Forums Discussions Greetings from Jacksonville, FL Reply To: Greetings from Jacksonville, FL

  • Trena

    February 20, 2009 at 3:53 pm

    Hi Christa and welcome!
    Wow what a great boyfriend!!!!
    Every concern you have is completely normal!!! I had the same concerns when I was a beginner (Im an intermediate now.)
    It is TOTALLY normal that you cant hold yourself up for long, dont feel bad. This will come with practice. Whatever you do just dont give up!!! Its hard not to lose heart, I know (I remember how it feels) but your muscle strength will grow all the time and you’ll get better and better, just keep practicing. For the moment, until you build up strength in your arms and your core muscles I wouldnt recommend trying to do inverts. Work with your spins and you’ll gradually get the strength to invert. Again I will stress…DONT GIVE UP!!! (Well Im sure your boyfriend wont let you anyway lol!! ) The reason the girls with the videos make it look so easy is that they all practised to get that way too, it doesnt happen automatically no matter how strong or flexible you are.
    At first your hands will get sweaty quickly but as you get more used to the pole and, depending on the spins or tricks you’re doing, it wont be as bad. Ive never used powder but a few of the girls n guys on here may be able to give you advice on that.
    Anyway congratulations on your birthday gift!! Happy poling!
