Very new to pole – need some advice
Hello girls,
My name is Leea, I’m 35 and live in Holland. In my city I can not find a proper pole class, but after following 1 trial lesson and 4 short classes last month at a fitness club, I just fell in love with pole dance/pole fitness. I am not a dancer nor flexible, nor skinny (163cm/61kg). I just love being sexy on (or better said around) the pole. So i started doing some fitness training to strengthen my core. I can not exercise a lot because a day only has 24 hours and a week only 7 days and with work, my sweet baby girl, etc, i have very little time to exercise.
But! I bought my own pole few weeks ago. The space in my “pole room”isn’t much, but it’s enough to make a spin.
I found Veena’s online classes so I subscribed for one year.
I want to ask which class shall I start with? The 30 days take off? Or start with the moves explained in the Beginner section? I have no idea how to start online, because I see so many videos and pics of moves I want to be able to make… And I’ve tried some of them. I realize that I have to build a good core before I try them again. Some of the moves I can do, but not for long, can’t hold them for as long the girls in the videos hold the pose.. And could you girls advise me how many times a week and for how long per time shall I train in order to have a fast progress. I am willing to try to find time, so please be as honest as you can with the advice.
One more thing, sometimes it feels like my pole is much slippery then other times, which is weird. When I work on the pole for about 30 min 2 days in a row, the third day the pole is “less slippery”then before. Than I stop touching the pole for a week because of my big enemy: “TIME”. And when I try to exercise again the pole seems again very slippery. And yes, I clean it and my hands, never use lotion. Any ideas why? Does anyone experience this?
Sorry for this long post, it’s my first time posting and I would totally appreciate all the help, advice, I can get.
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