Forums Discussions 100 Day Challenge New Edition??

  • Black Rose

    May 19, 2012 at 7:58 am

    I am so excited to be part of this 100 day challenge. I'm new to this site. Here are my goal;

    -Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day – I always fail at this but I going to   stick to it

    -Finish the 90 day Julian Michaels DVD…I'm 3 weeks in!

    -Do the six week split

    -Pole at least 2x a time week/Practice floor work also.

    -Don't eat after 8 p.m.

    -Stop drinking soda

    -Lose 10 lbs, hopefully 15

    -Get enough courage to pole dance in front of my husband

    -Complete the booty clap DVD

    -Eat Right – Everyone knows what this means!



  • cupcakeqt1

    May 19, 2012 at 9:15 am

    I’m in this would be great to have others commenting on their progress maybe this way I will get the courage to post my first video 🙂 .

  • Porshka

    May 19, 2012 at 10:42 am

    Wow, I am really excited so many people are on board – of course anyone can join whenever they want.


    @ Black Rose: tell me about  the booty clap DVD; is it good?  Is it hard?

    @ monary: hang in there!!  I think you will feel great if you can do that dance for your husband.

    Today I weighed myself: 161 lbs – goal weight 147…

  • Mellie

    May 19, 2012 at 11:13 am

    Yes! Do tell about the booty clap DVD. I feel as if I am missing a much needed muscle that will assist me in booty pops and claps!

    So I failed my first day. I’m camping with my husband and bought a bunch of snacks. But, as soon as we return to civilization, BRING IT! I did, however, bring my little blender, protein powder and frozen fruit and bananas so I am making us smoothies for breakfast. (did I mention that we have full hook ups. It’s not like we are in the boondocks, civilized just means near my pole)

    Ok everyone. Get with the challenge embracing!

    Oh! And I have modified my challenge. To post a monthly challenge video since I keep putting it off! I am starting next month, June. Anyone know if the challenge is posted yet?


  • ellietobias

    May 19, 2012 at 7:55 pm

    Love this, count me in.  Still thinking about goals, but I know I want to devote more time to pole practice, eat healthier, and get stronger (still rehabbing from injury ) this summer.  Losing some weight and building strength should make a huge difference!  

  • Porshka

    May 19, 2012 at 11:37 pm

    I should make myself do the challenges also…I never do them because I'm too chicken!  But mayeb I should take myself out of my comfort zone…

  • ginger78

    May 20, 2012 at 1:57 pm

    I need to dig myself out of my rut too. Will be posting a few goals soon. Major one is to get out of my poor pitiful me depression and get back out into the world and into my fitness routine again. Losing that 10 pounds I gained due to the above. Getting some of my shaky pole moves stronger and nailing an invert into Superman.

  • Cocoa0

    May 21, 2012 at 8:50 pm

    I’m in! I sprained my wrist a few months ago and lost alot of strength. So my main goal will be to get my wrist (and body) back to where it was. Maybe even nail a TG or SM deadlift.

    Goal #2 I want to be able to grab my foot over my head. I feel like it’s something I should be able to do and it’s frustrating as hell that I can’t!

    Goal #3 Splits all ways. I need to square my fronts and get the last few inches of my middles. (and by “few inches” I mean a foot :-/ I just want to be able to fake a middle split convincingly)

    Goal #4 Insert hippie dippy “Eat, Pray, Love” crap here

  • Wiley

    May 21, 2012 at 11:06 pm

    Oooh I love this!  I have been "too busy" to pole yet I have been boozing all weekend.  So maybe posting this will give me some motivation… 🙂  And I will definitely have to shame myself because I can't think of anything else that will make me get off my lazy ass!  LOL

    1.  Get my center splits- practice at least twice a week.  I have my other two but my center splits are like 2 feet off the floor  I've had Alethea Austin's DVDs since February and I haven't even gotten through the whole thing yet.  Ughh! 

    2.  Pole once a week.  I currently pole maybe once a month and the occasional pole move on a unsuspecting street sign.  I own a pole and I really should take advantage of it.

    3.  Practice transitions in addition to tricks. 

    4.  Pole moves I want to get:  Flat jade, allegra, spinning scorpio, and getting better at spin mode. 

    5.  Hula hoop every day 😀  And hoop with fire once a week.  My goal is to start performing with hoops.

  • ginger78

    May 23, 2012 at 2:32 am

    Slow changes one step at a time. Have cut way back on diet soda for starters and drinking more water. Going to up the activity levels now.

  • ginger78

    May 23, 2012 at 2:32 am

    Slow changes one step at a time. Have cut way back on diet soda for starters and drinking more water. Going to up the activity levels now.

  • DreamStarr

    May 23, 2012 at 9:43 am

    Okay you ladies are awsome, IM IN
    But slowly for me just had 2 breast reductions in the last 5 months still got stitches, so I will be only working on floor exercises improvin my core and flexability no poling til after june 🙁 dr orders oh, and try to intake more water…aghhhh!

  • joycee

    May 23, 2012 at 10:28 am

    ooh count me IN. i love challenges. my first pole anniversary is Sept 2012.

    – learn ayesha (forearm, elbow, split grip)

    – improve strength/flexibility

    – go to pole class once a week. pole practice at home 3x a week

    – eat cleaner. no soda. no sugar. no junk foods. almost paleo diet 🙂

    – more cardio/abs exercises/yoga

    good luck to everyone!!!

  • GMwifey

    May 23, 2012 at 3:27 pm

    Oh I need to join this, better late than never.

    Get my pole in the mail and set it up

    Go to gym at least twice a week

    Use the elliptical 3 times a week

    Drink more water, by July no soda!!!

    Eat more protein, lose 28 pounds

    Do stretching 3 times a week. I will start with those, but I want to check in every Friday for my progress.

  • Porshka

    May 24, 2012 at 12:57 pm

    How is everyone doing on meeting their goals so far?  I know some of you joined in more recently, so it might not be time for you to report just yet. 

    I've been doing okay – I was going to wait until tomorrow to post but I have time to do it now.  I have definitley been working out more and drinking way more water.  Also, I have been getting enough rest most of the time.  I would rate this past week overall as not a total failure, but I didn't do that great.

    The big thing I really need to focus on this upcoming week is NOT smoking (obviously).  I "normally" don't smoke or smoke rarely, but I have gotten into a terrible habit of smoking daily for quite some time and I am really starting to feel like crap.  I can really notice when I'm doing a workout DVD and I'm getting winded where I never used to.  So, on top of my goals of BBL, water, sleep, and poling, this week I am not drinking OR smoking.  It is going to be hard because my husband is such a terrible influence.  It's easier to just say, "No, thanks," if he asks me if I want a beer or to go smoke because if I say I'm trying to quit, he'll just try to talk me into it.  Sheesh, he's normally a very good husband but when it comes to this area, I guess not!

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