Forums Discussions 2015 Splits Challenge

  • Mel0dy

    December 16, 2014 at 4:26 pm

    The splits (any kind) are on my list to achieve for 2015. I would love to join but would have to start late as I’m having shoulder surgery in two weeks and won’t really be able to hold myself up for a couple months. Hopefully this thread is around in a few months.

  • Saeth

    December 16, 2014 at 4:54 pm

    Hello Furrd. I’ve heard that PsycheTruth on Youtube mentioned quite a bit if you don’t have Veena’s lessons. They seem pretty good to me, high quality and clear. She’s a dancer too, if I remember correctly. She has a number of stretching videos to help work towards splits. Just type in Splits Training. It’s important to listen to your body, don’t stretch until pain. Drink plenty! And after hearing what Lucca said about dislocated kneecaps put something under that knee too! You must be very warm before commencing training and you may find you have to wear heavier clothing and/or more layers than normal to keep warmth in as you’re quite still. Veena holds the stretches for 15 seconds and repeats them so they go; light, medium with a deeper stretch at the end. Her routines are about 25 mins long for each type of split. Veena also advises to stretch only once a week for the first 2+ weeks if you’re a beginner. This can be increased to twice a week. Rest days are vital or you can lose flexibility or risk injury that can put you out for many months.

    Melody: Feel free to join at whatever point, you’ll be more than welcome!

    Tblue: I feel you on the middle splits lol I was horrified about how far from the floor I was!

    All: I think posting progress pictures about every month will work and it won’t overwhelm the thread too much. Also this way it’ll be easier to see the progress too.

  • Vdub

    December 16, 2014 at 5:17 pm

    Sounds good!

  • Jensku

    December 17, 2014 at 4:49 am

    I’m in!!! I have been thinking of this challenge for a while, so it was great to find this discussion! I have only been googling some good advices how to, I’m so stiff that it’s not even fun πŸ˜€ Can’t wait to see everyone’s progress πŸ™‚

  • Veena

    December 17, 2014 at 10:37 am

    Be careful with googling, some bad advice pops up! If you have questions try the lessons here, and ask all these amazing members for advice! They’re better than google anyway 😊

  • Runemist34

    December 17, 2014 at 12:05 pm

    I agree with Veena- I’ve had to search for a long, long time to really get a sense of things in the fitness industry. So many people have so many different reactions to things, and our bodies can vary quite widely, so for some people one thing will work, and for others, the opposite. This means that the world of fitness has more than enough opinions to have your head spinning, just on a topic like how to stretch, what to stretch, how long to hold it for… And, in many instances, it’s advertised as being “expert advice,” or the like.
    This is why I like Veena’s lessons so well. I’m very scientifically minded when it comes to this stuff- if it’s not based in science, I don’t want to hear about it! And, Veena has clearly gotten into the science of things, and she doesnt’ push it to one extreme or the other. I prefer the middle road, so it all works out well for everyone involved.

    On the Splits challenge, I’m hoping to post my progress for each month! I’m thinking maybe the 1st of the month. Probably have to get the boyfriend involved to get some actually good pictures! I’m excited to work on it with everyone!

  • Jensku

    December 17, 2014 at 1:15 pm

    Thanks Veena and Runemist34! I’m totally newbie here, so haven’t had a chance to go through all the lessons yet. I’m very into fitness and have met too many of those gurus πŸ˜‰ Now I’m even more excited about this site, sounds like I landed to a right place!

  • happystace

    December 17, 2014 at 4:57 pm

    Love this thread already! It’s so refreshing to see others who still have a ways to go. I didn’t join the Christmas tree challenge as it would definitely take me WAY longer than that to achieve anything that would even remotely resemble a split! I have never been able to do the splits in my life. My hip flexors are my worst enemy – I literally have zero degrees of hip extension due to my posture (sit all day, weak glutes). I know I need to work on this, but it’s just so hard to stay motivated when I don’t see improvement quickly (type A personality over here). As my boyfriend likes to say – it took your body a long time to get this way, and it will take a long time to fix it! Hopefully we can all motivate one another to keep at it!

  • blueyedgrl

    December 17, 2014 at 5:32 pm

    I’m going to join the challenge as well. Never was able to do full split and I would love to be able to finally do one. I just started training last night and hope to see progress with consistent work at it. I’m using veenas splits lessons and Cleo’s rocking legs n abs dvd.

  • SaschaPoles

    December 17, 2014 at 6:23 pm

    I’m in!!! I need to be held accountable, I start and then I drop off for months and then start and then drop off….this will be an awesome experience!!!!

  • JunieBee

    December 17, 2014 at 7:02 pm

    I definitely want in on this. I’ve been working on my splits on and off, from nothing, for almost 2 years now. Unfortunately, I’ve been set back by pulls to both hamstrings…right side about a year and a half ago (stretching too aggressively), and left side about six months ago (first class attempting to kick back into brass monkey). I’ve had to take several months off from front splits stretching after each hamstring pull. Each pull has set me back at least 6 months’ worth of stretching on its respective side. But with continued work, overall I’ve seen progression. Definitely caution against stretching and working too aggressively…I totally wish I had avoided it! πŸ™ Since the second hamstring pull, I’ve shifted my focus to middle splits as well… So my goals for 2015 are to get at least one side front splits, and as far as I can get with the other side and middles. I’m planning to work slow and steady…I want it this year!! πŸ˜›

  • Saeth

    December 19, 2014 at 1:40 pm

    Happystace: I’m like you. I sit down a lot, most of it is due to health problems and I have the worst posture which I’m trying to correct. I also have the same personality but I’m really trying to be wise and sensible lol My love for poling is tempering any crazy ideas because I don’t want to be out for months!

    Junie; You’re really not far off! I’m sorry to hear about the hamstring pulls but you raise a very valid point and that is;

    Everyone must be gentle with their stretching and ultra warm! Pushing just that little bit more could really have catastrophic effects on your dancing, never mind the splits. This is why I’ve allowed a year, to take the pressure off and really focus on a positive, low risk journey. If you feel a stretch, it’s helping your muscles be more flexible even if it’s only a light or medium one. No need to do crazy risky stretching!

  • newpoleLD

    December 19, 2014 at 10:50 pm

    I’m in. Just purchased Cleo’s Rockin Legs and Abs. I think I will make a lot of progress towards my splits with this.

  • JunieBee

    December 20, 2014 at 9:41 am

    Thanks for the encouragement, Saeth! πŸ™‚ This process has been so prolonged for me that I’ve sometimes just wanted to give up. But…no!! Haha

    I hope the fact that I’ve been at it for so long hasn’t been discouraging for any of you ladies. It’s definitely possible to get splits much faster if you stretch consistently and responsibly. My right side hamstring pull was very much my fault…I stretched to a new depth without warming up AT ALL first. (A cautionary tale!)

    Since then I’ve been stretching either after a couple of miles’ run or a ~30 min strength yoga routine…and I’ve seen consistent progress. Wishing everyone the best with this!

  • foxydon4980

    December 20, 2014 at 4:50 pm

    I’m in. Started daily stretching in November but this last week due to work commitments. Damn you Christmas, and family breevement I have not done my stretching and feel so bad for this. This will help keep focused xx

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