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  • Webmaster

    January 20, 2009 at 6:16 am

    PoleDanceFan the device you are trying to think of is or one of the many in the Dazzle family.

    There are two ways that I suggest video editing, if you must use a PC get Adobe Photoshop Elements. It’s a hundred bucks and can be downloaded here Prior to Veena getting her mac she cut all her videos together (including the lessons on this site) with this software.

    With that being said, the best way I’ve found to edit is using a Macintosh. It will suck video in off of any device that has a USB or firewire port, it will even import video from the DVDs created by DVD video cameras, which is something most windows software won’t do. I have been an IT professional for almost 15 years now, I have logged thousands of hours on all major operating systems and find the Macintosh platform to be the most problem free and easy to use system out there.

    Hopefully this post is helpful.