Forums Discussions Hi!! I’m new around here :)

  • Hi!! I’m new around here :)

    Posted by Goddess KK on March 30, 2014 at 1:18 pm

    Hello pole goddesses!! I’m KK and I am new here at Studio Veena. So, I have a couple of questions, pole and website related. First off, I do not have a paying account yet, as I am trying to wait to start my access when I actually get a pole. I was trying to watch some uploaded videos, from users not class videos, and it seems that they are all whited out, like the screen of the video is all white. Is this a user error or do I only get access once I have a paying account? I wanted to get some inspiration to hold me over until I get a pole of my own. Next question is pole related. I am getting my very handy, carpenter boyfriend to build me a pole in our home. I have been wanting to get into pole, but I am renting a home and don’t want to be putting holes in the ceiling and floor. I’ve watched quite a bit of videos on homemade poles, so I kind of have an idea of what to do. But, my main concern is how much space, height wise and around the pole, do I need? My house is super small, like maybe 500sf, so I am having to put in it the only space that is available which is right smack dab in the middle of the living room!! I believe my ceiling is about 8 feet, but where the pole will be connecting is on a wooden beam that drops the height down to 7ish feet. Is this tall enough for me to be able to do most tricks? I assume that if I am going to be spinning around it, I need a radius of a body’s length on each side of the pole. Any help would be appreciated as I live in a town of less than 500 people and there are no pole classes within 200 miles, so I need to get my own deal going. There are also no places in town I could rent out to do poling because all of the ceilings in these building are either too tall (think 20+ feet), are slanted (like a roof pitch), or way too short (like how the hell did I not hit my head in here). Much gratitude to anyone who puts in their two cents. I really want to get into poling so any information would help my journey get started quicker. Love and light to you all. KK

    Veena replied 10 years, 6 months ago 8 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • GG357

    March 30, 2014 at 2:22 pm

    You shouldn’t need a pay membership to see user videos, but I’m no help with a solution.
    7 feet is at least tall enough to get started with pole! I’d really check out x-pole tho. They work under 8 feet & you could still use it with different extensions somewhere else. Plus, it doesn’t need any screws if you use the some with it.

  • CrazyKosters

    March 30, 2014 at 3:23 pm

    Welcome to Studioveena!! It’s a great place for us polers 🙂 If you are using IE to view videos that might be why. Try chrome if your not using it. I have problems with IE working properly with the site, or did. I haven’t tried it in a while. Mine is in my living room to and I don’t have a lot of height either. It depends on how tall you are and if your wearing heels. I always hit my ceiling. It is good to have enough room around you to safely spin without hitting anything. I have an xpole and they make extensions and a top for vaulted ceilings if you were going to rent a space. I am working on getting a lil minx or studioveena pole (same brand). My cousin has one and the grip is great, it only has one screw at the top and you can take the pole down easier then xpole if your not using it or you have company come over.

  • CrazyKosters

    March 30, 2014 at 3:24 pm

    Forgot to mention that if you order a studioveena pole, they will cut it to fit your height of ceiling for free I believe.

  • TLizzard

    March 30, 2014 at 3:45 pm

    I have an Xpert Xpole and love it – I like that I can adjust the height to go to friends house and such. I don’t find it hard to take apart and put back up. I haven’t tried the veena pole however if I could (afford it) I would have my xpole and a SV pole – my xpole is chrome and I think the powder coat would be nice sometimes – plus two is always better than one right? I think you said you were renting now and then moving to permanent house. I’m assuming you would be moving to a place with higher ceilings? If so, think about the xpole so you can expand when needed rather than getting a whole new pole (since it is cut to size). It took me a month to decide and its not an easy decision but I’m glad I went with what I did. Also, I would definitely get a pole than can spin or static….I’ve seen so many posts that have been bummed later that they didn’t go that route. Just my two cents….you can’t go wrong with xpole, SV pole or platinum stages. Oh and my ceilings are 10 foot – invert isn’t an issue but wish I could go higher – as you advance you will want a taller pole if you can have in a room with higher ceilings (note xpole sells vaulted ceiling adaptors).

