Forums Discussions 2015 Splits Challenge

  • Phoenix Hunter

    January 21, 2015 at 11:03 am

    Tamarinda, I’m more flexy during my cycle too! haha! must be something about our hormone levels at that time allowing our muscles to relax.:)

  • AllysonKendal

    January 21, 2015 at 11:10 am

    polekat, I notice you using the weights during your splits, do you find that helps?

    Any technique tips?

  • Veena

    January 21, 2015 at 12:18 pm

    @Allyson, Don’t use weights until you’ve been stretching constantly for a few months. If you use weights your technique should be spot on and you need to be very warm and know your body well.

    @Phoenix, how hot is your bath? I make mine so hot I can hardly stand it, by the time 5-10 minutes go by I’m literally sweating. Hot tub stretching is also amazing, but it has to be hot not comfortable to where you could sit for more than 20 mins. I mean HOT. lol

    I have something I’ve been working on and I’m hoping to finish soon, I think you will all love it. 🙂

  • I polekat I

    January 21, 2015 at 12:23 pm

    Yes I love using weights !! It makes such a difference… I only use a 3 or 4kg dumbell so it gives u a nice deeper stretch but without being too intense =]
    amazing resource for tips – either the ‘worldwide splitters network ‘ group on Facebook – it’s a closed group so let me know if u can’t find it and I will post the link. Also on YouTube search for ‘fit and bendy’ – amazing woman called kristina nekiya, she does contortion and has loads of awesome tips – things like when in a deep lunge, don’t sink into your front hip to get lower, instead u want to imagine you are lifting up out of your hips , lift your chest and try to lean backwards whilst at the same time engaging your butt muscle of the leg behind and this will help to open your hips, so u get a better stretch without collapsing deeper into your front hip =] definitely recommend checking out her Q&A vids on you tube they are full of awesome tips like the above, little things to think about to help u get the best out of each stretch pose =] xoxox

  • I polekat I

    January 21, 2015 at 12:36 pm

    I have the same problem phoenix, I get out of the bath sweating but my muscles still don’t feel loose, it’s like I need to juice up my joints as well by getting them moving, just warming my muscles passively doesn’t seem to help me…
    and yes veena is totally right about the weights – I didn’t start off with them but introduced them once I was happy my form/alignment was correct (squared hips). I always make sure to do a lot of active stretching as well as passive sitting in my splits xox

  • I polekat I

    January 21, 2015 at 12:46 pm

    I should add that I am always really careful with my stretching, I will do insanity class or pole or something as my warm up so I am sweating buckets, and I am always careful not too push myself too much.. It is really tempting to try push yourself that much lower but i am always reminding myself how easy it is to pull something and then that will set u right back ! Progress is made in mm not cm hehe. always take it easy , listen to your body, talk nice to it instead of shouting at it hehe and drink loads of water =]

  • Phoenix Hunter

    January 21, 2015 at 12:47 pm

    I take really hot baths but like polekat says, it’s my joints that need to move and lubricate. I have crickety joints it seems. man! hot tub stretching sounds good!!!

  • Lucca Valentine

    January 21, 2015 at 4:58 pm

    Surprised about the running being anti flexy! I find I stretch the furthest after running cuz I’m so warm 💆

  • Lucca Valentine

    January 21, 2015 at 5:01 pm

    Holy crap I never put together my patellar dislocation and my cycle. Literally did it two days before my period o_O

  • I polekat I

    January 22, 2015 at 4:06 am

    ahh yeah i think as long as you do definitely have a good stretch afterwards then it’s all good – i am the same; running in particular slays me so i dont do it a lot but it feels delicious to stretch afterwards =P sorry i meant more along the lines of if you run often, like if that’s your thing; that’s your sport and you maybe don’t do a variety of other stuff then you could end up with really strong legs but really inflexible, esp hamstrings – i think its partly to do with your leg being in a slightly bent position pretty much the whole time you are running – you never really fully extend. Cycling i heard is the same; they are two sports which build a lot of strength in your legs but without good stretching they can leave you inflexible. handy to remember! i even stretch after ive walked up the stairs in work now =)
    that is mad about the flexibility/period connection?? i heard pregnant women are more flexible due to the body releasing a particular hormone, wonder if its the same when you get your period then?! crazy…. =P

  • parisrose12123298

    January 22, 2015 at 6:03 am

    I’m the same way with running. Can’t bend after a run and my job requires me to run. I know there’s actually some really good science behind the increased flexibility during your cycle. I just can’t find my source at the moment. I think I’m going to bump my flexibility training up to twice a week next month. Pics are every month right?

  • Runemist34

    January 22, 2015 at 11:21 am

    Curiously, I’ve found sort of the opposite with running- but perhaps that’s because I have a really good stretch after each run! I’m closer to my splits than I have ever been (which isn’t that close if compared to others 😉 ), and I think a big part of it is that, when I run regularly, I also stretch regularly.
    I’m already quite inflexible in the hamstrings, but I have also been trying to stretch those out more often (I do it after every run!), and they have been showing some very slow improvement, as well.
    I can see why running would make most inflexible, as you’re working the muscles quite a bit, and if you don’t stretch properly, or very much, it can make you tight. That’s a common thing for the body! After some of my early runs, I was so stiff the next day I had to do “The Raptor Walk,” which is where you’re on your toes, and your knees and everything don’t actually want to fully extend or work properly. I add in the t-rex arms just because it adds to the illusion 😉 I didn’t really like doing The Raptor Walk around the house, so I started stretching more! It’s worked well 🙂

    I know I keep saying it, but… I’ll have proper pictures up soon. Promise 🙂 This weekend I’m gonna do it!

  • Veena

    January 22, 2015 at 1:01 pm

    Any type of repetitive motion that’s done and not followed with stretching can make you tight. So running can actually be a great way to warm up for flexibility training, as long as you stretch or do flexibility training after running, lifting weight, horse back riding, biking. You will not hinder progress BUT you have to be diligent with it or it can tighten you up.

    The science on Relaxin and knee injury in women is out there, but there’s not a definitive answer as to if it truly is an issue. I side on the better safe than sorry end of it.

  • Tamarinda

    January 22, 2015 at 2:40 pm

    So the flexyiness around my period is normal. I thought my birth control was throwing me out of wack and making me less flexy cuz I’m flexiest when I’m taking my placebos aka on my period. You guys have really pacified my fears cuz my BC was making me worry and I was about to blame it. Thank you everyone, I will take it easy on my knees Veena.

    Phoneix Hunter I feel the same way about stretching. I need my muscles to generate their own warmth and I need to be fatigued as well. I need to be very relaxed in order to stretch. A 10 minute warm up will not do it for me. I don’t know how some people do that, my muscles can’t relax and I feel uncomfortable.

    I do a myriad of things to warm me up. I make jokes to my roomie that my stamina has increased due to flexability training and I have lost weight due to flexibility training. But my flexibility has not increased due to flexibility training… 🙁 My lower body flexibility is the slowest thing to increase for me. Luckily, everything else (back flexy, stamina, strength) gives me enough improvement each practice -even if it’s slight- to keep my moral up and keep me going. While I’m no pole prodigy, those small improvements are enough to keep me content. If everything progressed at the stagnant and slow rate that my leg flexiness did, I would probably have given pole up and resigned to a life of a couch-pototo.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    January 22, 2015 at 4:30 pm

    haha! yes, flexibility training has helped my stamina and cardio too! flexiness is the last to improve it seems. 🙂 flexibility training drains me more than pole! so sweaty and tired by time I’m done.

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