Forums Discussions 100 Day Challenge New Edition??

  • Porshka

    June 13, 2012 at 11:30 pm

    @JessesGirl96 – 

    I know just how you feel!  Don't give up.  My first three weeks haven't been a total bust, but…well…I haven't accomplished as much as I wanted, to put it mildly.  Like, not zero but almost zero.  And then I always really beat myself up over it.  Oh, and I won't be posting a video by Friday.

    But the key to success is not giving up even when you fail miserably, so we will just pick ourselves up and keep trying…

    On a positive note, I am really glad I have a Veena Gold membership.  I really like the progression of moves and I feel like doing the conditioning has made me stronger and I have hardly even done anything (boo me, yeah Veena…).

  • CreativityBySteffie

    June 14, 2012 at 5:19 am

    @Jessiegirl96 – I know how you feel too! I havent been good with keeping up either. I did get a nemesis move down, but flexi training and training pole have been much less than ever before. I've been so stressed with work, wich I havent been used to for a year or so, so I have skipped my training in order to fit in work. :/ And now Im sick with the flu! Luckly I have finished my work and im looking at a peaceful summer, so it pole pole pole, before I start school.

  • Porshka

    June 14, 2012 at 2:21 pm

    Well, tomorrow I'm busy so I'm going to weigh-in now about last week's progress and this week's goals.

    Progress: def getting stronger but this week I accomplished zero.  Well, I worked out once and studied once.  I did weigh myself and I am under 160lbs (on a good day), which I haven't been in quite some time, so that is exciting.  In fact, I want to say that over the last year I've lost about 20lbs.  Not quite, but close.

    Anyway, this week I want to get in my three upper + abs, three lower + stretching and eat gluten-free as an experiment.

  • kgarner

    June 15, 2012 at 12:51 pm

    It’s late but I think I’m going to join in.. This is a great way to make myself accountable.
    I started setting goals last week, so this post will publicized those goals and be and update on progress.
    My goals are 60 days goals in a hope to be where I want to be before my trip to China in August.
    Goal: Lose 20lbs or two dress sizes. (starting weight: 175, size:12)

    How I am going to get there:
    Go to boot camp work out classes Mon-Thursday.
    Include 2 days of flexibility training
    1 day of pole conditioning
    Eat more veggies, and protein with less emphasis on grains and fruit in my diet.

    So this week I’ve done ok, I went to the boot camp classes Tuesday – Thursday. I did ok with my diet but still didn’t get enough veggies or protein throughout the week. And haven’t done any stretching or pole work as of yet. I plan on doing pile work and stretching on my “off” days from the boot camp classes since they are super intense.

    Good luck to all and keep up working towards your goals! YOU CAN DO IT!

  • Black Rose

    June 26, 2012 at 10:32 am


    It’s been a while and so far I’ve failed. However, I am not giving up and have about 63 days left give or take! I started weight watchers so that should be a big help. And I started doing Pilates in the mornings and working out at night again. The Pole dancing is still a struggles… it was fun now it’s getting a little hard to do! But I am not giving up!

  • Black Rose

    June 29, 2012 at 8:06 am

    This week I lost 3lbs on weight watcher and worked out everyday! I drank about 6 glasses of water a day…that was very hard to do! Haven't done any pole dancing yet but hopefully this week! Keep up the hard work everyone!

  • Porshka

    June 29, 2012 at 12:23 pm

    Good work, Black Rose!  Just keep trying at it….

    So…the last 1 1/2 weeks has pretty much been a bust/total flop for me.  I've been sick, working a lot, staying up too late.  Today I think I have a pretty good shot at getting back on track, although perhaps it is time to re-evaluate my 100-Day goals, because I don't think I can meet them now.  My splits progress has improved quite a bit, as well as some pole strength.

    Oh, and I will have some time off because I just got F*CKING FIRED for sexually harassing someone at work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It was a total BS claim that was clearly retaliation for something I reported.  Ugh…

  • JessesGirl96

    June 30, 2012 at 3:34 pm

    I guess I should check in since it's been a couple weeks.  I have lost 8 lbs so I think I am on track to meet my weight loss goals.  As far as my weekly workout & pole goals I haven't been meeting those very well.  So I guess I will just be happy to have a little bit of positive progress.

