Forums Discussions 1st video upload… working so hard to get the Gemini

  • 1st video upload… working so hard to get the Gemini

    Posted by GlitterSteph on August 18, 2014 at 6:20 pm

    Hey fellow polers!
    I have been s devastated because i Have been trying to get the Gemini for 10 weeks now. I could NOT get my knee to hook correctly. I blamed it on my big thighs lol. I have given up for a couple weeks and I was giving it another shot today. FINALLY!!! My leg at least hooked how it was supposed too. I also got the side hook but i was too scared to let my arms go. I posted the link to youtube because for some reason it wont let me post the video here. and please know that i realize i have a LONG way to go….and i am considered plus size so this scares me to post lol. but i also posted the whole video because my husband is so funny and i love him. Once he held my hips I could let my arms go! Lots of screams too.

    GlitterSteph replied 10 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • GlitterSteph

    August 18, 2014 at 6:22 pm
  • Rachel Osborne

    August 18, 2014 at 8:02 pm

    That was fab! Really exciting I was going YES! for you!
    Well done 😀

  • GlitterSteph

    August 18, 2014 at 8:20 pm

    Thank you! It felt amazing but I was so nervous. I hate having my shirt up. But after 10 weeks I felt I needed to finally post something lol

  • Alyson

    August 18, 2014 at 8:20 pm

    Yay! Way to go! Gemini is a tricky one, I definitely struggled with that one for weeks too. And I appreciate that your husband is so supportive.

    If you don’t mind my constructive criticism, I have two things to add that will probably help with your grip.

    First, I find it really helps to make sure my torso is as perfectly perpendicular to the pole as I can get it. I do this by hooking my outside knee, then using my hands to pull up a little (you don’t need to go far) as I turn my torso outwards. I think of trying to get my belly button looking up at the ceiling. This may seem irrelevant to your leg grip, but it actually pulls your waist more firmly into the pole, so leverage will help hold you up.

    Second, I had issues with pushing my foot down towards the floor. I would always see people doing it and it looked like their hooked leg was straight so that’s what I was trying to do. But you actually need to think of pointing your toe down towards the floor as much as you can. This will ensure you’re using that muscle, and it will deepen the pocket behind your knee that the pole sits in. When I look up at that leg, it looks weird and a little TOO angled downwards, but it looks very straight in pictures. It confused me for a long time!

    My main problem with this move was balance. I have tips for that too, but your balance looks good so I’ll spare you 🙂 Anyway, hope this helps you! You’re like,98% there, it’s just a matter of getting comfortable letting go. That will come with practice and a few minor tweaks. You can do it!!!

    PS if any of my tips don’t make sense I’d be happy to send you a video 🙂 This was a nemesis move for me so I’m always happy to help

  • GlitterSteph

    August 18, 2014 at 8:31 pm

    Thank you so much! Yes this was the 1st time I got the knee to even stay in place so I was too mind blown to think hard on pulling it down. Normally I am pro at pointing my toes and I definitely see how that would help. I also was able to pull my self up into my “pole pocket” on my hip just a little… but thinking of the belly to ceiling is a helpful hint! I had just been taught this at my studio and 3 weeks later I moved out of state with no pole atudio…and seeing all the girls post their photos of this has been making me even more sad that I couldn’t get it. I have been poling for 10 months but feel so far behind everyone else lol. I know it’s just my personal journey that matters but yes… I still compare lol. Thanks again for the tips! I’m gonna be so bruised tomorrow!! Haha

  • Alyson

    August 18, 2014 at 8:41 pm

    You’re welcome! I was always the last to learn everything, and now I’m an instructor. You can’t compare your pole journey to someone else’s. In fact, I think the fact that I struggled with pretty much everything made me a better instructor… I’m much more focused on technique and I find it easier to pinpoint where a move might be going wrong… because guaranteed I made that same mistake at one point 😉

    As for the toes, you don’t necessarily have to have pretty ballerina pointed toes. It’s more about making sure the leg is at the correct angle. I just watched the Veena tutorial and she mentions this as well. You HAVE to angle down (if you can do an inverted v, I find it easier to hook from there since the back leg is our of the way, but obviously a little trickier of you can’t do the inverted v yet). But at the same time, I think that if you concentrate on those two things I mentioned you’ll have a much easier time. You really are almost there, just a few minor adjustments. I’m also glad you see you’re not afraid to arch your back so you’re looking at the floor. That also makes a big difference in getting your hip and behind the armpit pushed securely into the pole. One of the more common problems I see, but you seem to have that covered.

    Let us know how it goes tomorrow! If you’re still having problems, I don’t mind having a second look or making a video for you 🙂

  • GlitterSteph

    August 18, 2014 at 8:48 pm

    Oh yeah looking at, the floor is never a problem lol. I LOVE being upside down. Been doing handstands since I was 5 and cartwheels. So I’m all over that. Which thankfully I was a pro at the handstand in my class and it was the 1st time I nailed something on the 1st day… granted I have 15 years of practice but still! Lol. Thank again so much!! I will give it amother try in a day or two 🙂

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