Forums Discussions Struggling with upper body strength

  • Struggling with upper body strength

    Posted by humphreygenevieve2602 on April 2, 2015 at 9:17 am


    I have just started pole dancing and I love it! There is one main problem I have run into though and that is my lack of upper body strength. I have a background in dance so I find the beginners class too easy but the intermediate class to require too much upper body strength (i.e. I cannot do a basic pole climb 🙁 ). Can anyone give me some good tips on how to gain upper body strength? I have tried doing push-ups but I find that these sometimes even hurt my shoulder; I injured my shoulder years ago in a car accident so this is also another reason I avoided working on my upper body strength. Any advice or tips is greatly appreciated 🙂

    Veena replied 9 years, 6 months ago 7 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Beccaf87

    April 2, 2015 at 9:22 am

    Do they have a mixed ability class you can try? I had little upper body strength either, but just working on spins and climbs helped so much! Even without really noticing it. Veenas 30 day program is also really great!

  • humphreygenevieve2602

    April 2, 2015 at 9:27 am

    I don’t think there is a mixed abilities class unfortunately, I am taking my classes at a dance studio that also teaches pole so i think they only offer it in 3 levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced) 🙂 I would love to try Veena’s but I am unfortunately in Tel aviv, Israel! I also am only attending the class once a week, it is quite pricey so I wanted to do some workouts on my own outside of the class 🙂

  • Beccaf87

    April 2, 2015 at 9:33 am

    Aww that is a shame. Can you ask the beginners class to teach you a few intermediate moves and just explain you aren’t fully ready to move up? Sorry to not be much help.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    April 2, 2015 at 10:22 am

    if beginner class is too easy then it may be time to move up even if the next level up is too hard. when you move up in a level you are not expected to already to be able to do it. it should be too hard for you. if you are unable to do a basic pole climb then I would work on that. seriously that is a great workout. better than push-ups. practice! if you can only do one climb up on to the pole and then do a pole sit, do that many many times till it becomes easier. if you really want to increase your strength I really really really recommend Veena’s strength routine. you can customize the workout to your level and do only as many reps as you need. if 5 reps is challenging well then just do 5 and try to increase everytime.that is the way to build strength for pole- by actuallly using the pole in your strength exercises. otherwise,you can stick to your beginner class longer until you feel like you are ready to move up. I’m guessing pole climb is not in your beginner class? if it is and you are still unable to do a pole climb then you probably do need to stay in the beginner class a little longer. if your studio offers any strengthening or pole conditioning classes you could take those to increase your strength. if you can, get lessons here! that way you can pick and choose pole tricks and spins that may be a little more advanced but you still be able to do them even without being able to do a pole climb. if you are new to pole, it just takes time and repetition. I really recommend using the lessons here to practice at home to supplement what you are learning at your studio. Pole climb is not easy and it takes many people several months to get an acceptable pole climb.

  • Tara

    April 2, 2015 at 10:25 am

    There are different modifications that can help you with upper body strength. Have you tried modified push-ups on bent knees/on the wall? Also planks, really engaging your back and core. Bridges, scapula push-ups… Veena lessons can be viewed online, and they all don’t require poles (if you don’t have one @ home). There’s so many onl YouTube too. Dakota Fox has so many… Hope this helps!

  • Runemist34

    April 2, 2015 at 12:19 pm

    You can also look up good workouts online that only require things like dumbbells, or even no equipment at all. I use Fitnessblender all the time, it’s pretty good for mixing things up when you don’t want to do the same workout all the time.
    Working on the pole can feel like there are some pretty big strength jumps, but it really just takes a little craftiness to figure a way to make what you CAN do into something that takes you up to what you can’t do!
    Climbs, for example: I tend to use the strength of my legs way more than my arms, because I know my legs are strongest. However, I have been using this to my advantage to work my arms- I practice climbs, about 2 sets of 5 reps on each side right now, and have been focusing on pulling myself up with my arms, rather than just using the leg to step up onto. My leg helps, but it isn’t all of the power anymore. My climbs have gotten much smoother!
    For me, spins are also super useful, but they can be really difficult (and sometimes actually dangerous to the shoulder!) if you aren’t quite there yet. Working on something like the fireman spin, for now, can actually help you increase strength in your arms, and help with creating momentum for spins as well.
    There are lots and lots of other body weight exercises, both on the pole and off the pole, that you can do in order to help your arms catch up.
    Also, Veena’s lessons are online, so I’m not sure why you wouldn’t be able to access them! Some of her workouts don’t require a pole, either, and if you mix them with all the other things available, I’m sure you’ll find a way that works for you!
    And take care of your shoulder!

  • ambience24z9338

    April 2, 2015 at 12:21 pm

    I feel you on that.. I need more body strength in all areas but my cousin told me to put on my dance (stripper shoes lol) and try climbing. Now neither one of us are dancers and she doesn’t pole at all. But she said she ask at someone at a club how they can go to the top and they said that shoes help to grip the bottom along with your lower legs.

  • Veena

    April 2, 2015 at 12:47 pm

    Hi! Upper body strength is something that we often don’t realize we need for pole until we try it, so you’re not alone! I would suggest the lessons here, there shouldn’t be any reason why you can’t use them as they are all online. If you can watch user videos you can take the lessons.

    The 30 day take off program would be perfect for you! All lessons are included when you purchase so you’ll have access to everything including the program. Also all lessons are placed in order so you know what to work on next and what level a move is. Here’s more about the program.

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