Forums Discussions 100 Day Challenge New Edition??

  • Black Rose

    May 27, 2012 at 10:26 am

    So I started off great last week but I did not lose any weight. I didn't drink the 8 glasses a water a day & I did not do any pole dances.I was so busy but that shouldn't be an excuse. I am very disappointed but I am not giving up. So this is a new week hopefully I will focus and see a change.

    As for the Booty clap DVD, It a good DVD. However, its hard to see the booty shake because they are wearing a black leggings and the background is black. I understand in the booty clap forum the reason for the black was not to show to much to make people uncomfortable or to give off the wrong impression. But I wanted to see more shaking to make sure I was doing it right. The warm up is five mins, there is a lot of explaining how you should shake, its a work out for the legs and butt. Some upper body exercise because you have your butt in the air in a few exercises. It's a amateur made DVD but a fun DVD. I heard there will be a part two but I need to get part one finished before I can move on. I was very tired by the end. Because my right knee I could not do some exercises. I like this DVD but I would wait on more reviews before someone wanted to buy it.

  • Porshka

    May 27, 2012 at 12:01 pm

    Black Rose – don't give up!!  I am disappointed in myself about what I did/didn't do yesterday but I messed up…Arg.  Just move forward with positive intent!

    How good at the booty moves are you right now, before the video?

  • absolutsassy

    May 27, 2012 at 12:30 pm

    My 100-day challenge goals are:

    1. right and left square split

    2. develop my lower abs.

    3. controlled inverts both floor and aerial

    4. a more bendy back (for dove and crescent).

    5. lose 10lbs. 

    6. do cardio workout to increase stamina.

    7. pole twice a week with pole practice, also twice a week. (Learn how to do moves in spinning pole)

    8. cleaner tricks and longer spins.

    9. learn at least 2 new transition moves a week. 

    10. do at least 1 freestyle exercise a week.



    so help me God. 🙂

  • Porshka

    May 27, 2012 at 10:28 pm

    I just signed up for Veena's Gold membership, so I am going to revamp my goals a bit.  I'm excited!

  • SaschaPoles

    May 29, 2012 at 6:42 pm

    I love this thread!!! Monary, I love how your goal is to do a dance for your husband 🙂 Remember, all men are stupid idiots, you cannot mess it up 🙂 He should be grateful you'd even consider giving him such an amazing gift! 🙂


    I'm a week late, but can I join too??? By August 25th I want to get:

    Straight Edge


    Split Grip Inverted V

    The splits!! Right/Left/Middle 

  • CreativityBySteffie

    May 31, 2012 at 12:32 pm

    Update: I got the plank! I had missed the tilting your hips slidly to one side. Now its just as easy as I thought it would be 🙂 I have also gotten practice done alot lately. So far,Im happy with the progress 🙂

  • Dwiizie

    May 31, 2012 at 1:06 pm

    Doing well so far, sticking to my goals. Eating is my biggest hurdle, I'm eating at a "maintenance" level so its still not bad, but I want to do better. I got the furthest down in my front splits yesterday during flexibility training. Today is a strength training day. Slowly but surely, I am getting better. I am not progressing nearly as quickly with pole moves as many other people. I just yesterday for the first time ever did a crucifix without hands and held it. I still can't seem to do a no handed pole sit, I've been trying for over a year now, and my stomach is always in the way, feeling like if I let go, I'll fall backwards. The lessons say get as high up on the thighs as you can for the clamp, I do that and my tummy is on the pole. I'm also confused because in the lessons, you lean away from the leg crossed on top. SOOO many people lean the other way in their photos, with the crossed knee creating the angle to hold the grip. I don't understand. I'm frustrated, feeling very stressed over everything, but I never give up. I'm going to the studio soon, I reeeeally hope someone in person can help me figure out what is up.

  • SaschaPoles

    May 31, 2012 at 6:40 pm

    Hooray on getting the plank!!!!! Yay for sticking to our goals!!!! 😀 DLuxx, don't get down on yourself and try not to compare your progress with others (that's a sure fire way to a bad mood). Lately I'm trying to celebrate the moves I DO know rather than focus on those that I'm struggling with because I'll get all depressed. I know for me, I'll get a weird move on the first try, yet there are some beginner moves that I'm still struggling with. I can't explain why my body takes to some moves easier than others, but it happens to us all. I hope that someone is able to help you get that move, sometimes all it takes is someone to point a tiny detail out to us and like magic everything falls into place 🙂 

  • Jelania

    May 31, 2012 at 8:14 pm

    Hi all!

