Subluxated rib
5 days ago I had a showcase and ended up with a subluxated rib. Sometimes, even when you do all the right things $*#t can happen. I knew by the end of the night something was really wrong. For those who want to know what it feels like- it is a sudden sharp pain . My pain was on my back and side area. It is near impossible to take deep breaths, cough, or just move in general. I waited 5 days to see if it would resolve itself because this happened last year and it healed very quickly. It stayed consistent so I saw a chiropractor today. I felt a lot of relief as soon as he did the adjustment . As a few hours have gone by it feels even better. The muscles are still really sore which is to be expected. I’m hoping I didn’t actually tear or strain muscles because that will take a couple of months to heal . Chiropractors seems to think it may just be spasms. I hope so. Anyways, I’m taking it easy till I’m better no matter how long it takes. I’ve been through worse bodily damage so a couple of months is nothing in the grand scheme of things. I’ve been through an injury that left me very disabled for a year and a half- it helps me to keep perspective. Just wanted to share in case others feel these symptoms from piling. Also wanted others who are healing from an injury to realize this time healing is just a drop in a bucket compared to your life. For now , I will go back to knitting and quilting until I can gradually work my way back to physical activity. Don’t let injury wreck your mind . Pole will always be there, it is not going anywhere .
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