Hello Again/Hippie Pole Lotions?
Hey! Formerly BabyDragon here, I figured it was time for a change. It’s been a while, how is everyone doing?
I’ve recently begun an epic hippie mission to replace the personal care/household products in my life with all-natural, largely plant-based products. It’s been going pretty well so far, but I’ve ran into an issue with moisturizers recently. I was using Aveeno body lotion for a while, and while it certainly isn’t the worst commercial lotion to use, I’m still trying to move away from commercial personal care products in general. I tried using a moisturizer that was based on plant butters and lotions, I applied it a few hours before poling… big mistake. Horrible grip, horrible control. I ended up smearing baby powder all over myself in an attempt to dry myself off a bit (I didn’t have access to any Dry Hands at the time), and even then my grip wasn’t very good, though a bit better.
So what’s a dry-skinned hippie poler to do? Cornhuskers lotion is out because it has parabens, and I don’t want to use anything derived from petroleum. I’ve heard good things about Pole Physics lotion, but I don’t trust a product until I can see the ingredients list and I haven’t been able to find that anywhere online. Any suggestions, or anyone know where to find the ingredients list for Pole Physics?
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