New To Pole! Excruciating Thigh Pain?
Hello! You guys who are seasoned vets on here probably see this all the time and are rolling your eyes but I need some advice! I completely understand that there is pain involved in pole. I have always considered myself to have a pretty high pain tolerance too. However, the first time I attempted to do a pole sit it felt like someone was ripping my skin off with a knife (and still does a week later). Not like “ouch this sucks and this is gonna leave a bruise” but like “I am going to die right now, someone is skinning me alive.” My eyes started to water and the pain took my breath away. I think I actually shrieked/screamed when I tried to let go with my arms. The next day after class my thighs were so bruised and swollen from groin to knee that my skinny jeans didn’t fit!!
I guess my questions is.. how much pain is normal? I am 5’2, 128 lbs. I have been going to the gym pretty consistently since I was 18 (26 now), lifting weights, doing workout classes (body pump, insanity, etc).. I would say that I am decently strong and in pretty good shape. I am so surprised at how my body seems to be failing me!! Is it possible that I am just not ready for pole sitting? Or does this sound like something I just need to work through? Thank you guys!! If this is all normal and I am just being a whimp then please let me know!
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