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2013 May Challenge
Posted by Veena on May 6, 2013 at 2:09 pmThis challenge is a bit different! I'm Challenging all of you to tell the world what Pole Dance is to you. What does it mean to you, how has it changed your body, your mind, your life, what do you want others to know?
The only requirement for this challenge is to start off by saying "Pole Dance is"…… If you would like to add a short dance feel free. Let it express what you love about your pole dancing. I'm looking forward to this one, it's always a treat to see people up close and learn more about their pole journey!!
So let's tell the world what Pole Dance is……..
Veena replied 10 years, 6 months ago 15 Members · 27 Replies -
27 Replies
Pole dance is liberating, individual, expressive and has totally opened up my world. I have met fantastic people, learnt a lot about myself and first time have new confidence in who I am. I feel fitter that I have ever done before and now challenge myself with new moves as I always remember that the first time through the studio door I had never touched a pole before let alone climbed one. There is no such word as 'can't' in pole its just 'not just yet'. People come to pole for all sorts of reasons, to get fit, loose weight, meet people but once they try it they soon find out we all have so much more in common. We love pole!
Pole dance is something positive for me to focus my energy on. It's not as easy as it looks and there are so many different things that go into it and it requires a lot of learning and time which doesn't leave room for negative thoughts or self-destructive behavior. It gives me a wonderful endorphin release and since I have started I feel that it has helped me with things like bi-polar disorder. To me I feel like if I can keep this in my life for as long as possible then it will benefit me greatly. When I feel down it helps me back up by focusing on something positive I can work on and it makes me feel proud to see little changes in progress each day. When I am feeling too keyed up, angry, aggressive, basically adrenaline filled, pole gives me a healthy outlet to release that tension.
Both very inspiring and lovely replies!! I want to make it clear however that this is a Video Challenge, just like our regular monthly challenge. These replies are totally what the spirit of this challenge is about, but it would be even more powerful in video form.
I may be a cry baby actually. Pole dance has brought the real me back. I feel sexy and strong again! Its so me walking around normal people knowing my dirty little secret;) heehee!!
SV- I am just finishing off putting a routine together with the Polesilks, as soon as its done I will post a video. Thinking about it I sometimes film my ladies in class when they are having their random moments with lots of smiles and giggles so will see if they agree to loading this up too!
Would do a video if I could. So, I’m gonna have to do mine in text for now and hopefully sometime here I’ll be able to record and upload a video. I really love this chalenge, GREAT idea!
Pole dance is one of the only things that saves me from myself. W/out going into detail (because I really am not even sure wth my deal is), pole stabilizes my moods. It gives me a positive outlet to channel all this built up emotion, aggression, and creativity within me that really has nowhere else to go. I’ve had many hobbies in my life, I’ve tried many workouts…pole has stuck w/ me the longest as it is now a part of my lifestyle.
Pole dancing is the opportunity to not only create but to become poetry in motion. To soar heights and swim depths simultaneously. It is a floating world between reality and fantasy, one of great beauty and chaos. The best part? It’s YOUR OWN world that you designed yourself. …And it always has your favorite music playing when you go there. lol
alllllllllllllllllllllllright now for the may challenge! \o/ I so look forward to seeing all the posts
This is such a good idea, i'm quite shy so will have to build up a lot of courage but it will be really nice to get to know everyone a bit more. Everyone on here is so nice and supportive anyway, i'm looking forward to it.
Pole dance is part of my journey in to self. It challenges me and helps me to realize tangibly and intangibly that I am beyond my imagination! I’ve become stronger, more motivated to condition to be able to reach my daily, weekly monthly yearly and life time goal- this is to create of me more than I was yesterday. This is done by creating me in the present moment. POLE DANCE ROCKS MY WORLD!!!
