Forums Discussions 2015 Splits Challenge

  • Lucca Valentine

    January 22, 2015 at 6:03 pm

    The pregnancy thing I believe is true because we were taught it in massage school too/something to keep in mind while working on women who are pregnant. Theres also a disproportionate amount of teenage female athletes (I think the study was on soccer) who get injured and they think its because of the fluctuation in hormones while they are going through puberty so it makes their connective tissue looser/joints less stable

  • Runemist34

    January 26, 2015 at 11:56 pm

    Okay! I finally got some pictures of my current state with the splits. Getting the middle splits was difficult, as usually when I’m training them I’m sitting down. My legs are slightly too long for my yoga mat, and carpet+sweaty feet = overextension, which hurts like crazy! I’ll figure out a better method as I go (or just get my middle splits, and then I won’t have to worry about it!)

  • AllysonKendal

    January 27, 2015 at 7:57 am

    Yay rune! Happy you’re playing along! I set my phone or computer up on video and let it capture as much as I can. Sometimes I lean it on something across the room to make sure I get the while wall in. The I do my “split” then just pause the video on the point I want and screen shot it. Then I crop as needed. It’s so much easier for me not to worry about holding the camera 🙂

  • Runemist34

    January 27, 2015 at 9:48 am

    That actually sounds a lot easier! Thank you for the tip 😉 I’ll have to find a place to set up my computer that will see me on the floor- even with the furniture moved around, my huge bed still takes up a lot of the space 😉 But, I’ll work on it!

  • WispaAP

    January 27, 2015 at 5:01 pm

    Im so in this! I rode horses for over 12 years from when I was 2-14 years old but we never did stretching before or after, so my leg muscles are incredibly tight. It was also during prime growing and developing years that i was most active on horses, which probably doesnt help the situation at all. I started pole last May at classes but had to stop when uni started back in September as my chedule just didnt fit. I now have a pole in the house I got just before new year so Im hoping with stretches and pole work I’ll get flexy quickly!!

  • Tina Twirls

    January 27, 2015 at 9:11 pm

    Count me in! I think a whole year is an achievable timeframe – no way I’m touching the ground any time soon!

  • EtherealAnnie

    January 29, 2015 at 12:17 pm

    I am in. Lately I have been having actual dream about going into front splits and it felt so good that it gave me fire to try and achieve it. I have never had a split before and it would be such an accomplishment for me. This is where I am currently at with my splits

  • Little Swift

    February 1, 2015 at 4:46 pm

    Not much progress since Jan 1. My younger brother died unexpectedly, and we laid him to rest on January 10th. I’ve been too stunned and too sad to do much, but as of today I’m going to try and make a comeback with both the splits challenge and the SV Challenge.

  • Neesy118

    February 1, 2015 at 5:56 pm

    I’m so sorry for your loss Little Swift. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through. Hopefully through dance, pole and challenges you can find some distraction and comfort. xoxo

  • Veena

    February 2, 2015 at 1:01 am

    I’m so sorry for your loss

  • Carrington

    February 2, 2015 at 1:19 am

    That’s awful so sorry for your loss.

  • tacha666

    February 2, 2015 at 2:35 am

    Ok, since I’m quite motivated at the moment, I’m in as well!

    I’ve been stretching for 2 years now (but not as constantly as I should have) and made only 2 inches on my side splits (didn’t measure middles).

    It’s 4 more inches to go, so I’m not very optimistic that I can quadruple the progress, but we’ll see by the end of the year how far I will have come. I’m gonna take some pictures and post them later this week.

    Little Swift, I’m sorry for your loss, but good to see you’re back into training.

  • Neesy118

    February 2, 2015 at 11:35 pm

    Here’s my update for February. Gotta admit that I didn’t dedicate as much time to stretching as I would have liked. I see no difference but that’s ok, just gotta try harder and hope for improvements next month.

  • Little Swift

    February 3, 2015 at 3:38 pm

    Ladies, thanks so much for the condolences and encouragement. Dancing makes me feels happy and strong, and this community is so uplifting. Pole is going to be a major part of my therapy… Love you all!

  • Gizy

    February 3, 2015 at 4:04 pm

    Hello everyone ! Again, I like to say I am very happy to be part of this and to see you guys improvements; it really encourages me. There is my improvement of side splits after 2 months of hard work. It still isn’t looking perfect as want it to be but practice and work…

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