressed by the efforts of “Veena and Webby” that I decided to purchase a StudioVeena pole. How could I not? And, I am glad I did.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I hope that it will help you make good decisions while on your own pole journey.

    Thank you StudioVeena. If I had not found you, I probably would have stopped pole, which would have been very disappointing. Because pole makes me happy…happy like a 5th grader on a jungle gym. It is really a different kind of happy. And, it is a wonderful feeling! Thank you StudioVeena, you are making a difference.

    Today is Day 3. My personal pole goal? To do a “dead-lift” by the time I’m 60.

    Best, Write2Pole

    *Proving an old dog can learn new tricks.

    BonnieAndClyde replied 10 years, 7 months ago 11 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • khall1736

    January 9, 2014 at 10:44 am

    This is almost my story to a T!! Except my injury was to my upper back!! I started my lessons last year at the age of 53 with the friend and we fell in love with pole immediately. After my injury I began reading more and watching more videos that showed me all the things I was doing wrong. It took me several months to heal from my injury. My friend and I both have poles now and we are working together, with the help of StudioVeena lessons, to learn the right way to pole!! We are on day 3 and are prepared to start over as beginners, so that we can enjoy it for years to come. A dead-lift by age 60 – I’ll take that challenge!!

  • Veena

    January 9, 2014 at 11:12 am

    It’s an interesting dynamic, not being able to physically teach someone and see the results and triumphs first hand. Posts like this, make all of my efforts worth while!! My whole life I’ve been drawn towards teaching and helping others, it really is a passion. Thank you both for sharing! xoxoxox

  • calipolepixie

    January 9, 2014 at 11:55 am

    Thanks for sharing! This was very heartfelt & touching to read. It made me tear up…I feel the same about Veena her lessons are the best!

  • SerinaStar2013

    January 9, 2014 at 2:03 pm

    I had very similar situations happen to me , over and over again. I kept going to studios and getting injured..not to the point of your injury , but still injured. I am so happy to have my new pole and my lessons with SV. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  • CrazyKosters

    January 9, 2014 at 3:12 pm

    I agree! I had pulled some muscles in the past but that was my fault from not resting and using proper form. No one had taught me that until I found studioveena. I had attended a six week beginner series and 2 spin classes after poling for about a month or two (which was all YouTube learning). The studio was ok and they did talk about safety first but there was not really any instructions or feedback on proper form and mechanics. It was like you said about paid pole play. They were knowledgeable about pole but it seemed like they lacked knowledge about the body that any type of fitness instructor should know. YouTube had some good videos like emotioncatcher’s and a few others but there are a lot of horrible ones to that should start out as “Don’t try this at home” lol. But as a newbie at the time, I didn’t know until I wised up with the veena lessons and realized I was setting myself up for injury. I’m sure others do the same and get put off of pole and give up because of preventable injuries.

    So thank you Veena and webby! You guys are doing something really great and buying your lessons, and just the community on here, it’s well worth the investment and you save money over a studio anyways. Even those that go to a studio, this is a great addition and supplement to in person classes. I got my cousin and her daughter into pole and they love it! I had them sign up for a free account and she bought the lessons and the pole 🙂 I love how you break things down and explain everything. The 30 day challenge and monthly challenges are fun to! Anyways, not trying to write a novel but thanks again!

  • Just4Pole

    January 9, 2014 at 9:26 pm

    Wow! What wonderful comments! Another reason for SV Lessons? I am not alone in my endeavors. After these comments…I don’t feel like I am the only one who has had this experience. I am not alone. What a wonderful, supportive community! Today was “Day 3” of the SV Challenge. Now…I thought previously that I had a pretty decent “Pole Hold” happening. I was wrong! Does a one-half of a second pole hold count?! Yes! It has to start somewhere! I do believe that if I continue the lessons with a strong commitment, the rest will just take care of itself over time. Meaning…good pole holds are in my future with continued training. And…the scapula exercises are excellent. I did find that if I close my eyes I can focus on the scapula much better. What’s tomorrow? Rejuvenation day! Hurray! Because, my muscles are a little sore now from “home training.” It’s like the real thing! Who knew?!

  • Isis Kane

    January 9, 2014 at 10:53 pm


    As I’m writing this, I have embarked on my 2 day journey to recovery from a minor shoulder injury (pulled muscle) in my left arm-a slight, mysterious pain that has been quietly bugging me for the past few weeks that I decided I should stop ignoring if I’m REALLY serious about poling for years to come.

    I attend one of the best pole studios in NYC. One time, I pulled a muscle at the end of my pole class. When I approached the instructor and told her what happened, she scrunched up her face in a *oooo! sucks for you* kind of way, and told me I should probably see a doctor about that if it doesn’t feel better in a day or two.

    Another instructor started teaching us laybacks at the VERY TOP of a spinning 20ft poles and JADES in our BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE class! Can I say I was traumatized when I got to the top of that pole and she had to run over and stop it from spinning so I could slide down? If my thigh grip failed, I could have died!!! Come to think of it, I’ve been debating whether or not I should email the instructor personally, or tell the studio.

    Anyway, I wanted to say all that to say this: I started the new year purchasing a very expensive class package at my studio, as well as a 1 year SV subscription. And I can honestly say I’m really happy I bought the SV package, and it’s actually enhanced my journey a whole lot and it’s definitely worth every penny. As I recover from my injury, I’m learning to take it slow and learn basic things I was never taught in a studio.

    Veena’s knowledge of body mechanics as a trainer means that she offers an entire body of knowledge that a professional pole dancer may or may not have. I still go to the studio because it’s a special activity for me, I love engaging with other dancers/in the community, and I do learn new things there, but most of my practice is at home and SV provides a perfect complement.

