Forums Discussions 3rd month of poling and bad bruising still

  • 3rd month of poling and bad bruising still

    Posted by Later on March 13, 2011 at 12:35 am

    Hey guys, So this is officially into my 3rd month of poling and I still get at least 5 new bruises every time I pole. It wouldnt be such a big deal if the other 2 girls that I pole with would bruise even once when we do the same moves and everything but they dont bruise at all.  Could I just have different skin type or something. Everyone keeps telling me that it will get better and I will stop bruising so much when my skin toughens up. Yes it isnt quite as bad as it used to be but only because If I get a bruise I dont let it come in contact with the pole at all which makes it hard to really get a move perfect because I have to relearn it when the bruise goes away. I use the Arnica gel, I ice the first day and apply heat on the other days but there has to be something I am doing wrong.   Anyways anyone who has had the same experiences or who have some info on how to make it not so bad I would appreciate any advice you may have for me! Thanks guys

    heathalynne replied 13 years, 12 months ago 7 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Madfelice

    March 13, 2011 at 1:43 am

    Not wanting to alarm you, but you could get your iron count checked if you are really worried because if it is low you would bruise easier.  I wouldn't be that worried, everyone is different as you said, everyone is different,, but it was just a thought I had.  I bruised way more when I wasn't taking iron.  Also, I have found that hemorrhoid cream works really well for bruises, better than arnica.

  • VinterVild

    March 13, 2011 at 1:52 am

    I bruise badly and I am into my fifth month. I guess some bruise more easily, I get bruises from everything, not only poleing, while a girl in my pole class barely gets red.

    If you worry go and get your vitals checked, but some are more prone to bruising than others.

  • Later

    March 13, 2011 at 11:47 am

    Thanks ladies, I think I will go get checked just to be sure. I do take iron pills and multivitamins but I also have an auto immune disease and take thyroid pills so that very well could have a lot to do with it as well. All I know is pole dance is not only my hobby its my passion now and I dont want to quit because of some stupid bruises

  • VinterVild

    March 14, 2011 at 5:34 am

    I'm sure you don't have to quite because of bruises 🙂

    I do moves even if I have bruises there, either that or I'll never get to do anything 😛 I also eat thyroid pills, had my thyroid gland removed a few years back. Never thought of a connection.. Iäll ask my doctor when I see her the next time 🙂

  • monica kay

    March 14, 2011 at 1:22 pm

    i've been poling for over a year and still bruise.  I had a physical in february and the doctor said that all my tests came back normal- including my iron level.  my legs are covered in bruises and ribcage and hips frequently will have a bruise or two.  i think that it's just the way my body is.  When i dance, i guess I'm too hard on my body.  If I were to be more careful, perhaps I would get less bruises.  My skin is super white too, so the bruises show up- in the summer i hope getting a tan will make my bruises less prominent.

  • pink bubbles

    March 15, 2011 at 3:00 am

    Hi Savy,

    I've been poling for 6 months now and still bruise especially when working on a new move. I guess it's got to do with the skin not been used to being pressed and banged in a new area…

    I carry arnica gel (the one that has no alcohol in it) in my sports bag and put some on my bruises and the places I think might bruise or swell up, right after my pole session, it prevents them to get bigger and prevents for any bumps to appear and hurt.

    I also "eat" arnica 3 to 5 times a day depending how bad I banged myself, I think it's homepathy, the arnica comes in really tiny tiny white "balls" and the combination of this and the gel helps A LOT with the bruising and the pain.

    Granted, my skin is darker than yours, but I really did tend to bruise a lot when I just started poling.

    Hope that helps

  • HollySatine

    March 15, 2011 at 9:24 am

    I've been poling for 6 or 7 months now and still get bruised every time I pole, but it's always the worst when I'm working on a new move or doing a lot of floorwork.  I don't think it's anything to worry about if you know you're healthy otherwise.  I've never used arnica but I'm planning on trying it – although I'm not sure how well it will work since I have really pale skin which I don't think helps…

  • heathalynne

    March 15, 2011 at 12:13 pm

    It's not so much anemia or any blood levels or skin toughening. It's about control on the pole. The longer your practice, the more you learn to control your transitions and tricks onto the pole, the less you bruise. You may not realize it but you're putting more pressure on the bony parts of your body (i.e. top of your feet, side of your forearm, shins, etc.) instead of on the proper muscles or contact points. 

    Then there are certain moves you are bound to get bruises, even with full control, like the allegra. Or if you bruise easily, then even with control, you'll still bruise.

    I recently got a really bad bruise from outside/inside switches b/c I put too much pressure on my hip bone instead of my flank area. Then decided to do antigravity a couple days later. NOT a good idea btw. lol!

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