Forums Discussions 45mm or 50mm?

  • pole-twista

    January 21, 2009 at 11:30 pm

    i just bought a second pole and thought about getting a 45 but didn’t wanted to get used to that and than have diifficulty like you said at a studio or club w/a standard 50

  • SaschaPoles

    January 27, 2009 at 10:24 pm

    hmm, i wish i could help- i’ve only ever been on a 50 before- i hear that a 45 is like a twig in your hands- i think veena has both a 45 and a 50- maybe she could help??

  • pole-twista

    January 28, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    when i asked veena about this she said she likes both 45 better for things like spinning faster and certain mounts (pencil/jade/iguana whatever you refer to it as from floor) but things like jade split hurt alot more as there is a smaller pont of pressure think of a skinny bar being pressed into your chest compared to a 4×4 size bar with the bigger object the pressure is distibuted more evenly as oppsed to being so concentrated at 1 point i think 50 is better unless you have really small hands as learning on a 45 than trying to do it on a standard 50 can be difficult

  • boomloulou

    February 2, 2009 at 5:58 pm

    I always tell friends to get a 50mm first,as its a standard size in competitions plus its an easier transition if you switch to a 45mm..

    I have both the 50 and 45 mm at home but always learn a new trick 90 percent of the time on my 50mm first

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