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  • pole-twista

    January 2, 2009 at 2:53 pm

    Ya it’s really too bad because it can be so much fun to get together with your friends and learn routines and such but I do get tired of feeling like I can’t be proud of myself or make a big deal when I learn a new move if there are certain people around or that I just have to act like it was just luck that i can do a move

    i love learning and I love teaching so am disappointed that I really can’t seem to share this with anyone in my own area or there were atleast classes so could do this with a group… Well it’s a New Year so time for some changes I just decided I am going to be proud of what I have learned, am going to accept compliments (even the not so sincere ones), and celebrate any way I feel when get a new move regardless of company

    I love poling so it doesnt seem like work, but have put in amazing amount of time, energy, and recourses into studying moves on you tube, watching video lessons, reading books and forums,sweating/bruising ect to have come to this point and it’s just going to keep getting better so people can just get used to it and maybe learn to have some fun with it or they can go find a corner to sulk in I had to get that off my chest vent time ya know? well thanks for reading and thanks for your earler reply was nice to see I’m not imagining this

    so how was everyones New Years? I had wanted to post resolutions and read others, but havent found a post site for it yet has anyone else?