Forums Discussions Pole dancing and daily habits

  • Pole dancing and daily habits

    Posted by Caramel_Dlite on May 28, 2009 at 6:14 am

    Since taking up pole dancing, I’ve acquired some weird habits. For example, whenever I sit down I point my toes. When I watch tv and the ad break comes on, I get off the comfy sofa and torture myself into stretching my legs. If no one’s looking, I’ll jump on a street pole and give it a little twirl. The last thing I think about before I sleep is pole dancing. The other day, I saw the name Felix and immediately thought of the dancer instead of the cat.

    So has anyone else has picked up some pole dancing habits and applied it to their other daily routines?

    SissyBuns replied 15 years, 5 months ago 13 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • rubberstarlet

    May 28, 2009 at 7:48 am

    no not me im not cool enough with confidence .. blehh wish I was !

  • onepinkprincess

    May 28, 2009 at 1:49 pm

    Stretching in front of the TV sounds soooo familiar I don’t think about it I just seem to end up doing stretches to try and get the splits. My brain does just wander off into thoughts of pole dancing if I’m not careful. I think I’m an addict! Cxxx

  • Foxy_Rei

    May 28, 2009 at 5:12 pm

    I wish I could twirl on street signs! Here where I live, the posts are made differently, so it’s not a smooth, round pole. *pout*

    For me it’s more terminology and forgetting that everyone doesn’t know what I’m talking about. I was talking with a friend on IM last night and he asked me what was new, and I started to say that my wrist was bothering me from practicing my half-handspring mount to butterfly the night before and that my skin’s grip has been shot the past few days so I couldn’t practice my superman and etc. etc. I stopped myself because I realized he would have no idea what I was talking about… lol.

    But other than that, whenever I see something even remotely resembling a pole I wonder how big around it must be (50mm? 45 maybe??) and what it’s made out of, and what the grip is like.

    Oh, and I’m one of those people who gets obsessed with the same song for like a week and just listen to it over and over and over and over again… well, when I’m at work mulling the song of the week over in my head, I think up what I would do on the pole and find myself starting to move more dance-y like. Picture this: wearing scrubs, a white apron, a hairnet, and yellow dish washing gloves; standing at a stainless steel counter next to a dishwasher and a hose washing dishes. When I sidestep to the dishwasher, I’m pointing my toes and picking my leg up gracefully instead of sliding it along the floor, etc. etc. I haven’t done any twirls or anything yet, but I’m waiting for someone to give me the crooked eyebrow one of these days!

  • untamedshrew

    May 28, 2009 at 6:02 pm

    OMG! I’m not the only one?!
    I’ve found I walk on my tiptoes a lot. Sometimes my husband catches me jiggling my badonkadonk and I didn’t even realize I was doing it. Recently at the grocery store I was jamming on the IPOD, when I went to get an item that was on a low shelf I went into the bunny pose (drop down, open and close the knees). I caught myself and was so embarrassed I didn’t look up for 2 aisles.

  • LondonCalling

    May 28, 2009 at 6:12 pm

    I’m always thinking of things to dance to now, but I’ve always done that. Every once in a while I’ll do a quick invert and hold a handstand to stretch my spine (which is a definite bonus since I have scoliosis). I’ve incorporated the pole into my workout routine more by using it to do squats, pole lifts, pole push-ups (inverted push-ups) and using it as a barre for tendu, degaje, battements, and perfecting my arabesque and de ponche. If I ever learn the chinese flag, street poles are going to be in trouble

  • RoxyPink

    May 28, 2009 at 8:44 pm

    I constantly think about new combinations to do, what moves I want to work on…and I do the same thing with stretching….

  • SissyBuns

    May 29, 2009 at 3:31 am

    I constantly imagine dance routines in my head when driving and listening to music.

    You can also catch me cooking dinner with my foot propped up on the counter stretching my legs LOL.

    I dance in the mirror almost every morning for at least 2.5 minutes LOL. It’s a fun way to start the day

  • ClassyMommy

    May 30, 2009 at 3:30 am

    I watch my videos (which im still not ready to post here just yet) and i dont see any sexy what can i do to add sexy to my pole dancing. any tips maybe if i get some heels it may bring it out of me!!!

  • Trena

    May 30, 2009 at 7:50 pm

    Um I point my toes watching tv too and…I shout at my friends to point theirs!! After my bachelorette weekend one of the key phrases that we were all saying was "Point your toes!!!" Plus I went on my bachelorette to the Irish Pole Championships!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to give up poling 2 weeks before the wedding and the thoughts of it is killing me! (But I cannot be covered in bruises on my wedding day! )
    I think about poling all the time! I take care of children in the evenings and one of the kids does ballet and I hassle her into showing me her side splits and front splits and the stretches her teacher makes her do. When Im driving in the car I constantly find myself feeling my biceps and thinking about when Im gonna get the chance to do a pole work out again!!! When Im shopping I find myself looking at clothes and shoes that I can wear while poling! I talk about StudioVeena CONSTANTLY to EVERYONE!!! "The girls on the site say this, the girls on the site say that!"

    I have an addiction ladies and Im damn proud of it!!!

  • Caramel_Dlite

    May 30, 2009 at 11:19 pm

    I’m so glad you guys have shared the way pole dancing has infiltrated your life! Some of the responses have been quite funny Untamedshrew…. bunny pose, Sissybuns…. stretching your legs while cooking dinner hahhaa!

    ClassyMommy, if you just relax and don’t overthink things, then I’m sure you exert sexy naturally. We wait with bated breath to see your debut video looking all sexy!

  • PrettyKitty

    November 19, 2009 at 7:52 pm

    I find myself always thinking about songs to dance to, a do my sexy pole walk down any hallway when nobody is looking, and stretching while I’m looking at TV, and dreaming of me finally doing a spilts during a routine (Its coming i’m hoping for the end of december for my pole dance recital at my studio). I’m addicted to watching youtube videos of pole dancers, but now that i’ve found studio veena i’m in heaven other pole addicts like me plus videos **there is a place for me**

  • Layla Duvay

    November 19, 2009 at 8:29 pm

    I LOVE this thread!! If I have to pick something up from the floor, I go into a squat and then onto demi-point if I’m in flats and the rise up slowly, butt-first. I did this last week while bra shopping and thought no one was looking and got a funny look from the salesgirl who caught me mid rise Oh, well!! It was totally worth it!

  • chemgoddess1

    November 19, 2009 at 10:14 pm

    This is one of the instruments that I use at work:

    The lower section where the brown mantles are in the picture are just about at squat height. I will squat on my tiptoes, sometimes with my knees apart, sometimes together, sometimes I switch, but I ALWAYS stand up butt first!!

    I look at street signs to see if they are the channel ones or if they are the round ones. Don’t even get me near a playground!!! I have become obsessed about trying to find bars that have poles (hey, I found 4 in my area).

    Last week I noticed that the bowling lanes next to where I work has a support pole at the main entrance….so on Friday when I was over there I went out the front entrance to look at the diameter of the pole (it’s a little big, and I have big hands).

  • SissyBuns

    November 19, 2009 at 10:49 pm

    I’m so glad you guys have shared the way pole dancing has infiltrated your life! Some of the responses have been quite funny Untamedshrew…. bunny pose, Sissybuns…. stretching your legs while cooking dinner hahhaa!

    ClassyMommy, if you just relax and don’t overthink things, then I’m sure you exert sexy naturally. We wait with bated breath to see your debut video looking all sexy!

    Love you Caramel!

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