Pole dance has became my world. I feel stronger ,sexier, and more of an individual. Pole dance has nurtured my creativity and allowed me to find my calling, and gave me my focus where there was none before. Before i was a college student on the verge of dropping out because i had no drive to become anything. But now pole has taught me to utilize all that my school has to offer n to take advantage of every opportunity to perform. Im able to set goals and achieve them. Im more confident and daring in my clothing choices that for sure. And when i struggled for almost 10 years with poor body image and an out of control eating disorder, i can finally feel like i free of the disease and Im in more control of my body. Most people aren’t taught how to be sexy or know where confidence comes from, but pole helps you find it on your own…not as if it was missing before, but it reveals that god/goddess within u
I'm posting links to the challenges so far so everyone can also find them here! As you post your videos feel free to add them to this discussing too. I am just LOVING these videos!!!!
What Pole Dancing means to me? Pole has been the catalyst for personal change (a different story for a different time Below is a copy of a letter I wrote to the owner of my local pole Studio.
Dear Amber,
I just arrived home after three classes tonight, the last one with you as the teacher. I am tired, sore, bruised, achy, but most importantly, happy. I am writing you this letter to let you know how impressed I am with you and your studio. After three weeks, I want you to know that I noticed from day one that the atmosphere you project is one that is warm and welcoming. Impressed because each person that walks through your door is treated the same — age, size, background, profession, it just does not matter. As a “50-something” woman, I feel at home in your studio and I cannot thank you enough for your genuine hospitality. Your enthusiasm is infectious and it reflects in your instructors as well.
I get a predictable reaction when I tell people that I am taking pole class. They say, “Oh, a strip class!” It’s interesting to note in that although your students are treated equally when they walk through the door, the differences in their personal dance styles are encouraged by your instructors as dancing is different for each person. My classes are not about stripping, sex, empowerment, or pleasing my man. When I’m at your studio, it is about getting back to the heart of me, for me.
I had an interesting experience after my first class. I left your studio with “happiness.” There are different kinds of happiness. However, this was the kind of “happy” that I do not think I have experienced in probably 40 years. The experience took me back to a place where pure happiness used to live, where there were no cares in the world, no responsibilities. A feeling long forgotten now returned. The pure happiness of a 5th grader hanging upside down on the monkey bars. It was wonderful. It is wonderful.
Amber, I want you to know that you have made a difference. Thank you for creating an environment that is safe and non-judgmental. Where, after all the years that go too fast, I can remember what it is like to feel like me for me.
SV: Your website has also made a difference in my poling. It is like the icing on the cake! You can count on me to be a loyal recurring member. There is so much helpful information here — your virtual lessons and community partner really well for those that pole at their local studio. I benefit from both!
I have a background in publishing and web development. I can see the passion that you obviously have for your work as it shines through on your website, your videos, and newsletters. I'm glad I found you!
Adding 3 more Challenge videos!!
Ill post my vid…later today. Pole dancing means to me…well it started as joke at first when I was thinking of expanding my I took a few classes for the fun of it. Some styles I liked, some not so much…but I did like the fact that I was terrible at first. I think it's important to do things that challenge you…and believe me I thought it would be a lot easier than it is. I learn painfully slow. I thought I was to old to start…..I thought lots of things.. In my pole journey I found a group of ladies that have taken me under their wing…the international vertical masters…. They are inspiring and wonderful. They have given me a "place to go" as I get older. I'm 44 now.. It's weird as you get older to define yourself as a women.. Your fertility is dropping, your body changes, but your head doesn' still feel young and alive. With pole dancing I can't give up and give in to being "older"… I am proud of my body and what it can do.. I am comfortable in my own skin.. I didn't have that it my 20s…. So I guess with all my denial of the sexy stripper pole version…I'm on the fitness side of the fence… It helps me feels like a powerful, beautiful, graceful, sexy, capable women… Hmmm.. I guess I'm just a "sexy stripper pole" person after all…
I’m with you, sistah!! I’m turning 47 this summer, and I feel even more sexy and confident than I did in my 20s and early 30s. Pole is a big part of my workout and its become more than that- its become my dance partner and its become my mirror to myself. My body is indeed changing and have people coming up to me with such wonderful compliments about my body. Keep it up pole sistah. May our Creator keep you healthy and blessed.
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