Forums Discussions 100 Day Challenge New Edition??

  • dancing in the gray

    May 17, 2012 at 1:43 pm

    Love this!

    My goals are:

    Lose 10 lbs
    Keep going to pole class 2x a week
    Adding in one day of pole at home, working on things that need pefection, plus 2 days of yoga/pilates at the gym

    I would also like to have a controlled invert (being able to tilt my hips up to the pole and keeping my arms and shoulders engaged instead of dropping)
    Better wonderwoman/spin down combo
    2 handed layout (having trouble since my arms are short)
    And reverse grab

  • Spinnesque

    May 17, 2012 at 2:44 pm

    @Porshka everything you put in your first post relates to me exactly! Def up for a challenge, though I might have to make smaller goals than 100days (I'm far too impatient!) the big thing for me is splits progress but I'll be thinking up some more specific goals ready for tomorrow…

  • Kaylie

    May 17, 2012 at 9:10 pm

    This is great! I kinda need to do it monthly but I am in for the entire 100!! I want to try 4 cardios… 3 yoga..3 pole per week! No starchy carbs after noon! Every month I will work on something new on the pole and add on to those in the following months!!!

  • Porshka

    May 18, 2012 at 9:48 am

    Good morning ladies!  My 100-day goals are:

    Be able to do:

    10 pull-ups 

    5 chin-ups

    front splits on both sides

    Bracket hold and pole sit

    Improve my center splits by half their distance,

    Lose 16 pounds

    But I am also going to set smaller goals.  For example, for the next 20 days my goals will be to begin the splits in six weeks program, get 8 hours of sleep per night drink enoughf water (750 ml X 4 should be enought?) and do my workouts before I go to work, instead of after.

    I can't wait to read everyone else's progress!  Good luck everyone!

  • Porshka

    May 18, 2012 at 9:59 am

    Wait, wait…I have to change a few of these.  I won't be able to do all my workouts before work, so I am just setting myself up for failure…I just will make sure I do upper body (pole and callesthenics) four times per week and for the next 28 days I am going Brazil Butt Lift, so that is pretty much lower body.  Also, I will expand from 20 to 28 days to make it even.

    I am going to keep a journal and just check in here 1x per week – I suppose on Fridays.

  • PippiParnasse

    May 18, 2012 at 12:20 pm

    If you're having trouble sticking to it, try upping the ante! This website lets you blackmail yourself. I think you upload an embarrassing photo, and if you don't meet your goals, it posts it to Facebook.

  • CreativityBySteffie

    May 18, 2012 at 12:36 pm

    My goals are: 

    Poledancing two times a week. Strenght training 1 time a week. Stretch for flexibility on rest days. 

    Keep up with my flexy challenge each friday! (I have skipped the last two:() 

    Get my side split

    Learn at least two new tricks a month,

    Perfecting the ones I know.

    Nailing my nemesis the Plank


  • RubyTuesday

    May 18, 2012 at 12:44 pm

    Hello all, I am new to this site and never posted but may I join in? I am on holiday abroad until Wednesday but I could start then? I literally got enough internet access to whizz through some emails and saw this! X

  • tiggertail

    May 18, 2012 at 1:38 pm

    lol Pippi that would probably work well with me, need to find something i would be really ashamed of

  • Dwiizie

    May 18, 2012 at 2:09 pm

    I’m down. Goals: Get rid of 10 lbs (12 would be nice) with a focus on building muscle and getting rid of fat.

    Pole at least twice a week

    Attend 6 pole classes in the studio

    Strength and flexibility training, 3 days a week each.

    Eat fresh and natural as much as humanly possible (there will be days, given my schedule, I know this.)

    Good luck everybody! Its a flexibility day today!

  • tiggertail

    May 18, 2012 at 2:13 pm

    Just go an idea to keep me motivate to make more execise. For each 15 minutes of excercises/ pole/ stretching/ other, i will give myself 1 kilometer (or you can pick a mile). And i we see how far i can go or in how long can i reach to another veener or better to Veena's place

    A little bit like a airmiles system but without the chance to travel in real, to bad lol

  • Mellie

    May 18, 2012 at 4:22 pm

    Ok, I’m in! I did a 29 day challenge at my studio and I increased my water intake, ate as vegan as possible, make protein shakes every morning, cut out processed sugar and dairy, and washed my face in the am and pm (I’m lazy and always forget to wash at night!). I lost 2 inches off my waist and 4 mm of belly fat. Then I fell off the wagon and need some motivation. This is perfect!!

    My goals:
    Increase water to at least 64 oz a day
    Eliminate processed sugar (I’m pretty dairy free now)
    Make the delicious protein shakes again!
    Eat cleaner. As raw/vegan as possible with a meat type protein once a week (no beef, chicken or turkey)
    Cardio! Currently at one day/week. Make it at least three
    Practice Pole at Least 4 x per week
    Pilates at least 4x per week.

    Woot woot!


  • PlatinumAni

    May 18, 2012 at 9:57 pm

    Well I was the first to agree and almost missed my mark on my goal to set goals. So.. I will proabably have to add some later.

    To lift my tg handspring~ may be wishful thinking!

    Middle splits

    Work on back flexibility weekly

    Flag invert (I hope to have this much, much sooner.)

    Give one day to dance every week.

  • Tovah

    May 18, 2012 at 10:35 pm

    OH BOY! 100 days uh!

    Can we have our own survivor series please.

    -to be more flexible -work on 1 hr stretching 3 x per wk

    -to obtain my splits

    -to do pole 3 to 6 hrs per wk (this wk I did 4.5 hrs) & stretching nil (don't like stretching)

    -mmm…I already walk pretty much 10km's per day with my dog

    -to point my toes and not get cramps


  • monary

    May 19, 2012 at 1:41 am

    It was hard to even write down my goal, but here it is.  At the end of 100 days I would like to seduce my husband with a provocative dance.  

    A while ago, I realized that I was uncomfortable being consciensly seductive.  I decided to develop that side of myself but stalled.  A couple of years ago, I bought a dvd to help me The irresistible art of exotic dance."  I bought the cute outfit.  I practiced in private for a little while.

    But I never went forward.  I was wating to get rid of my belly, and become really good.  Years later the dvd still sits in my underwear drawer.  I have watched videos, been a member of this site,  started pole dancing lessons, considered more dvds to buy, bought the booty clap dvd and fell in love with moves that I have seen other people do.  But I am no closer in doing a dance of my own.  

    Some things I need to do to accomplish my goal.

    1. Get a dvd player that hooks up to my computer so that I can practice in private and not in the public living room.   

    2.  Arrange for childcare ( I have had a baby in the interim)

    3.  Get more fit, lose more of the baby weight.  (More on how I will accomplish this later)

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