Forums Discussions Slow at pole ! Reply To: Slow at pole !

  • amelia2000

    February 18, 2022 at 4:12 pm

    Hi! Thanks for sharing your story!
    I started initially aged 21 in a very small studio and sort of made very little progress. I spent ages learning fan kicks and struggled with static spins etc and similiar to PoleAdventures stopped going after a while, partly down to circumstances and bought my own pole and started learning via Youtube (I was a cheapskate and poor student and hadn’t discovered SV).
    I felt much better learning at my own pace (even though I was actually “young” enough, but I was very unfit and 10kg heavier than now) and having no one watch and potentially laugh was great. I focussed on what I COULD do and not what I couldn’t. So I skipped static spins and learnt them later.
    With hindsight I didn’t make much progress to start with, it took me probably 2 years to get an invert, but I trained maybe twice a week and didn’t do much conditioning or cross training.
    In the last 4 years I’ve made the most progress, probably because I train more often now (4-5x/week) and I also do conditioning exercises and circuit training on/off-pole. I’ve also learnt to grip the pole better (warm skin/warm pole) so I’m more motivated, I now have a 40mm powdercoated pole, whereas I used to have a chrome 45mm.

    So pole-wise, I totally feel your frustration!

    I can also understand how difficult it could be for a studio to cater for different needs while also running a business. But it’s a shame they aren’t managing to cater to yours.

    Also beginner is a very wide term in pole. Is a beginner someone who has just started, or someone who can’t invert but may have been poling for 6 months? It’s a tricky one, also regarding other levels.