Forums Discussions Ever have a disappointing session?

  • Ever have a disappointing session?

    Posted by Girl On A Pole on September 29, 2014 at 2:18 pm

    And how to keep your confidence from crashing.
    I’m about to go into intermediate class. Pole-ing from June. Two beginner terms completed. No home pole, a class a week with an odd open pole session.
    I had a crap session tonite, couldn’t invert, couldn’t do aerial cupid or aerial stag. Definitely bottom of the class.
    Ok so I’ve been sick for 2 weeks with tonsillitis and zero energy thanks to strong antibiotics so no pole.
    But I’ve really taken my poor show tonite to heart 🙁 I could invert 2 weeks ago.
    How do you guys keep your confidence up on poor days. Please say you have poor days. I love pole-ing and it’s important to me to improve week by week.

    Girl On A Pole replied 10 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Bendy Bella

    September 29, 2014 at 2:36 pm

    I’m new to pole, haven’t even tried to invert yet but I’ve seen many threads already where a poler is down on themselves over something they couldn’t do during their most recent pole session that they could do before. The general message from the advance polers is that there are good days and bad days but do not get discouraged as it could be for a multitude of reasons. They usually suggest working on something else in the meantime like floor work…poor pole days exist even for those that are more advanced so do not give up!

  • k8milly

    September 29, 2014 at 3:20 pm

    I’ve been poking for 9 months now, just like you once a week, no home pole ( I would kill for one!) and I think ups and downs are part of it. Some weeks you nail something, another week you struggle with it. It took about 6 months before I felt I could invert comfortably. do not push yourself or get down on it, we all have different speeds of learning and different moves our bodies like better. Sometimes moves hurt, sometimes they don’t, that’s just how it is. Some lessons you feel like you do loads, other lessons feel like you just stand around or sit on the floor lol! Just keep at it though, enjoy it, and in 6 months time you will look back and see how far you have come and feel proud xxx

  • k8milly

    September 29, 2014 at 3:20 pm

    Hahaha poking! Damn you predictive text!

  • Lucca Valentine

    September 29, 2014 at 3:30 pm

    Def agree with what these ladies said. Just stick with it and it will pass, and it’ll feel awesome when it does! Ups and downs happen, it could be due to stress, diet, sleep patterns, even hormonal changes with your cycle. If there was one thing running taught me it’s that you can run the exact same distance at the exact same speed and one day it will kill you and another day you feel like you could go another mile.

    The challenge can be not so much in doing better everyday, but in sticking with it through the ups and downs. You’ll be so glad you did. So give yourself permission to get frustrated, that’s ok. We’ve all been there!

    Another thing that helps is keeping a pole diary. Phoenix Hunter keeps one on here using her blogs. That way when you do get in another rut you have something to look back on and be like, oh yeah I have accomplished so much! I’m actually super awesome!

    If you’ve only been poling since June and you’re nailing aerial Cupid on any day, that’s pretty damn good. So stick with it and have faith 🙂

  • Runemist34

    September 29, 2014 at 8:41 pm

    Ups and downs are TOTALLY part of the journey! In anything!
    With pole, I have some days where I really feel my music, and feel like I’m coming up with some fantastic moves (that I wish I was getting on camera, argh!), and getting everything right! And, some days… not so much. Can’t get in the groove, can’t find any music I like, can’t even seem to do the easiest of moves. I’ve lost the groove and, in some of those moments, I feel like I’ll never find it again.
    This happens also with writing- even now. I’ve been writing for more than fifteen years, it’s my first love, my hobby, my profession, my degree major and everything that I live to make my heart beat- and some days, I just can’t frigging write at all. False starts (which are generally trashed), horrible ideas, a loss of voice, all of it. Some days I can’t even type straight.
    It happens to ALL of us, in ALL things! It’s totally natural. Humans aren’t machines, though we like to think we are. You ever suddenly breathe wrong and go into a coughing fit? Just means you had a slight malfunction! You’re not perfect, and your dancing isn’t always going to be perfect, either. And, that is true of EVERY human on the planet. Even the Dalai Lama.

    Remembering these things, that you are going to have off days, even months, is a big part of not getting down on yourself. You’re going to struggle with things.
    You’ve had two weeks off, which is going to take you back a little bit on your strength. Just a little bit, but sometimes it’s enough. And, if you’re still not at 100%, that invert is going to seem a million miles away! Weakness and frustration is part of being sick, too.
    Be gentle with yourself. Remember that all of us have gained, and even inexplicably lost, moves for seemingly no reason! The days we gain are ones we feel good about, and the ones we lose… well, I think we need to just accept. You don’t need to place your worth, as a dancer or otherwise, on one bad day- or even one bad month.

    Congratulate yourself on getting up there, and doing your best! You’re on the road to your goals- no matter how difficult, slow, and bumpy that road might be.
    We’re all right there with you!

  • Girl On A Pole

    September 30, 2014 at 4:51 am

    Thanks for the words of wisdom. I’m gonna jump into a class tomorrow night and practice my moves (confidence building exercise really).

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