  • Goddess KK

    April 4, 2014 at 4:52 pm

    Thanks for all of your input, ladies!! I am doing some research on xpole and may end up buying one of those. I just am renting from an older woman and I don’t really want her to know I have a “stripper” pole setup in her living room!! From what I can tell so far, the xpole has some kind of base and “attaches” by tension or something, so that would work way better than trying to build my own, even though I might save some money going that route. The fact I could take it with me to other people’s homes makes it even more tempting. 🙂 I hope to share my poling journey will all of you wonderful ladies. Can’t wait to get my pole setup and share some videos!!

  • Goddess KK

    April 11, 2014 at 2:00 pm

    I am so… slow. LOL. After looking into xpole and almost deciding I am blowing part of my next commission check on one, I just re-realized that the whole reasoning behind me making my own pole was because my freaking ceiling is slanted… DUH. Shit, so much for all that researching. I don’t know of any pole that will work with a slant unless I get it custom made and then I will be screwed with a slanted pole when I move into my (not built yet) new home within the next year or two. Oh well. It is happening, though… I have been able to watch some videos (oh yeah!! I figured that one out…) and now I am super stoked to actually start practicing myself. Wish me luck building my pole 🙂

  • GG357

    April 11, 2014 at 2:05 pm

    X pole has a vaulted ceiling mount. I use one in my house & it works great.

  • Anzia

    April 11, 2014 at 2:07 pm

    Hi Goddess KK 🙂 I was recently looking at poles and I remember reading that X Pole do a special ceiling mount for use with sloping/slanted ceilings. Might be worth contacting them to check.

  • Goddess KK

    April 11, 2014 at 2:13 pm

    Oh, really? I was thinking the vaulted ceiling part was for, like, super high ceilings. I guess I should email them and tell them my ceiling height and the slope of my ceiling to see if they have something that will work. Ok, so I haven’t given up yet on my “non-homemade pole” adventure yet haha. Thanks, ladies!! Appreciate all the help

  • AllysonKendal

    April 11, 2014 at 2:25 pm

    Yeah, I would contact x-pole.

    I don’t know anything about making your own pole… but I would be concerned about the finish of the pole. There are a ton of threads here about finishes on poles and how they can be quite fickle. What were you planning on using for the pole?

    Good luck with whatever you decide!

  • Goddess KK

    April 11, 2014 at 2:38 pm

    All of the sites and things I have read about homemade poles is that they used plumbing material, I can’t really recall the name. I was originally going to make a list and then just go to Home Depot with my man and get him to help me figure it out. If xpole does have a slanted ceiling part, I am just going for one of those…

  • Veena

    April 11, 2014 at 2:59 pm

    Both xpole And our SV pole can be used on slanted ceilings all you have to do is purchase the ceiling adaptor! I have my SV pole on a slanted ceiling right now 🙂

  • Cantetinza17

    April 11, 2014 at 3:04 pm

    I think that it might be the web browser that you are using. I don’t know if you use internet explore, fire fox, chrome or safari, but try switching browsers. I didn’t have to pay to see other peoples video. if you did then I believe a message would pop up stating that you aren’t a member or something like that.

    As for the pole. I personally wouldn’t do that. If you don’t do it right you can cause damage to your ceiling and your skin. I say save up and get the real deal.

  • Goddess KK

    April 11, 2014 at 3:20 pm

    BUMMER. So I found the slanted ceiling part and it is a permanent mount. There is no way possible that I can put six screw holes in my landlords cabin. The only way I may be able to make it work is if it can go to a 90 degree angle and I can screw it into the beam I was going to hook my original homemade set up to. Otherwise, I guess I am screwed on having a pole until I move, which could be years, or I make one… well shit. That just sucks…

  • AllysonKendal

    April 11, 2014 at 3:23 pm

    Veena would know better than me… but I think the SV pole is 1 small screw.

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