Forums Discussions ACE is no joke!!

  • ACE is no joke!!

    Posted by PaulettePoles on January 18, 2012 at 4:25 am

    I just started my ACE training. Was just wondering if any of you certified ladies out there had any tips. Im working through ACE's Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals. I feel like I'm in nursing school all over again. A lot of the concepts I am familiar with already as a registered nurse, but I can see where this would be some heavy duty info for the average person! Having seen and started the curriculum, hats off to all you ace certified trainers! This is a lot of info and a lot of knowledge to soak up. Enjoying it thus far, but would appreciate any tips any of you who have ben through the curriculum would have to ad. Thanks in advance!

    MaliciousMynx replied 12 years, 1 month ago 14 Members · 44 Replies
  • 44 Replies
  • HollySatine

    January 18, 2012 at 7:08 am

    Me too!!!  I'm going to start this semester if I have any extra time – if not, definitely this summer.  I'd also love any tips.  Best of luck with your training!!! 🙂

  • Dancing Paws

    January 18, 2012 at 10:53 am

    Haha, I got my materials this summer. Read through that book twice. Haven't picked it up in months. I need to get back in gear.

  • Dancing Paws

    January 18, 2012 at 11:27 am

    I also feel the same way Paulette. Some of the information is familiar, but it is still alot of info despite me having majored in biology and taken a course in phlebotomy. I never did take anatomy though…

  • chumpchkin

    January 18, 2012 at 12:08 pm

    I was going to get my materials soon. I haven't really studied any related subjects–am I going to be able to get through it??

  • Dancing Paws

    January 18, 2012 at 12:20 pm

    As with ANY subject, if you study hard, you will be fine. My method for studying it has been this: read the chapter, type up all the definitions, read the same chapter AGAIN, do the exercises in the back of the book, move onto the next chapter and repeat. Now that I am through the 1st book I plan on going through all the definitions, exercises and flash cards to really get the concepts before I move onto the group fitness book. I will do the same thing with the group fitness book.

    One thing that helped me in college to understand things like the metabolic pathways was to take a dry erase board and just draw them over and over and over again. Flash cards can help too. It might be helpful to print out the different anatomy pix, laminate them, then label them over and over again with a dry erase pen.  I tend to be a crazy studier, so you may find my method excessive… I truly believe that if you can draw it and label it, you wil learn it better. Just trying to memorize things isn't as effective (it will fall out of your head faster that way.)

  • Veena

    January 18, 2012 at 9:47 pm

    I like what ACE offers! I've been certified through them for about 10 yrs! Here is what I used, The Anatomy Coloring Book I am a very visual learner so being able to spend time coloring the muscles was helpful….and fun! LOL. Oh and studing in the bath has always worked well for me…not sure why. lol  

    You've just reminded me, I have a continuing Ed coarse I HAVE to finish soooooon! Off I go to study

  • LindaLu

    January 18, 2012 at 10:54 pm

    I actually just passed the ACE Personal Trainer test today, and passed the Group Fitness Instructor test in Decemeber.  I found that most of the test was based on the manual and not the anatomy books. Even so, I would definitely study the whole thing, it helps with the manual. Mainly, be sure you have a very good understanding of the heart, the rotator cuff, the leg muscles, and back issues and what muscles are tight or weak in those.

    To help me remember the muscles I labled my son's body with a washable marker.  It gave him some attention and helped me study at the same time.

    Are you doing GFI or PT?  I was surprised at how many questions about music I had on the GFI test and equally as surprised at how many I had on nutrition on the PT test.



  • tarah

    January 18, 2012 at 11:13 pm

    it sounds similar to massage therapy exam content.  i've had to take two different state exams, and it's always anatomy, anatomy, and more anatomy! 

