This is a common problem in pole. Split grip needs more care than other grips. Jumping out of it should be avoided if you’re experiencing any kind of pain at all. Right now, it’s best to give your wrist some rest for a while. I know, no one wants to stop doing carousel spin or anything else that would use split grip, SO you can alter the grip a little for most things. Instead of rotating the arm so the index finger is down, grip the pole with a solid grip, thumb up, wrapping all the fingers around the pole. This grip isn’t as pretty as split grip, but is a great alternative while your wrist rests. When the pain is gone and you think it might be safe to try split grip again, go easy with it. Keep the index finger pointed down and your weight in the heel of your palm. Avoid jumping out of this grip until your wrists are stronger, because this is when the most strain tends to happen. Instead, focus on releasing the bottom hand first, so that your weight falls into the top hand, which is at a much safer angle to be bearing all your weight. Also, wrist wraps, such as you see weight lifters use, help some people, and various wrist stretches can help, too. My favourite is to hold the injured arm out straight at my side with the palm open flat against a wall or the pole, fingers up, at shoulder height. Then rotate the head slowly towards the opposite shoulder. You’ll likely feel an intense stretch, so go slowly with this. You’ll know it’s helping if you have immediate relief when the stretch is over. As you heal, you can experiment with moving the hand lower for a greater stretch. Use the stretch during yoga, or any time that your wrist acts up, as often as needed. Be sure to give extra attention to warming up and stretching your wrists as you heel. It does get better. Above all, listen to your body. Don’t push it too hard. If I recovered, you can too. ^__^