Forums Discussions AC Joint Injury? (aka. I’m a moron)

  • AC Joint Injury? (aka. I’m a moron)

    Posted by Casi on May 3, 2015 at 12:11 am

    I looked for this type of injury in the archive, but couldn’t find anything specific to it. Basically, I was a complete moron last week, poled drunk at a party on a slippery pole, and fell more times (and in more dramatic fashion) that I have in my 13 months of poling. I woke up in the morning with a throbbing shoulder that hurt to move. From what I’ve found online, I think it’s an AC joint injury (a relatively minor one because there is no visual deformity). I’ve given it complete rest for a week, as well as some physical therapy. It’s still tender to the touch on the top front of my mid-shoulder, with some radiating pain to the end of the shoulder, and regular pain doing certain movements such as attaching a bra or pulling shirts on and off. It also gets really stiff and feels as if scar tissue is making it temporarily less flexible. Has anyone else injured their shoulder this way? I’m even more frustrated with myself because I was just recovering from a pulled back muscle and then did this to myself out of sheer stupidity. I’d love to know if anyone else has had something similar and how long it took to heal. And yeah, I know, poling drunk is a capitally stupid idea. It’s the first time I’ve done it and will hopefully be the last. Unfortunately my love of pole does not diminish when drunk, only my good judgement.

    Phoenix Hunter replied 9 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Lucca Valentine

    May 3, 2015 at 1:34 am

    I haven’t had this I jury personally, but helped my old room mate recover from his. I would really really go to a doctor if you can….physical therapy is incredibly helpful, if not necessary in this type of injury. Complete immobilization for a period of time is recommended for a MINIMUM of one week in the most MINOR form of this injury. Unfortunately, since ac joint injuries involve mostly ligaments there is not a lot of blood flow to the injury site, which means these are notoriously slow healing injuries. Even with a minor ac joint injury it is probably advisable to stay off the pole for at least six weeks or so. Overhead movement is basically THE most irritating movement for this injury. My roommates was rather severe (he was hit by a car and experienced fill separation), so I can’t fully compare, but PT would be beneficial in keeping range of motion and limiting scar tissue build up through passive movement, then training the proper muscles once you are ready for that step. You moving the joint on your own will recruit compensatory movement patterns kind of regardless of how much you don’t want to, which may worsen the problem and turn it into a chronic one…it seems overkill, but the smallest of injuries can turn into lifelong pains on the ass if ignored. please see a doc if you can, preferably one specializing in sports medicine considering you pole which is a highly athletic endeavor. Good luck

  • Phoenix Hunter

    May 3, 2015 at 1:36 am

    you might need to get an x-ray. you could possibly have a fractured clavicle or rib. also, an AC joint can separate and require surgery to fix. I dont know. but if it’s been a week and you tender to the touch and having problems moving you might need to see a doctor if you havent already. hope you are feeling better soon.

  • Casi

    May 3, 2015 at 6:43 am

    Hey guys, thanks so much for sharing what you know about this type of injury. It’s good to know how serious even the mildest form of AC strain can be, since it doesn’t hurt all the time and didn’t seem that bad. I also appreciate the info about lack of blood flow making healing a challenge. You’ve convinced me, and I’ll try to see a doctor tomorrow. I really hope it doesn’t require immobilization, since I won’t be able to work. But, it’s true that because I have to carry heavy equipment on the job, I do keep accidentally irritating my shoulder injury, and before that my back strain (I did go see the doc for that after a week, and now, two weeks later, it feels healed). I want to recover as quickly as possible, so I’ll make an appointment ASAP to confirm diagnosis and see what steps I need to heal. Maybe with luck it could be some more minor form of injury that affects the same area. Thanks!

  • Phoenix Hunter

    May 3, 2015 at 2:19 pm

    Hopefully its just a bad internal bruise that will heal quickly. either way, you will feel better knowing for sure what it is after seeing the doctor so you can get healed. 🙂

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