Routine lessons suggestion
I wanted to say I really love the routine workout lessons, especially the sexy legs and abs from some days ago *rocks*! So thanks for making those =)
I often work out in the gym, and it’s obviously a bit unpractical to follow the video there, and my memory kinda sucks, so if I do the routine by memory I normally end up skipping bits (freudian maybe, as I often skip the ones which hurt the most). I think for these routines it would be cool to have in the comment, or at the start of the video, the routine breakdown. Something easy, like:
Hip lifts x20
one-leg hip lifts x8 l/r
..and so on. So in the gym it’s easy to simply open SV from the phone and have the workout broken down in a few lines of text.
So far I did it for a couple of the routines and I can definitely tell the difference in how well/often I sue them in the gym =)If there’s an obvious reason adding this to the vids/comment is a bad idea, ignore me!
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