Forums Discussions 2015 Splits Challenge

  • Saeth

    May 9, 2015 at 5:33 am

    DLGBoricuaIVE: I’m hoping it were just for the photos but please be very careful about doing stretches on hard floors with the knees in contact. It’s possible to dislocate the knee cap and you don’t want that!

  • I polekat I

    May 9, 2015 at 8:37 am
  • DLGBoricuaIVE

    May 9, 2015 at 8:44 am

    Thank you Saeth I had no idea about that. I will use my Mat next time.

  • I polekat I

    May 9, 2015 at 8:44 am

    Here’s where im at =]
    my fronts are being so stubborn – I’m stretching regularly and I’ve kept thinking for the last few months ‘ok next week FOR SURE ill be flat !!!’
    Meanwhile…..just keep swimming, just keep swimming haha 😉

  • luvlee

    May 9, 2015 at 9:17 am

    Hi, Ladies!!! I have not been on this thread in a while. Long story short, I an nursing a bad back injury and was not allowed to do anything for months. I have been cleared to do light splits training now. My 2 block over split is gone. My splits are gone in general. I am starting from scratch now. I started again yesterday with AA splits DVD. I did sit some parts out. It felt good to do not again! I will be starting SV lessons again as well and using them as well. I will try to have my husband take pics and I will post them here.

  • Saeth

    May 11, 2015 at 5:49 am

    That’s weird, could have sworn I wrote a reply o.o Welcome back Luvlee, I’m sorry to hear about your back injury. I bet you’re thrilled to get started again! Maybe you will progress faster having already had the splits in the past? It would be interesting to see 🙂 In regards to photos you may find it more beneficial to work out where to place your camera/phone/webcam to take your own photos. This way you can take the photos from the same spot. A few degrees of difference in angle can make it look like you haven’t progressed at all. This way you won’t be reliant on hubby either 😀

  • luvlee

    May 11, 2015 at 5:03 pm

    After my appoinent today, my back and ribs didn’t look good. She actually told me to back of of some of the stretch poses I was doing. I am afraid I will end up in a chair doing wrist circles to work out because it seems that there is nothing I can do that won’t pop my ribs out. 😔

  • AllysonKendal

    May 23, 2015 at 3:37 pm

    Checking in for May, I don’t know if I’m any lower… But maybe I’m squarer (and maybe that’s just my upper body bending towards the camera last month)

  • tblue41945

    May 27, 2015 at 2:20 pm

    I’m way overdue for an update. I’ll try to get a couple pics tonight.

  • tblue41945

    May 28, 2015 at 6:39 am

    No drastic improvement but I’ll take every little bit I can get.

  • Hunnie5

    May 28, 2015 at 6:38 pm

    I’m so joining this challenge. Even 6 months should make a good difference~ Does anyone have ideas on how to work side splits without straining your knees?

  • Runemist34

    June 22, 2015 at 11:01 am

    Feeling like this thread needs a good ‘ol ressurection! So let’s do it!
    I do not currently have pictures (maybe later tonight? Or tomorrow morning!), but I feel I’m closer to my left and right side splits than ever! I can see my foot when I turn my head a bit while stretching… it’s a little weird! I feel like my legs are SO LONG when I’m stretching for the splits!
    My middle splits are still a bit ornery, but I’m working on it, being patient!
    I don’t know that I’ll have my splits by the end of the year… but I am DEFINITELY much closer than I have ever been, in my whole life!
    How’s everyone else doing??

  • AllysonKendal

    June 29, 2015 at 6:00 pm

    I’m pretty sure I’m going to be adding @Blogilates #journeytosplits challenge to the routine for July. I’ll be posting my pics on Instagram, and if there is anything worth sharing I’ll share here as well. If people want to play along I can always start s new thread for it…

    Attaching a pic of the challenge as well as the instructions.

    Im using the challenge as a fun motivational tool, still going to try to keep up with what I’ve been doing. And I think I need to add Veenas middles routine to the mix when I have some time!

  • nuffstyles20

    June 29, 2015 at 7:13 pm

    I love her, she always so energetic and her tutorials are great,somehow I always want to exercise after viewing just one vid. I just saw this today and decided that I will be doing this as well…..😣cause I fell off the splits practice train…😢…it stopped back up….then it ran over me…..reversed and ran over me again😂😂😄

    Time to scrape myself up and get back on

  • Neesy118

    June 29, 2015 at 7:26 pm

    Way to remotivate me as well 🙂 I’ve completely fallen off my entire workout routine. I’ve been in a terrible funk. My personal & professional life has been a mess. But this looks like fun!

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