Forums Discussions Making a video…!!!! Reply To: Making a video…!!!!

  • Rouge_LAmour

    February 17, 2009 at 2:26 am

    I’ll nudge Mr Rouge and ask him for help – he’s actually the whizz when it comes to this stuff.

    Firstly, what did you edit in? Sometimes that is the initial problem, we edit with Final cut, which has the facility to output to iTunes, it’s all native to each other, with Final Cut designed for Mac.

    But I will ask him, I have a feeling it was a .avi format for iTunes, but I’m not sure. Unfortunately, this Mac I’m using now, doesn’t have Final Cut on it. Once I have the definitive answer, I’ll post a reply – or create a separate topic.

    The cool thing about iTunes, is that with a video capable iPod, you can show people what you do, without breaching internet protocol at work!
    We’ve been offering this service to the girls at our studio, but so far, none have picked it up. Oh well…