Forums Discussions 100 Day Challenge New Edition??

  • Porshka

    September 6, 2012 at 9:47 pm

    Oh, wait – one more thing: I did get my pole-sit!

  • Dottie Von Boone

    September 8, 2012 at 1:50 am

    This is awesome! Would love to join in –

    –Increase my toepoint.

    –Do floorwork 2-3x per week.

    –Alethea Austin Pure Splits daily, one day off! 

    –Get a pole by Christmas

  • Saar

    September 8, 2012 at 5:47 pm

    I'm not sure I'm getting this, is there a new 100 day challenge starting now that the one before is over? Or are we just setting goals for ourselves whenever we want?

    If a new one is starting, I would like to join in!


  • Alysse Kiss

    September 8, 2012 at 7:34 pm

    SAAR I think it’s our own individual goals for a 100 day challenge. If that’s the case I want to: (1) get down to 125, I currently range between 144-137 depending on the day. (2) Do controlled inverts (3) Learn tricks to do with the basic invert (4) work on getting my middle splits lower or get them completely down to the ground (5) Get some open studio time with silks and lyra. (6) do more art!!!!!

  • Saar

    September 9, 2012 at 7:24 am

    Okay, so maybe some other people would also like to start with us now? Or Porshka you want to start over with new goals? Since you have that pole sit down now, you can aim for the next move 😉

    My main goal would be to get back to the point where I was when I quit… and gain more flexibility because I didn't really have that back then eather!


    1. practice everything we do in the studio another 2x at home before the next class

    2. go running 2x a week (on days I don't poledance)

    3. stretching well after every workout (so that means 5 times a week), try to get some improvement on my front and middle splits.

    4. Stop eating junkfood and drink more water, not alcohol!

    If I can do those 4 things, I should be back in shape in 100 days I think.

    I have one huge benifit:I have already quit smoking a few months ago, otherwise that would be on there too!


  • CreativityBySteffie

    September 9, 2012 at 7:39 am

    I think this 100 day challenge is awesome! The first one I joined (this thread) ended on 26th of august. Ive reached all my goals, except my side split.. I would love to join in on a new one, with some new goals.


    1, I still need my splits. 

    2, getting the ayesha

    3, getting the phoenix

    4, start on some floorwork

    5, freestyle more

    6, catterpiller climb.

    7, shoulder mount ( im close, but I didnt reach that goal yet either)

  • OzarkSiren

    September 9, 2012 at 1:49 pm

    I am in !!!


    1) Stay off my Red Wine

    2) No Potato Chips or ice cream

    3) Continue to walk run on alternate Pole/Aerial days

    4) Perfect Beginner lessons

    5) Post first Video

  • Porshka

    September 10, 2012 at 8:42 pm

    Well, I figured it was over, but I'm game for another try!  I'll have to think about some new ones…How does setting the date to finish being 100 days from this Friday (Sept 14) sound to everyone?  That will give more people a chance to join (although people can join whenever they want).  Does Sunday, December 16 sound right?

  • Jelania

    September 10, 2012 at 9:46 pm

    I am in! Friday, Sept. 14th works for me!

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    September 11, 2012 at 12:35 am

    I'm in! But will have to think about it for a whie first… Hm.. So friday sounds perfect!

  • Porshka

    September 14, 2012 at 7:25 pm

    Well, for this time around, I'm going to start out a bit more conservatively.  So, I'm only going to make goals for the next ten days, and they are going to be very simple.

    Over the next ten days, I will complete seven resistance-stretching routines, seven pilates ab-workouts, five lower-body workouts and five upper-body workouts.  The lower-body workouts will be ballet-based and the upper-body workouts will be push-ups, pull-ups/chin-ups and pole work.

    Also, I will get eight hours of sleep every night and only get up one hour later than I do on weekdays, so that will mean 7:30 am on the weekends (probably the hardest of these goals!).  

    In ten days, I will re-evaluate my progress and make another set of goals for the next ten days.  That date will be September 23.

  • Saar

    September 16, 2012 at 2:23 pm

    I was planning an update next friday, but this I just had to share right now: 3 days in and… I got my shoulder mount back!! Now that’s a spirit booster!

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    September 17, 2012 at 2:08 am

    Okok, maby a bit late.. But well well.. Here we go again.


    My main goals is increased flexibility and strenght. I will also be more persistent in my invert practise (which has for most times just not happened at all…)


    But, now on a weekly basis (for the next week at last) I will:

    -do daily stretches (yoga) and meditation

    -8 hours of sleep

    -attend taekwondo class 2 times

    -attend a strenght training class 2 times

    -1 hour of cardio per day

    -eat at least 1/2 kilo of fruit and veggies per day

    -increase intake of protein (in form of fish)


    Good luck to me! 😛 and good luck to all of you hard working ladies!




  • Porshka

    September 26, 2012 at 7:28 pm

    I'm late in posting my progress but here it is: I almost made my goals – just one or two days missed.  I didn't get my sleep goals, though.  I think I was overly ambitious in how often I would work out.

    Next goal date is October 3.  I want three hours of working out, three hours of stretching and eight hours of sleep.  Oh, also no alcohol for the rest of the month (which I realize is not very long).

  • JhennD

    September 27, 2012 at 3:22 am

    I gotta do this for me. I never knew what these 100 Day challenges posts were. I think I will tweet it or somewhat for me.

    Thanks for the idea!


    Luv the awesomeness that comes from here!

    Can't wait to here more


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