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  • Veena

    January 12, 2009 at 6:57 pm

    Veena I realize your very busy right now with the baby, but when things settle down a little bit more and you start making new video lessons, I have some requests If at all possible I would like to see the following: ( i believe you said you were planning on doing more when you had some time if not disregard rest of post)

    Death Lay
    Hip Hold
    Jade Split

    Thanks in advance!
    I have all of these including the Scorpio handstand on my lesson list….One I didn’t have on the list was the Jack knife, but I’ll add it.

    Oh, I do understand your position, it must be difficult being so far away from instructors. Is there any chance of doing real time online lessons via Skype? That’s the next best thing. I don’t know if Veena offers such a service at the moment?

    I don’t offer online lessons right now. I have thought about it but.. web cams, Internet connections, along with time zone differences can create frustrations I’m not sure if it would be worth the trouble. If I ever get lots of interest in people wanting online lessons I might consider it.