Forums Discussions X Pole Maintenance

  • X Pole Maintenance

    Posted by lilithfaire on May 6, 2016 at 4:50 am

    How do you know if it’s tight enough? How do you know if it’s too tight? I have had my pole for a little over two years now but have only recently moved into a space with enough room to use it heavily and it creaks like CRAZY.

    I am trying not to get discouraged but I have had so many issues with my pole despite following instructions that I don’t know what else to do. It also doesn’t stay secure in static mode, and I have had to replace the base already. My screws caused scarring and when I finally tried to remove the base, it took out parts of the A-pole as well. X-pole told me scarring occurred because I was securing it in the wrong spot, however, the scarring occurred in line with the x’s on the base.

    Anyone have any tips? Words of encouragement?

    mystical replied 8 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • littlebunny92

    May 7, 2016 at 8:06 am

    Xpole…ugh I like them but don’t at the same time. My stage came with the carrying case ripped. The handle I had to assemble with the rolling case didn’t fit where they drilled the hole. My husband forced it the best he could but rolling it around, doesn’t feel secure and seems like it will fall out. Accident waiting to happen. The handle was bent where you secure it. When I collapse it and open it I have one piece that doesn’t want to cooperate. It took me a long time to get that stage because they were out of stock for like a year on their website. Lol. I refused to preorder giving them my credit card over the phone. I’m ranting here sorry. Anyways I own a regular xpole too. Mine would creak when it was too tight. Just losen it some and test it. I had my pole too lose and it moved on me while spinning ridiculously fast. The dome kept it in place so I could get off and fix it. Sorry you’re upset. I’m upset too.

  • Kellye Perkins

    May 7, 2016 at 4:53 pm

    Hello, Is it possible that you haven’t unscrewed and pulled the cover down and tightened the 3 screws over the flat part of the pole instead of on the threads? Sometimes these become loose and need to be tightened as well as the 2 screws inline with the x’s at the bottom. I took a picture showing what I am referring to. When all of these are lined up and tightened I have no problems at all with my x pole. Hope this helps:)

  • Veena

    May 7, 2016 at 10:46 pm

    The pole is too tight if it catches when you spin it, creeking can also mean it’s too tight. I hope you got it worked out!

  • moonflower

    May 8, 2016 at 4:30 am

    Veena is right ocourse! When they say tighten as much as you can with ONE hand, they mean it. The pole will warp if the pressure is too much, a warped pole clicks and doesn’t spin smoothly.

  • lilithfaire

    May 9, 2016 at 4:07 am

    Hmmm, thanks for all the tips! I’ve loosened it slightly but it is still creaky (possibly more?). I suspect that one of the joints needs *something* to loosen it, since most of the creaking seems to be coming from where the A pole and B pole meet.

    I am also just assuming it is safe to use!

    Thanks again!

  • mystical

    May 9, 2016 at 2:12 pm

    What kind of pole do you have? I have the expert 2015 NX model. With mine it seems like it gets stuck when I spin it with my hand but when I’m on the pole it spins fine. When I tighten mine up with just my hand it slides out of place, to me that’s not tight enough (not safe). And it still does that sticking thing. When I tighten it more the pole don’t slide out of place. If I had my pole up I would make a video but it won’t be up for another month. Mine does that creaking noise to but its not loud.

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