    @chumpchkin – i don't think you will have any problem, you are used to studying!   🙂

  • PaulettePoles

    January 19, 2012 at 4:01 am

    Im taking the GFI right now. thanks Veena for the coloringbook tip- I am also very visual- but at the same time- a very kinesthetic learner- having a buddy and marker s may work good for me too- I love the flash cards that came w the set too. Im one  those epole peeps who get in trouble- I watch a move- cant get in my head and have to jump on and move through the whole thing to figure it out. Gotta feel it. What are you dooing your cont ed onVeena? Ijust did 30 hours for my RN license- all on dementia so nothing that will help me here! lol

    @chumchkin- Im already an RN so Im familiar w a lot of the concepts- but I still think you would do fine w diligent application. I had no background when I enetered nursing school- It was fast paced and I absorbed the info. You have a year w tyhis curriculum so you can break it down at your own pace. I just got anemail from ace and they said ch 1 which is a lot of anatomy- to break the sections into weeks and move on to the next chapter- not to get stuck there- so one week focus on leg muscles, next review leg and add back, etc.. till you eventually have it all.

    @Lindalu- congrats! You did both- good for you!! Thanks for the tips. I havent started the manual as of yet- interesting about the music- Thanks for the tips. I was a cardiac nurse so the heart I love, thank God! Anatomy is coming back- Worked for neurosurgeons so I was pretty good at brain and back and nerve paths but need ot brush up on the rest.

     guess i was just surprised in general how much real info is in here- I have much more respect for ace certified trainers having seen the course material.

    @Tarah- my cousin went through the massage therapy training- she had a tough time w all the anatomy but in the end passed. I was her "model" for a school a lot.. poor me. haha

    Oh- and good luch Holly!! Ill probably be done when you start so if you need any help- Ill be here!!

  • pegasusaerialfitness

    January 19, 2012 at 7:45 am

    I love the book "anatomy of movement" and the anatomy coloring book that Veena mentioned. What Ilove about the "AofM" book is that you have pictures of people and the actions of the muscle and movement, origan and insertion..stuf like that. What I love about the ACB is that you will really know the size and shape and get a real sense of the origans and insertion again, (it also has the "planes" in the front of the book…Know that for sure Oh…the flash cards are awesome too.

    If you can visualize the body as first a skeleton, then with the muscles, then you can "see" how they work and the WAY they work. If you know the planes of the body then it will be easier to say know that it is "medial aspect" or "anterior" or whatever. It gives you a way to break it down. Like when you are standing and you bend your knee back and pull your heel towards your bum…that's hip extension, knee flexion, and planter flexion at the ankle joint.

    I also you to slowly walk and talk myself through the movement…like this move I would say when I run my back leg in extending at the hip…touch the front of my hip…I am using my hamstrings to flex my knee as I bend it…and touch the back of the leg..find the bony landmarks for the origan and insertion adn say what type of contraction it was. In the hip flexor it is an eccentric…in the hamstring it is concentric..Like that…

    This way you are using all your senses to get it into your"head" and since you are very kinectic it will help. Make a unny story up too.

    Like the rotator cuff is called the "SITS" muscle..Know it in your sleep. 

    I also used to right the name of what I was learning about 100-200 times at least….so I had the spelling down. often the name has some great tools to figure out what and where it is. 

    I found that my Nursing A and P didnt really help with my fitness stuff, I am also a Massage Therapist…(not active) but that was different anatomy too. 

    When you do the coloring book…go through the ace and just pick the muscles they want you to know…otherwise it will take you a lifetime to get through that book. The flash cards too…just pick what Ace wants you to know.

    If you get a chance take a fitness related A and P course. I went through the USCD extentiosn program for Personal Trainers and it helped a lot witht the fitness stuff. 

  • Veena

    January 19, 2012 at 8:21 am

    @ Paulettepoles I'm doing Adult beginner ballet!!!

    @Pegasusaerial…you mean I didn't have to color the penis?!? just kidding. Yeah, only worry about coloring, the major muscle groups. Unless you really want to color the penis.

  • Dancing Paws

    January 19, 2012 at 10:23 am

    I might just have to invest in that coloring book. I'd be one to color the peenie too…

  • pegasusaerialfitness

    January 19, 2012 at 10:51 am

    would that be Penimaximus on the anterior posterior ascpect?..ha Ha..too funny you guys!

  • pegasusaerialfitness

    January 19, 2012 at 10:52 am

    sorry Paulette:) had to get a little giggle in:D

  • Dancing Paws

    January 19, 2012 at 11:04 am

    pegasus – Your nerd is showing 🙂

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