#Elfonthepole IG CHALLENGE 2018
#Elfonthepole is the Dec studioveena.com challenge! Nobody puts this elf on the shelf! I’ll share 12 days of Elfish poses on the pole! *ALL LEVELS WELCOME* I post the day BEFORE you post and I’ll include modifications for each day with the goal of allowing every elf to strike a pose! Below is the full list so you can record several at a time to allow for rest days!
We have a bunch of AMAZING prizes this month 6 of them! So there’s plenty of opportunity to win! The sponsors and prizes are:
@Kupmykakez giving away a pair of her awesome LEGGINGS!
@Nightshade.designs giving away a pair of her sexy Poleboutins HEELS, up to 8 inches, with a choice of GLITTER color!
@genieandjade giving away a cozy holiday pole dancer SWEATER in the size of your choice!
@pedipleasers giving away 2 pairs, (2 winners) of very festive ankle FRINGE pedipleasers!
@Polerized_pins giving away 2 super cool and unique pins! Their glittery high heel pin and their I pole pin!
@Madebymorteica giving away a set of 3 sparkly and dazzling pole move ORNAMENTS in a decorative box!
Here’s how to qualify!FOLLOW @studioveena @kupmykakez @nightshade.designs @genieandjade @pedipleasers @polerized_pins @madebymorteica
TAG your pole buddies!
SHARE this announcement post to your IG profile
POST using #elfonthepole Starting Dec. 7. upload your best replica of my elfish poses photo or video (please feel free to use modifications) and use #elfonthepole EACH time you post!
Profile must be public to qualify for prizes but anyone can play along!
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