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40mm and hand size
Posted by Dazy on May 1, 2012 at 8:57 amHI everyone,
I have a 50mm xpert that I like (altho the joints are all distorted and I cant even get the darned thing down lol) and am interested in getting a smaller pole. Was wondering if anyone with big hands (which I have lol) would have trouble on a 40mm. I was thinking about the 45 but then realized that xpole now has a 40mm. Thoughts? Thanks!!
NinaPoles replied 12 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
I have small hands, but you can look at my pics of the 3 pole sizes to compare what your hand would look like on the pole.
Thanks Sensual, that helps! I think the 40 may be too small for my hands, think I'll go for the 45 🙂
i was just on a 40mm for the first time, and in my mind, (coming from being used to a 50mm as well) i'd rather have a 45 unelss i was planning to do a TON of spin pole.
The 40mm was bigger for me than I expected it to be. My hands STILL don't go the full way around it but I love it and it's far better for me for hand grip. If you already have bigger hands though maybe get the 45mm. If you're not having any major grip issues with the 50mm as it is, you'll probably find your grip on the 45mm to be amaaaazing! Enjoy
This is my (tiny) hand around a 40mm.
i have just gone from 50mm to 40mm iv had my 50 for three years now n never had issues but felt like a change n cus id taken a break from pole n lost my pole-jo i thought a new pole might give me a kick in the right direction anyhoooo im still getting used to it grip wise n im finding im gripping to tight cus im used to bigger .i have found it warms quicker tho(im only guessing its cus its thinner ) n with uk weather this is a bonus ,it still dont feel right doing anything like handsprings on its like there isnt enough there to push pull against but its still very new n in my time away from pole i became a wimp so think its a mixture of both .i was originally going to get the 45 but it was out of stock at the time n i knew id end up wanting the 40mm aswell cus its all new plus i couldnt wait 3 weeks for more stock lol so altho im having issues adjusting i dont regret getting the 40 in any way n im hoping it helps with moves where u need to wrap round the pole like ballerinas ect less to bend round 🙂 a new pole is always gonna put a smile on a face regardless so enjoy :-)xxxxx
ps my kiddies with tiny hands have no issues with either nore does my brother with mahooosive hands
My skinny legs loooove doing everything from leg hangs to Marley on the 40mm!:P I really like the grip for spins as well, but still prefer the 45mm overall, since I can't do cross ankle release or any tricks that require thigh-squeezing at all on 40mm.. 🙂 I've completely stopped using the 50mms at the studio, which kinda sucks since that's what I have at home..
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