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30 Day Plank Challenge
Posted by Kate O on June 28, 2014 at 11:38 amHi everyone!
I’ve been reading a lot about the 30 day plank challenge, and I’ve seen some pretty impressive before and after abs pictures. Apparently it helps a lot with core strength, so great for shouldermounts etc. I’ve decided to give it a go, and if anybody else wants to join I’ll post my ‘before’ pictures up that I just took and we can do it together! I’m using a free app called ’30DAYS’ which has loads of different challenges. You do an initial test of how long you can hold a plank (I managed 34 seconds)and it works out a programme for you based on that – I’ve got it on medium at the moment but may have to drop down to easy at some point 😛 so let me know if you fancy it!Aquarian Air replied 10 years, 6 months ago 28 Members · 188 Replies -
188 Replies
Oh! That sounds fun. How much time is it each day? I’ll check out the app.
It depends on the initial test of how long you can hold it – so my day 1 challenge was 34 seconds, day 2 is 57, and it gradually goes up until you’re holding it for something horrible like 5 and a half minutes haha. I’ll keep at it and see how it goes!
Oh ok, I didn’t know if if like gave you workouts (ie. sit ups, leg lifts) to improve your plank… But it’s actually just doing the plank everyday? I guess that can’t be too much of a time commitment.
Ok, I did the test for 51 sec… Which was pretty miserable. I’m sore in my shoulders from yoga this morning (all those downward dogs) and some elbowstands a little while ago. So I feel like my shoulders/arms gave out before my abs did. I had my husband keep an eye on my form.
Let me know how you’re feeling and what not! This will be fun!
I’m in!! I quite sadly like doing the plank but I’m not very good at it. I’ll do my day 1 today and let you know what happens. I def need to improve my core strength so this is a great idea. Can’t wait to get my shoulder mount and if this helps then brilliant!
Sometimes my daily push-ups turn into planks because my kitten likes to lay underneath me, so I should probably check this out.
Haha. My new puppy was chewing on my ponytail the whole time. Pretty funny!
Wow, 134 seconds?! Amazing work! I’m so ashamed of my 34 haha. And sadly I can’t take credit for the drawings, found them on the interwebs but they perfectly illustrate my weird shape!
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