I’m back baby!
I’m Rae, but you can all me Luna / LunaRae / RaeB. Whatever fits your fancy. I would describe my pole style as flirty vs exotic. I started my pole journey in October 2011. I joined StudioVeena in 2014, but I didn’t keep up with it. I poled on and off since the 2011. I was taking classes regularly and hitting the gym. Ah, but life happens. We get busy and don’t make time for things we love, and depression is a nasty beast to deal with. I weight 200 right now and I currently can’t do the things I did while in shape. That is going to change starting today.
I moved last year and sold my stage pole in favor of a Lupit tension pole! I still didn’t use it much last year, but it is 2025. I signed up for this site again. Today is day 1 of my off the pole training.
My goal isn’t just to loose weight. I want to compete/preform at least once. I have some specific moves I want to learn too! I have one very specific spin, but I don’t know what it’s called lol. I’ll get there. 🙂
Anyways, I look forward to talking to you all ♡
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