    @Porshka – I'm sorry to hear about your job. an even better one comes along for you!

  • Porshka

    June 30, 2012 at 5:43 pm

    @JessesGirl96 – thanks!  I'm not really that upset over it.  I wasn't really crazy about that job, so whatever..

    I'm starting to think that the end result of my 100-Day challenge will be to just get to a point where I have a routine and have cut out all my bad habits.  Although I have really improved now that I think about (thanks in part to Veena, who's lessons have helped a great deal!), I am still quite far from my goals.  It is more like I am trying to get to a place where I can even set goals and expect to meet them.  So…we'll see, I guess.

  • DreamStarr

    July 1, 2012 at 10:00 am

    Opps! I forgot I was doing a dang challenge ive been way too busy, well its never too late to start, restart just dont give up right!

  • Jelania

    July 1, 2012 at 9:11 pm

    I am in your boat rdgcleveland! Better to start again rather than give up.

    @Porshka- your life just opened up for something even more wonderful than that job. Sucks how it happened but sometimes the universe gives us a little push into new. Enjoy it!

  • CreativityBySteffie

    July 20, 2012 at 1:56 am


    Its going in the right direction now. I've trained 2 times this week, doing my third today or tomorrow. I've been doing sidesplit-middlesplit and back mobility routines this week. I've perfected my scorpio. This last month I have learned the butterfly (rough) and reverse grab. Just need to keep it up! 😀

  • Porshka

    July 27, 2012 at 8:33 pm

    Hey – thought I'd check in because I haven't in quite a while.  I have not been making any progress or working out at all.  Instead, I have been dealing with some extremely crippling anxiety for the past three weeks or so.  Ugh…it's just been a big mess.  Finally, yesterday I got some anti-anxiety medication and am just enjoying not being on the edge of freaking out constantly, to put it mildly.  So…that's what I've been up to.  Although I will say I've lost about 10 lbs from lack of appetite, but certainly not in a healthy way.  Keep up the good work to everyone else!

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    July 31, 2012 at 4:57 am

    Hey everyone! I haven't been able to check in too often now, and well, aren't doing too well with my goals… But I figired they were maby to many of them so I would be happy with the progress I have been making in many of them.


    And to Porshka, sorry to hear that, but happy that the med is working 🙂 sometimes, I find that it helps just to let go of what you think that you are supposed to do, and freestyle, especially when it comes to pole. I remember a time when I started to pole, and just thought it was fun, and with al those moves that I'm supposed to know and do and practice, I just loose the motivation to practice at all. Maby it could help you overcome your anxiety? I know for sure that poling has helped me tremendously in getting rid of my former anxiety and depression since it was a way to express myself and getting my thought to go somewhere else. Hope you get back on track soon! You can do it!

  • Porshka

    September 6, 2012 at 9:45 pm

    Hmm…well, it's way past the end date of this challenge and I hadn't checked in for a long time and was hoping to at least read about everyone else's progress.  Not a lot of info here, so I guess I'll post my last post for this thread.


    My challenge (which I started, BTW) was a complete bust.  I was doing okay but after basically having a nervous breakdown in July and not poling for two months, I made zero progress and reached none of my goals.  Except maybe I did lose the weight but that was from not eating for a month, so I wouldn't call that a victory.  I would say that I feel like a failure, BUT I have started poling/working out again (just a few times) and I think my medication is helping me psychologically.  Also, I'm pleased to say that I didn't lose nearly as much strength and flexibility as I thought I would have, so my progress doesn't seem too delayed.

    So, even though I didn't accomplish any of my goals, I can end my thread on a positive note, at least.  Oh, and I did get a new, way better job as a receptionist at a law firm.  I make way more money (still not a lot, but I wasn't making sh!t at my old job) and now that I work at 8am everyday, I don't drink during the week and don't drink as much on the weekends.  So maybe I did get to some of my goals in a happy-accident kind of way.

    So…looking forward to being part of the Veena community once more.

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