    I know this already started but I want/need in! I bought a pole before taking even one lesson because instinctively I knew that this (poling stalking this site

  • Jelania

    May 31, 2012 at 8:31 pm

    Hi all!

    I know this already started but I want/need in! I bought a pole before taking even one lesson because instinctively I knew that this (polling) was for me. Well my pole has been up in my livingroom since Jan. i have been around my pole maybe a dizen times and I’ve climbed it maybe 3 times. I keep telling myself that i am afraid to go to a studio and then i go on and start believing myself and I don’t go. The longer I look at my pole the more ridiculous I start to feel but when I imagine myself polling I become very intrigued and excited!

    My goals (can I update this section later?):
    Start pole classes at a studio (my birthday is two weeks away. Would love to be going to class by then)
    No white sugar, flour, rice
    Eat cleaner, lighter, healthier foods.
    Exercise my body 4 – 5 days per week
    Two 20 min meditation per day
    Lose15 pounds

    Good luck to All

  • Porshka

    June 1, 2012 at 9:50 am

    Of course you can join int, AmmaJelani!  Get on that pole, already!

    I have been pretty good this week and I have started Veena's lessons, which are already feeling quite helpful.  I haven't actually met any of my goals completely, but I have been doing them, so that is good.  I am making progress.


    This week I would like to:

    Not smoke every day this week

    Continue drinking lots of water

    Do pole workout and BBL 3X each

    Do three hours of stretching

    Eight hours of sleep per night

    Study at least twenty minutes a day for the LSAT

    Come on Week #3!!!

  • JessesGirl96

    June 1, 2012 at 5:35 pm

    @Porshka – Thank you for starting this thread!  Almost everything you said is the same as my current situation.  I have been in such a lazy rut and my pole progress has gone no where for months now.

    So I would love to join in even though I'm a little late to the party!  

    My 100 day goals are:

    #1 – Be confident enough to dance for my husband.

    #2 – Be confident enough to post my first video.

    #3 – Get my invert.

    #4 – Have a strong reverse grab spin.

    #5 – Be comfortable with freestyle dance. (I love to dance & do great with a routine, but freestyle seems almost impossible for me!)

    My weekly goals to accomplish the 100 day goals are:

    #1 – Loose 20 lbs

    #2 – Pole 3 times a week.

    #3 – Stretch 3 times a week.

    #4 – Do 3 songs of freestyle dance a week.

    #5 – Only eat fast food once a week. (instead of my current 5 times a week!!)

    #6 – Work out upper body 5 times a week.

    That ought to do it!  Good luck everyone!





  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    June 2, 2012 at 5:17 am

    Thanx for this amazing thread! I also want to get in (altough, I know it's late…)!

    I've got so many goals I want to fullfill, especially I've been working on the basic invert for a really long time, and from day to day I can perform it, but I want to be able to perform it any time, any day, without effort. So that will be my main goal. I hope a month will be enough for that one.

    I need to improve my strenght, so that I ca do the headstand, handstand and catslide.


    I also want to more fluid in free dancing and floorwork.  And of course, improve flexibility and strenght. It would be nice to loose some pounds as well, but main goal will be on gaining strenght and getting some conditioning.


    To accomplish this, I've decided to:

    -attend a strenght training class once a week

    -1 hour cardio / day (bycykling for work will do it, or jogging, spinning or a dance class)

    -attend one dance class a week (need inspiration)

    -eat the half a kilo of fruit and veggies a day, considering one portion of raw food a day

    -attend the pole studio at least once a week


    Thank you so much girls, and good luck with your goals! Keep it up!


  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    June 9, 2012 at 12:13 pm

    Since it is a week since I set my goals mabye it is time to evaluate how things are going.


    For now, I think things are going quite alright. During this week I have attended 2 yoga classes, three strenght training classes, one dance class and one spinning class. But, I have not been to the pole dance studio, which could be seen as one thing to work on for the next week. I have been training with the routines video by jamilla though, so always something 🙂 as for he cardio, I have been using my bycycle everyday, approxiamately for 1,5 hour a day, and will have to do so for a long time now, so hopefully I will be in a really good shape in a couple of months 🙂



  • JessesGirl96

    June 13, 2012 at 2:02 pm

    Well it has been almost 2 weeks since I set my goals and unfortunately it has been a complete failure so far.  I haven't really stuck to anything  So I am starting fresh today and am more motivated this time.  How is everyone else doing with their goals?

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