Forums Discussions Greetings from Portugal!!! Reply To: Greetings from Portugal!!!

  • branquinha

    February 22, 2009 at 1:45 am

    I know what this longing for a pole means!
    I started pole exercising in 2004, but I didn’t have a pole, I just went to classes once a week. Then I got pneumonia and was off exercises for a while, but almost a year after I had started, I got myself a pole. The fun did not last long – I was living in England and moved to Brazil, carrying the pole. After about 5 months I was back to England but my pole stayed in Brazil. More than 2 years without a pole and now I am back to Brazil and getting slowly back into the swing of things and have joined the forum… but I know well what it is to be an expectator only…
    Anyway, greetings from Brazil!