Forums Discussions Total Strangers?

  • Total Strangers?

    Posted by WebJunk on July 22, 2014 at 9:50 pm

    This afternoon I was stuck for three hours at Atlanta Airport waiting on a connecting flight. Struck up a conversation with someone & her four year old daughter. We ended up (after air travel & Hello Kitty) talking about fitness and she used to do crossfit. I brought up pole dancing and she knew some things about it and even that there is a pole studio in her town. Tho never tried it or seen a pole. We parted with her saying she really wanted to try some classes.
    How do you feel about discussing or disclosing you do pole dancing? Especially with total strangers? Or friends, co-workers? I sometimes am apprehensive but she seemed to open to various forms of fitness. The gym I have no trouble with because I already know they are into fitness but have had a few raised eyebrows.

    grayeyes replied 10 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • CrazyKosters

    July 23, 2014 at 1:04 am

    I tell everyone lol. I’m like a Poleholawitness lmao. I feel like you shouldn’t hide things that you are not ashamed of. Besides how else are we gonna bring the joy of pole to others who may not have even thought about it, or the people that think it just a stripper thing. I can understand hesitation though, depends on the mind of the person your telling. I would probably refrain telling some narrow minded conservative who wouldn’t think about it as anything other then sinful or exotic to avoid argument (because i will tell it how it is haha), but ya never know, you could change someones perception 🙂

  • Lucca Valentine

    July 23, 2014 at 1:37 am

    I pretty much tell everyone just cuz I figure the more ashamed I act about it the more shameful it comes off and I don’t feel it’s shameful at all! Almost every female I tell about it gets a glimmer of interest in their eyes even if it’s quickly followed by an “I can’t” statement (usually related to thinking they don’t have enough upper body strength).

    I joke with my boyfriend all the time about preaching the gos-pole 🙂 one semester I inspired my strength training coach to try it, hell I’ve even given school presentations on it (kinesiology major).

    One school presentation was killer too. The whole time I was presenting there were snickers and eye rolls and giggles…I had expected as much so I made sure to end the presentation with a very choice clip of one of jenyne butterfly’s performances. There were no snickers after that and needless to say my hobby is not questioned anymore among my classmates. The only questions I get now are how and where to learn. I love to preach the gospole 🙏

  • Lucca Valentine

    July 23, 2014 at 1:42 am

    And some people just will think what they will but I try not to let their thoughts affect how I speak about my passion

  • grayeyes

    July 23, 2014 at 6:12 pm

    I too tell just about everybody. And Lucca, I love gos-pole–hilarious. I’m gonna steal that line.

    I have told some pretty conservative folks, a male physician I work with who during downtime at work was memorizing scriptures with some sort of flash card things. I don’t know what possessed me (perhaps the devil in me), but it was actually a very interesting response. At first he thought I was joking then he was clearly embarrassed for a moment or two–at which time I began to regret telling him but it was too late. A few days later he asked me more about it and silks since I told him I did that too. Before you know it he was looking up silks on his phone and asking if I could do this or that. I assume he was afraid to google pole dance, but I showed him some pics on my phone and he was totally cool with it. After that he asked me about it all the time.

    I also wear pole tank tops and such all over the place. I can’t help myself–I think it’s awesome and everyone should try it!

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