    Having this injury serves as a reminder that pole is an ACROBATIC SPORT as well as an art form. Pole dancers are ATHLETES. I realize I am training myself as an athlete (not just some sexy eye candy with stilletos, although that is part of it) and we need to have in-depth knowledge of proper conditioning, diet, etc. in order to train properly.

    I was hesitant to purchase Veena’s lessons, but the New Years sale hooked me in, and I am so happy I have such a wealth of knowledge available to me.

  • azblanco

    January 10, 2014 at 12:22 am

    Well written! This is another thing I love about StudioVeena. There are so many talented, intelligent, and creative women and men that make up this community. I had the honor of meeting Veena and Webmaster this past September, and let me just say, they really love and put their lives into this site for us. Their job does not stop. Anytime I have ever posted and needed help with a lesson or something in particular, Veena ALWAYS responds within 3 hours. Same goes for Webmaster if it’s a technical issue like not receiving emails, etc.

    I believe that anyone can be a successful poler if he or she uses the Veena method. I know for a fact that I would have gave up pole a long time ago had it not been for this site, like most of you that just said so. My story is similar with pole studios in my area, too, and it really is sad how much this happens.

    This site has helped me is so many ways. I have a burning desire to travel the World, and I am so fascinated about other people’s way of life. It could have had to do with being younger a few years ago, but before StudioVeena, I was never interested in the rest of World. I was so consumed and uncultured to some things– even though I live in a very culture rich city, it still doesn’t mean I was exposed enough to make me well rounded as I would like to be.
    StudioVeena keeps me stimulated as far as reading and researching. If a particular topic comes up, let’s say, pole finishes– I have even dwelled into chemistry research so I can familiarize myself with different metals, etc.

    StudioVeena helps me to be a better me, and to always improve who I am as a person. It helps me hone in on communication and writing skills, something I always felt like I was terrible at. But come to find out, I’m not so bad and it has improved over the years because of this site..

    I’ve met people in person and have developed friendships, that I am certain will last a lifetime.

    I am so honored to be a member and I have never felt so apart of a group in my entire life. I love watching videos and the feeling that I get sometimes when I just know someone is an old soul. When a poler glistens with inspiration.
    Aside from the obvious feelings like love, feeling inspried is one of the best feelings I have ever felt.

    And because of Veena and Webmaster, I have a safe haven to visit every single damn day that provides almost everything I need to be a humble, happy human being.

  • PerfectInperfection

    January 10, 2014 at 12:20 pm

    I absolutely love 🙂 But I hate Cricket Wireless and/or the Hauwei Ascend II. I signed up for the 2 month membership back in April. I made it half way through the 30 day program which I give 5 stars!!! & my phone started dropping the videos while I was still watching them. I brought it up with Webmaster. He does what he can to fix user’s problems with this site. He tried multiple times to help but we cant figure out what causes the videos to stop streaming. Since then, things have gotten worst. I cant watch any videos now. As soon as I select one my phone says “sorry this video cannot be played” OMG this hasbeen going on almost a year. I WANT VEENA’S LESSONS AGAIN!!! BUT I WILL NOT PAY IF I CANT VIEW THEM. BEEN THERE DONE THAT. CAN ANYONE SUGGEST A BETTER DEVICE TO USE? IM THINKING ABOUT BUYING A LAPTOP. DO THE LESSINS WORK ON WINDOWS 7 & WINDOWS 8? THANX IN ADVANCE. AGAIN THIS IS NOT A DISS. I LOVE SV!

  • Webmaster

    January 10, 2014 at 1:16 pm

    PerfectInperfection – I’m glad you enjoyed the lessons so much. You can certainly use them on a Windows 7 or 8 device, my recommendation would be a windows 8 as there will come a time when you won’t be able to upgrade Internet Explorer on Windows 7 past a certain point. If you want something less involved than a full PC we love our iPads on AT&T, they work great.

    Once you get to that point where you purchase the lessons again, let me know, and I’ll refund half of your first subscription period, or $20 if you purchase a year to account for your provider making it difficult to watch them previously.

  • PerfectInperfection

    January 10, 2014 at 4:38 pm

    Thanks Webby! Wow there’s so much to know about computers and software.. Windows 8 it is & Internet Explorer. Who knows what this phone carrier is using.

  • BonnieAndClyde

    March 11, 2014 at 12:01 pm

    Thank you Write2Pole for your post and obviously StudioVeena for creating this site. I have been torn over trying to find a new studio as my studio no longer offers pole. No other gyms close to me. Anyway, in a weird way I almost needed to hear your story because I have been hesitant and in the process have not been poling like I want to lately and almost feel depressed about it. I had a plan to join SV but still have not done it. I jumped on my pole the other day for the first time in like 2 months and doing a couple of my favorite tricks put the biggest smile on my face. Like you said, I felt like a kid who got away with drawing on the walls!!! And also I am on this site almost everyday just to remain a part of the wonderful pole community that I have grown to adore. I miss that connection with the other women who were at my studio. So, alas I am joining SV and cant wait to get started!!

  • Veena

    March 12, 2014 at 3:12 pm

    I hope you enjoy the lessons!

  • BonnieAndClyde

    March 13, 2014 at 11:22 am

    Thanks Veena, Im sure I will. Im really looking forward to them. Not just the lessons but the conditioning as well. I really need that for my shoulders and wrists. The silver lining of not poling for a while is my shoulders and wrists feel great! Want to keep it that way!!

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