Forums Discussions 2010 February Challenge

  • moonflower

    February 6, 2010 at 5:23 am

    SimpllySweet, I feel the same way. I THINK I look sexy and all when I’m dancing, but then I look at the video and I’m sorely disappointed! It looks more like a parody of sexy.

  • Gsylass

    February 6, 2010 at 2:32 pm

    Ok, Moonflower and SimpllySweet, you both are very sexy, beautiful dancers!!! Very few people can be objective about their own work, we all see what’s wrong with ourselves/what we do/how we perform. Which is why being part of a forum like this is so great, because we give each other honest, encouraging feedback. So get your sexy asses on your poles, and show us what you can do! <-(sex kitten?)

    And yeah I know I’m waaaaaaaaay behind on my challenges… actually last night I wrote down every single challenge from Jan ’09 and I’m determined to do every single one that I missed out!

  • MilienElayne

    February 7, 2010 at 4:49 am

    So sad! I don’t even have me some matching bras and undies that actually fit me and aren’t worn out to wear for this. I can see myself on the floor laughing my head off doing this Feb challenge after about 50 takes and still not sexy…lol. Still haven’t made myself do the Jan challenge yet. I must!

  • Audball

    February 7, 2010 at 7:01 pm

    I’m currently trying to do this challenge, but it is impossible for me to dance for a whole song without having to wipe the pole and my hands! I’ve tried shaving gel, hair spray etc. none of it works! I clean my pole with window cleaner and when i start its perfctly grippy. I alo know its warm enough as ive been dancing for an hour now! I just get so freaking sweaty, then I get annoyed, and as a result i get even sweatier. Half the time in my vids, im wiping my pole… and thats not sexy!

    What can I do??!!

  • HunnyHeatha

    February 7, 2010 at 7:09 pm

    Is it just your hands that get sweaty, or your whole body?
    I’ve heard of people putting Drysol on their hands (it’s like an anti-persperant, but you CAN use it on your hands). It’s supposed to stop the sweat completely.
    I’ve thought about it a couple times, because my hands do sweat quite a bit but I haven’t actually done it yet.

  • Foxy_Rei

    February 7, 2010 at 7:15 pm

    I’m currently trying to do this challenge, but it is impossible for me to dance for a whole song without having to wipe the pole and my hands! I’ve tried shaving gel, hair spray etc. none of it works! I clean my pole with window cleaner and when i start its perfctly grippy. I alo know its warm enough as ive been dancing for an hour now! I just get so freaking sweaty, then I get annoyed, and as a result i get even sweatier. Half the time in my vids, im wiping my pole… and thats not sexy!

    What can I do??!!

    Tite Grip and DryHands are also anti-persperants but they are made for your hands. I’ve tried both and I generally prefer the Tite Grip but both work pretty well. It’s good to learn without the grip aids, though, and just use them when you know that you’ll be doing an uncut dance or doing a lot of holds.

  • Audball

    February 7, 2010 at 7:18 pm

    Yeah I’ll have to look out for those. I’m in Ireland though so I don’t know if we have those exact products.. and would be silly to pay $30 shipping for a $10 order! I actually managed a whole dance there with only one stop for wiping… but i forgot to bloody record it! (Now im angry and sweaty!) LOL!

  • azriel

    February 7, 2010 at 7:45 pm

    If all else fails, you could always try to incorporate "cute/sexy wiping of the pole" into your dance. But don’t worry- there’s more hope for the future– I’ve found that the more experienced i got with poling, the less the sweatiness affected my poling abilities. I often still have to wipe the pole in the middle of a dance, but not nearly as much as my early months!

  • Audball

    February 7, 2010 at 8:09 pm

    Yea I was thinking of the cute wiping of the pole, could mayeb make it a bit erotic.. lol! do i have anything more sexy than a teatowel though… haha. Its good to hear that things will get better. For now i’ll just have to go with the ‘looks-like-floorwork-but-im-actually-wiping-my-hands-on-the-carpet’ move!

  • polarbearlove

    February 7, 2010 at 8:42 pm

    For now i’ll just have to go with the ‘looks-like-floorwork-but-im-actually-wiping-my-hands-on-the-carpet’ move!
    omg thats too funny ive done that on more than one occasion lol…. i dont know if u saw my forum post but if you have a sports store near you go check out their tennis stuff that is where i get my grip from or you can look for a tacifying cloth ex: gorilla gold ?

  • Audball

    February 7, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    Lol good to know i’m not the only one! Yeah i’ll check that out, thanks. I’m kind of reluctant to use it, as I’m afraid i’ll come to rely on it! Guess it’s better than getting extremely frustrated with a sweaty pole!

  • Audball

    February 7, 2010 at 8:48 pm

    Sorry Heatha, totally missed your comment, i’ll look out for that thanks. I guess my whole body gets sweaty, but mostly my hands. I think it might be that I get a bit nervous about slipping and they get worse. Maybe it’s all in my mind!

  • HunnyHeatha

    February 7, 2010 at 8:56 pm

    Sorry Heatha, totally missed your comment, i’ll look out for that thanks. I guess my whole body gets sweaty, but mostly my hands. I think it might be that I get a bit nervous about slipping and they get worse. Maybe it’s all in my mind!
    No worries! I find my hands get sweatier when I know people are watching me pole dance. I think it’s my nerves that makes me extra sweaty!! I’ve also found that as my grip has improved the sweat hasn’t been affecting my ability to grip the pole as much.

  • MilienElayne

    February 8, 2010 at 6:28 am

    you can so make wiping the pole sexy! oooh oooh. *heads off to make that a challenge suggestion*

  • polarbearlove

    February 8, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    Lol good to know i’m not the only one! Yeah i’ll check that out, thanks. I’m kind of reluctant to use it, as I’m afraid i’ll come to rely on it! Guess it’s better than getting extremely frustrated with a sweaty pole!
    I only use it when learning new things esp when inverting…. and when doing videos. When i am just dancing for me or just messing around i dont use it and i dont feel that i rely on it…

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