Stuck X-joint (not twisted, not stripped)
I have an X-joint that I have already succeeded in “contracting” as much as possible (that is, the joint is as small as it can possibly be). However, for some reason it is seriously stuck in the B – pole. I tried icing it (cold = contract), and also I’ve tried applying some lubricant around that area and setting it so the lubricant will drip down, however going on two days now I haven’t had any luck removing it.
I made an attempt to force it out using the handle of my swiffer (literally all I possess that was rod-like–sad, I know), but other than damaging my swiffer handle nothing happened…
Are there any other suggestions on how to get it out? Should I try to find a broom stick or a metal rod (a sturdier one than my swiffer, that is)?
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