I finished reading the beginner’s book but I do not want to review it on amazon.com as I would not feel honest giving a favorable review.
I disagree with the order that some of the moves are presented, but that aside, here are the main issues I encountered:
– Not enough images. The images that are available are nice but there is a distinct lack of them. This is especially felt as your descriptions are not clear enough. I could understand many of the moves based on my own knowledge of pole dancing but when I asked my husband (who does not pole dance) to show me some of the moves, he could not.
– Descriptions are not good enough. (See previous.) Example in point is Back Hook Spin. I recommend asking people who do not know how to pole dance to try this solely based on the text.
– Assuming knowledge. For example, you mention “rotator cuff” but a person without a background in sport or exercise may not know what it is. Same for lunges.
– I would expect more regarding a proper warm-up and cool down. I felt this was lacking.
– Language. Here I find multiple issues, some of which are negligible but some are not. This includes:
— Talking about how moves are sexy. You do this for almost each move and it doesn’t add credibility when you are talking about pole as a legitimate sport.
— Use of slang. For example “bucks”. This is not a form of currency, it is a male antlered animal or a vaulting horse.
— Linguistical form changes inconsistently throughout the book.
— Lack or editing. There are many spelling and grammer errors. One of my biggest pet peeves when reading something that has been self published is when it is obvious that an editor had not gone over the book. This gives a much more professional finish to a piece of work,especially if you have spent much time on it.
— It is clear that English is not your mother tongue. This is not so much a problem, but a good editor can help masquerade the fact.
It looks like you put a lot of effort into this book. I, personally, do not think that learning pole via book alone is sufficient and your book has not changed my mind regarding that. I recommend going over it again. I would be happy to review a revised version.
Good luck.